Unusual allergy symptoms. If you notice them, you’d better not ignore them

Watery runny nose, burning and red eyes, and wheezing these are the most common symptoms of spring pollen allergy. However, people who are allergic also have to deal with less common, non-specific symptoms, such as headaches and dizziness.

Symptoms of allergy may include skin changes or headaches. The most important thing here is repeatability if the reaction occurs systematically under certain circumstances, it may be hypersensitivity Dr. Emilia Majsiak, a specialist in molecular diagnostics of allergies, explains in an interview with Medonet.

Where does the dizziness and headaches come from?

The Eustachian tube is responsible for allergic dizziness. Sometimes it becomes swollen as a result of the body’s reaction. This makes it difficult or impossible, among others draining secretions from the middle ear and equalizing the pressure in the ears. The trumpet is also partly responsible for our sense of balance. When it is difficult for the brain to transmit the right signals from that part of the body, complications arise dizziness and imbalance.

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Allergic dizziness and headaches – counteraction

The simplest solution to dizziness is to undertake allergic treatment and to avoid the sensitizing factor as far as possible. There are also steroid drugs available on the market that reduce swelling and inflammation within the Eustachian tube. However, such medications are available only by prescription. Antihistamines that are freely available can also help. However, if none of these methods help, it is worth considering seeing a doctor.

Four out of ten people have allergy problems

According to the World Allergy Organization, 40 percent. of the world’s population has at least one allergic disease. According to data from the National Health Fund, approximately 12 million people in Poland suffer from allergies. Of which 8 million have rhinitis, and over 4 million are struggling with asthma.

Check if you can be allergic. Perform shipping allergy tests available at Medonet Market.

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