The flowering period ends, you don’t need to have animals in the house. But what if an allergy has arisen for something without which it seems impossible to live? Science knows such cases as well.
Allergy is a state of increased sensitivity of the body to a certain substance (allergen), which develops upon repeated exposure. But it happens that allergens are produced by the body itself, causing the rejection of any external influence. And then you can hear …
Remove the water!
Aquatic urticaria is extremely rare. It manifests itself as usual, irritation of the mucous membranes, skin rashes, general malaise, etc. In this case, the reaction occurs not only from contact with water, but even from sweat that has appeared on the body.
I do not drink alcohol!
The causes of allergy to young wine were studied for a long time, until, finally, doctors came to the conclusion that the fault was … wasp and bee venom. As it turned out, a small amount of wasp venom was found in the alcohol samples, the proteins of which became the cause of the disease. If you are intolerant to bee products, choose aged wine. This is safe for allergy sufferers, because the proteins of the wasp venom are destroyed within a few weeks.
Money? Into the wind!
After the introduction in Europe of new coins in denominations of 1 and 2 euros, it turned out that the nickel contained in them causes intolerance in some people. The disease has even received the name “Euroallergy”. In Italy, cases of intolerance and paper euros were recorded (however, it was not possible to establish the true allergen then).
Only without kisses!
Allergy to
Do not offer sex!
Allergy to sperm of a sexual partner is not such a rare disease. It is manifested by a quite tangible and unpleasant feeling of burning and itching in the genital area, in rare cases breathing can be difficult. But you can accustom your body to your partner’s sperm by placing samples in the vagina, first in a diluted state, and then gradually increasing the concentration. Doctors recommend complementing the procedures with sexual contacts at least 2-3 times a week.
Scientists have found that the body can be accustomed to the source of allergies and thus get rid of the disease. But the specific dates, for example, how long you need to stay in the company of a cat to stop sneezing, have not yet been established by science.
Unusual treatment methods
Antihistamines only relieve the symptoms of intolerance and act for a limited time. Scientists concluded: allergies need to be treated, and they came up with a reliable method – specific immunotherapy (SIT). The principle is based on the fact that the body is gradually accustomed to the effects of the allergen until the reaction is minimized. But there are some drawbacks in this development: the process can last as long as you like. Alas, there are no clear recommendations, for example, how long you need to stay in the company of a cat to stop sneezing. Therefore, scientists continue to search for, and sometimes find very unusual solutions …
Researchers on this continent have found that irradiation of a person suffering from allergic bronchial asthma with ultraviolet light 15-30 minutes before contact with an irritant significantly reduces the intensity of the body’s reaction. Scientists are now looking for a balance between the need for frequent exposure to the sun and the risk of getting skin cancer from it.
Here scientists have come to grips with saving mankind from hay fever (pollen intolerance). And they found that during kissing in the blood of an allergic person, the level of histamine decreases, which is the cause of intolerance. It has already been experimentally confirmed that 30 minutes of passionate kisses a day make life much easier for sufferers during the spring flowering period.
Chukovsky warned not in vain: “Do not go children to Africa for a walk!”. On this continent, it is babies who suffer from bilharziasis (a disease in which worms from the schistosomatid family settle in the urinary tract and intestines). Studying this problem, scientists have found that patients are significantly less prone to allergic reactions. It turned out that the parasites are very resourceful, they adjust the human immune system to themselves, and it begins to react more adequately to allergens. It remains to determine how the worms do this, and learn how to do without their participation.
North America
Scientists from the United States prefer to use purely scientific achievements, and as a means of combating allergies, they suggested using fullerenes – hollow spherical carbon molecules. They can bind to mast cells and produce histamine, thus blocking its release into tissues.
But Swiss scientists have created a vaccine based on a fragment of the DNA of the causative agent of tuberculosis. It prevents the development of allergic reactions to dust mites, hay fever, and possibly other allergic diseases. The experiment showed that the introduction of the drug increased the tolerance of the subjects to the allergen by almost 100 times. The developers plan to obtain permission to use the vaccine by 2010.