The greatest risk of having a metallic taste in the mouth is esophageal cancer. Most of us do not have such powerful reasons to worry, most often this symptom indicates inflammation or diseases of the salivary glands.
An unpleasant taste in the mouth should be consulted with a doctor who will definitely determine the real source of this ailment.
Causes of a metallic taste
- Granulomas are a symptom of sarcoidosis, i.e. small inflammatory papules usually located on the lungs or lymph nodes. This disease, although it attacks the immune system, is not easy to diagnose, as it usually does not show any characteristic changes. It is necessary to determine it by X-ray of the lungs, checking the level of calcium in the blood and a biopsy of the lymph nodes.
- Metallic aftertaste in the mouth is an early and unusual symptom of pregnancy. Over time, it may be accompanied by heartburn. The source of unpleasant sensations can be vitamin preparations and some drugs that we take in the form of coated tablets, but in most cases hormonal changes are to blame. In the first months of pregnancy, they have a strong effect on the taste buds. Along with the metallic taste, there is increased salivation. By neutralizing the pH in the mouth, we can effectively get rid of this problem, e.g. by tasting sour candy or drinking lemon juice.
- Absorption disorders are sometimes associated with incorrect absorption of potassium, it happens that it is accompanied by muscle cramps, numbness of the limbs, cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions. Since excess potassium is dangerous for us, in case of suspicion, we should contact a doctor. On the other hand, too much vitamin D, apart from an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, manifests itself in unquenchable thirst, headaches, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating and itching of the skin.
- Oral mycosis associated with a white coating on the tongue and buccal mucosa. Susceptible to it in particular are diabetes and people after antibiotic therapy, which deregulate the work of defense mechanisms. This disease causes pain and burning in the throat and esophagus. Susceptibility to mycosis increases the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes as well as insufficient oral hygiene.
- Another not uncommon possibility is chromium supplementation poisoning. Expecting instant results in slimming, wanting to curb the appetite for sweet snacks, we often abuse this element, both temporarily and quantitatively. Unfortunately, this can lead to deplorable consequences manifested, for example, in kidney damage or intestinal inflammation.