Unusual symptoms of atherosclerosis. They appear many years ahead of the rest

Atherosclerosis is an insidious disease that may be asymptomatic for many years. Sometimes we also disregard its symptoms because they are not obvious. This is a serious mistake. Untreated atherosclerosis can lead to serious complications. What should we pay attention to? What signals can the body send us? We advise.

  1. Atherosclerosis is an insidious disease that may be asymptomatic for years
  2. Some of the symptoms of this disease are very unclear. The patient rarely associates them with atherosclerosis
  3. Unusual symptoms of atherosclerosis include the characteristic shape of the ears or erection problems
  4. Untreated atherosclerosis can lead to a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Atherosclerotic changes may be present in our body already in childhood. They are gaining momentum over the years. However, they do not always make themselves felt. On the contrary. For many years, we may not be aware that our body is developing this dangerous disease.

Why is it so important to diagnose atherosclerosis in time? Untreated, it can lead to a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure or hypertension, among others.

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Symptoms of atherosclerosis that are easy to overlook

  1. Pain in the calves

It occurs mainly when walking, while when resting it is almost imperceptible. These symptoms are called intermittent claudication. They may indicate that we suffer from arteriosclerosis of the lower limbs.

«The calves become numb, there is pain that forces the patient to stop. When blood circulation improves, the patient can move on. It is characteristic that the patient goes >> in installments << and makes stops to reduce the pain "- explains Dr. Beata Poprawa, internist, cardiologist, head of the Multispecialist County Hospital in Tarnowskie Góry in an interview with portal.abczdrowie.pl.

In addition to the pain in the calves, we can also notice a weakened feeling in the feet. They can also be cold and pale. This is due to the narrowing of the arteries, resulting in a deterioration of blood supply.

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  1. Folding ears

It may come as a surprise to some people, but the shape of the ears tells a lot about our health. This has been proven by scientists from Israel, among others. They examined 241 people suffering from atherosclerosis. They found that 3/4 of them developed an ear shape called the Frank sign. It is about vertical crushing of the auricle.

  1. Erection problems

This is one of the symptoms that is very rarely associated with atherosclerosis. Men do not even suppose that this could mean that their body is developing a serious disease. Where does this symptom come from? Atherosclerosis destroys the walls of blood vessels. This makes it more difficult for blood to flow to the right places. It turns out that erectile dysfunction is one of the earliest symptoms of atherosclerosis. It can appear up to five years before the rest of the symptoms.

  1. Abdominal pain

This is another symptom that may be ignored and downplayed. Usually, it seems to us that the stomach ache is caused by a poor diet or food poisoning. In fact, it may be the result of narrowing of the abdominal aorta and atherosclerosis of the mesenteric and renal arteries. How to recognize it? This stomach pain usually occurs after a meal. Most often it is also accompanied by nausea.

«We call it abdominal angina. This is a situation in which we are dealing with atherosclerosis of the arteries that supply blood to the intestines. Ailments appear when the patient is after a heavy meal and the intestines work harder. There are abdominal pain and even diarrhea. The consequences can be very serious – intestinal necrosis can even lead to death »- the expert warns.

What else should we pay attention to? If we are constantly tired, short of breath or notice a decline in condition, it may mean that we suffer from atherosclerosis. «Problems with concentration and remembering may arise. If we notice dizziness, a feeling of numbness in the face, weakness in the arms or legs, deterioration of eyesight, it may already be a sign of an advanced atherosclerotic process »- adds Dr. Poprawa.

In addition, we should also pay attention to the appearance of our skin. Atherosclerosis can also manifest itself there. What should attract our attention? The so-called Yellow tufts, i.e. cholesterol deposits. These are lumps that can usually be seen around the eyelids or on the chest.

If you notice any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate and see your doctor. At Medonet Market you can buy the “Atherosclerosis Diagnostics” blood test panel, thanks to which you can check the condition of the arteries.

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