Unusual symptoms of colon cancer that we have been ignoring for years
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Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer. It also ranks high in terms of mortality. It is difficult to diagnose in its early stages because the symptoms of this disease are easily overlooked or ignored. Weight loss and the presence of blood in the stool are some of them. What else may be evidence of a developing colorectal cancer? What signals does the body give?

  1. Colorectal cancer develops very slowly and is usually asymptomatic at first
  2. When fatigue and abdominal pain are accompanied by rectal bleeding, you should see a specialist as soon as possible
  3. In order to prevent the development of cancer, you need to follow certain guidelines, including restricting smoking and alcohol consumption
  4. In the detection of colorectal cancer, per rectum examination, morphology and colonoscopy are helpful
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Colorectal cancer – characteristics

Colorectal cancer is a malignant epithelial tumor that originates in the lining of the intestine. It exhibits irreversible and atypical features that result from gene mutations.

This type of abnormality is caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the caecum, descending colon, ascending colon or rectum (segments of the large intestine). They can affect the submucosa, mucosa and serosa, as well as muscles. If the infiltrates occur deeper into the intestinal layers, it makes the tumor more aggressive.

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The first symptoms of colon cancer

The first symptoms of colorectal cancer can often be mistaken for symptoms of other ailments. These include: food poisoning, hemorrhoids, food allergies. The development of this neoplasm occurs very slowly, and due to the fact that it does not appear at first, it is difficult to diagnose it. For this reason, many people ignore the first signs and, according to statistics, it is this type of cancer that is one of the most common types of cancer.

The disease affects every part of the intestine, but most often develops in the rectum (in over 70% of cases). On the rectal examination, the area is easily felt for lumps.

  1. Rectal examination – preparation and course. Changes in the anus area

Colorectal cancer has slightly different symptoms depending on its location, but the most common symptoms are:

  1. blood in the stools or occult bleeding into the lumen of the large intestine, which may lead to anemia
  2. feeling of incomplete bowel movement
  3. disturbance of the bowel movement rhythm – constipation and persistent diarrhea
  4. recurring rectal bleeding
  5. a palpable tumor in the abdomen
  6. severe stomach pain with retention of stools and gas
  7. inability to defecate
  8. nausea
  9. weight loss, weakness, loss of appetite (usually occurring in the advanced stages of the disease).

Do you want to check if your intestines are in good condition? See the offer of home and mail order tests for the diagnosis of intestinal diseases, which you can order on Medonet Market.

Symptoms of colon cancer: iron deficiency anemia

As a rule, cancer is detected as a result of routine laboratory tests that are performed for other reasons. For example, iron deficiency anemia is one of the initial symptoms of colorectal cancer. It is diagnosed by morphology, which is most often ordered by the family doctor. The tumor bleeds into the lumen of the digestive tract and causes anemia. As the cancer grows, you may feel fatigue, weakness, and pale skin.

It is worth having preventive blood tests for anemia once a year. At Medonet Market, you can buy the Anemia Diagnostics package – an anemia testing package in two variants: home blood collection in a patient or in one of over 500 facilities in the country.

Symptoms of colon cancer: rectal bleeding

Rectal bleeding is another symptom of colorectal cancer. It comes to him if the tumor occurs close to the anus. On the other hand, when the outgrowths are located a little deeper, the blood is usually not visible. If anemia occurs in a person over 50 years of age, a fecal occult blood test should be performed.

After receiving a positive result, it is necessary to undergo the next diagnostic stage, namely go to a colonoscopy. It makes it possible to locate changes within the digestive system along the entire length of the large intestine.

  1. Colonoscopy – how to prepare for the procedure? [WE EXPLAIN]

Colon cancer symptoms: constant fatigue

Fatigue may be another symptom of colon cancer. As a rule, it is an ignored symptom because it is not necessarily associated with serious health problems. Many people also feel weak when they are healthy, if only because of a sleep deficit.

  1. Do you often feel tired? Reach for Do! Magnesium – reduction of tiredness and weariness DO-BEST.

However, if this occurs despite a balanced diet and adequate sleep, and you have other symptoms of colorectal cancer, it is best to see your doctor. Cancer cells cause fatigue because they extract energy from the body.

Symptoms of colon cancer: abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is one of the obvious and common symptoms of abnormalities in the digestive system, including the large intestine. Abdominal cramps can alert you to developing Crohn’s disease (also known as Crohn’s disease) or colitis, which are inflammations of the large intestine.

For digestive problems and abdominal pain, we recommend Calm Stomach – Panaseus Panaseus dietary supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The more intense pains in this part of the body also herald the cancer process.

Symptoms of colon cancer: constipation and flatulence

If there is a change in bowel movements, it may also be a sign of cancer in this part of the body. Most often, people who have previously been defecating every morning suddenly feel the need to defecate several times a day or even at night. Recurrent diarrhea, constipation, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement signal rectal cancer.

These symptoms may worsen, which is associated with progressive tumor cell infiltration. They cause a slow narrowing of the intestinal lumen, and then inhibition of its patency.

  1. In the case of constipation, flatulence or non-cancer-related gas, we recommend dietary supplements for intestinal problems, which you can find at great prices on Medonet Market.

Factors that increase the risk of colon cancer

Cancer in this part of the intestine usually occurs because of mutations in the genes or an increased family risk of developing cancer. The other reasons are not related to inheritance, but are equally important. Factors that increase your risk of developing colorectal cancer include:

  1. age
  2. ulcerative colitis
  3. the presence of adenomas in the large intestine
  4. Crohn’s disease
  5. heavy smoking and alcohol consumption
  6. infection with faecal streptococcus
  7. obesity
  8. a diet high in meat and fat and low in fiber.

Family diseases account for only 30 percent. In all cases, and in most cases, the development of colorectal cancer is due to environmental factors.

Perform the cancer e-packet for men – extended genetic tests and see if you belong to the risk group.

How is colon cancer diagnosed?

In order to diagnose colorectal cancer, a basic examination called a colonoscopy should be performed. It allows for a thorough examination of the interior (light) of the intestine, as well as the collection of specimens for histopathological examination, which are the basis for the final diagnosis. In addition, during colonoscopy, precancerous lesions (if any) can be removed. Routine abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography help find metastases in other organs.

In the early stages, colon cancer develops without symptoms. That is why regular preventive examinations are so important. One of them is the M2PK mail-order study – diagnostics of colorectal cancer, available on Medonet Market. It is recommended to do them once a year.

However, it is worth remembering that in the case of colorectal cancer, a few additional tests, such as a blood count, should be performed so that anemia can be detected. In addition, there is a non-specific tumor marker, which is tested in the patient’s blood – the so-called carcino-fetal antigen (CEA). It is not important in making a diagnosis, but is used to track treatment success. It should also be taken into account in the event of possible relapses of the disease.

A fecal shipment test for calprotectin can help diagnose colorectal cancer.

  1. “You will sooner die of a heart attack than of this cancer.” Ewelina, 31, suffers from colorectal cancer

Prevention in colorectal cancer – what diet?

You can reduce your risk of developing colorectal cancer by following certain guidelines. Up to about 60 percent. cases occur because of an incorrect diet. Therefore, avoid excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking tobacco products. Above all, you must also be careful that the daily menu is not full of red, highly processed meat. It is rich in saturated fatty acids, nitrites and salts, and its production is associated with the formation of carcinogenic substances (aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines).

It is the dishes that are salty and contain saturated fatty acids that increase the level of the bad LDL cholesterol fraction. This, in turn, contributes to obesity, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and heart attack. According to research, people who eat fatty meals or meat every day are at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer (three times higher than those who eat a diet rich in vegetables and low in meat). Therefore, you should limit this product, and preferably choose poultry products (turkey or chicken) that are rich in easily digestible protein.

In addition, it is recommended to consume eggs, legumes (depending on the patient’s tolerance), as well as fish, grains and unmodified soy products. As for fats, they should be taken in limited amounts, as excess fat can lead to the development of many metabolic diseases and worsen the condition of cancer. In particular, it is advisable to eat unsaturated fatty acids. Including fish in your daily menu at least 3 times a week has a positive effect on your health.

Colorectal cancer is a very serious disease, most often ending in death. It is not worth underestimating the symptoms, especially when there are many of them at the same time. Fatigue, anemia, rectal bleeding, a general lack of strength, and a disturbed bowel rhythm are some of the symptoms that alert people to digestive abnormalities. You should also be aware of check-ups such as morphology or colonoscopy. They are helpful in diagnosis and can prevent the cancer from getting worse.

In health prophylaxis, you should follow certain recommendations – lead an active lifestyle and eat properly balanced meals.

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