What a show the young dad put on when he took his wife and newborn daughter home! Here one can only envy.
It would seem that today’s mothers cannot be surprised by anything. In honor of their discharge from the hospital, fireworks are arranged, Mercedes and limousines are driven to the entrance, millions of colored balloons are launched into the sky. And then all this riot of colors, colors and emotions are posted on the Internet, where some netizens actively comment on what happened, while others criticize … But not this time. The video, which the Sharypov couple posted on social networks, did not leave indifferent. And even nerds and eternal haters this time did not find anything to complain about. The fact is that Roman did not come up with just an extract, but developed a real script with actors and sets. Taking his wife and newborn daughter, the happy father took them out of town. And then … On the side of the road in advance he placed his friends, who were holding white balloons and bright posters with the inscriptions: “I love you”, “Angel girl”, “Goddess wife” and so on. As soon as the car drove up, the “volunteer” released balloons into the sky. Out of the box and nice.
In the background, you can hear that Roman’s wife is so moved that she cannot hold back her tears. By the way, this is not the only gift that dad made for the newborn. The day before, he asked subscribers to evaluate the interior of a country house, which he also built for his daughter. Judging by the comments, the surprise was a success here too. Now everyone is wondering what present little Vera will expect on her first birthday and other important dates?
This is how a bedroom looks like in a new house.
Yes, you cannot reproach such a man, they say, “you do not appreciate me.” Maybe he will also get up to the child at night? Then this is not a husband at all, but gold, and there is no price for him. How do you like this discharge scenario?