Unusual childbirth in Bydgoszcz. Quadruplets were born

Four puppies were born in Bydgoszcz. Three girls and a boy are doing well.

Quadruplets were born in the Department of Obstetrics, Women’s Diseases and Oncological Obstetrics at the University Hospital. dr. Jan Biziel. They were born on March 3, 2020, in the 31st week of pregnancy. The children are doing well.

The delivery was performed by caesarean section. The first to be born was Dominik, who was the smallest (weighed 1044 g), followed by his sisters – Weronika (1250 g), Marcelina (1400 g) and Olga (1450 g).

  1. Also Find Out: What Happens At 31 Weeks Of Pregnancy?

Newborns are looked after by doctors from the neonatology department. Parents – Anna and Remigiusz Kocowie – have one more daughter, 3-year-old Tosia. The dad of quadruplets confessed that their families had never had multiple pregnancies.

This is not the first quadruplets delivery that doctors from the University Hospital of dr. Jana Biziel in Bydgoszcz. In 2014, four boys were born – Adaś, Piotruś, Bartek and Michaś.

What does caring for a woman with multiple pregnancy look like?

Although it is often said that a multiple pregnancy is synonymous with multiplied happiness, doctors approach this issue in a completely different way. Multiple pregnancies carry a much higher risk, especially of premature birth. In this case, constant gynecological care and regular examinations are very important, which will confirm that the fetuses are developing properly.

This you need to know:

  1. Identical twins, i.e. monozygotic pregnancy
  2. Where do twins and triplets come from?
  3. Prenatal tests – the most important information

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