Mother nature gave them extraordinary attractiveness, a special charm that attracts to itself, makes them admire and admire. And these stars looked great in the Hollywood sky, getting everything the creative soul wants. So far, an accidental, but insidious thought has not crept into the minds of capricious creatures spoiled by fame: “Shouldn’t we argue with Mother Nature and fix something, say, in our appearance?”
Glancing once again in the mirror, the stars boldly went to the plastic surgeon’s office in order to eliminate certain “flaws”, which, in their opinion, only spoiled the beauty. Unfortunately, having been under the scalpel, they suddenly discovered that the changes in appearance were not beneficial. On the contrary, they turned into strangers for millions of viewers who were amazed at such a transformation. And as a result of such games with their own nature – the decline of an acting career and oblivion.
The path of the actress to world fame was not strewn with roses. Already at the age of fifteen, she officially abandoned her parents and began an independent life. Rose worked as a waitress to save money for her art college. She dreamed of a career as an actress, of a role that would make her famous. In 1992, she played a small role in The Frozen Californian. This work allowed Rose to “step” into the series “Charmed”, and the image of the charming witch Paige Halliwell won the hearts of viewers for a long time. And then there was a car accident, as a result of which shards of glass injured Rose’s eyelids. Plastic surgeons have done everything possible to restore the appearance of the star actress. Probably, this incident turned Rose McGowan into a hostage of various experiments on her own face. Constant subcutaneous injections have made the star almost unrecognizable. I added my own nasty touches and rhinoplasty. As a result, the reputation of the idol of fans was greatly shaken, because there was no trace of the former charm. However, the directors who stopped inviting Rose to their films also began to doubt now.
In her stellar family (father – actor Joel Gray was an Oscar winner who managed to bypass Al Pacino himself in his nomination), the unusual nose of parents and children was a kind of trademark. He also inherited Jennifer. And I must say that the nose gave the girl’s appearance a special charm, which simply delighted those around her. The director of the film “Dirty Dancing” Emil Ardolino did not doubt the future success of the film when he invited Jennifer Gray to the main role. And paired with Patrick Swayze, she was great on screen. This film, without exaggeration, brought her worldwide fame. Jennifer had great opportunities to pursue a successful career. Until a strange whim crept into her pretty head: once and for all, in the star’s opinion, get rid of a hereditary defect. And she got herself rhinoplasty. What happened next is convincingly evidenced by Jennifer Gray’s revelation: “I entered the operating room as a star, but I came out faceless. It was the devil’s rhinoplasty. I will forever remain a once-shot star, which no one will recognize because of the plastic nose. “
Once she was at such stellar height that she turned down the lead role in the movie “Basic Instinct”. Meg bathed in the rays of glory, did not know the end of invitations from directors to shoot new films. A charming smile peculiar only to her did not leave the face of the actress. But once it seemed to Meg Ryan that with age she might lose attractiveness, the fear of old age made the star feverishly fight this process. And Meg went all out: one plastic surgery followed another. The pursuit of youth ended in tears: at the star parties, a swarm of enthusiastic fans no longer swirled around her. The once bright Hollywood beauty was hardly recognized even by friends. Her face, to the surprise of many, took on masculine features. Naturally, when Meg’s pleasant femininity disappeared, so did the star’s boyfriend. He found himself in the arms of Christie Brinkley, who in her 60s retained her seductive shape and beautiful appearance. The trouble does not come alone: now Hollywood does not see her as an actress capable of playing the desired role. “She did too much to herself. People are shocked because this woman is not like the Meg Ryan we all love so much, ”says surgeon Mark Yousef of the New York clinic.
Literally all the girls on the planet were delirious with the image of a sensual and sexy French woman. Each tried to be like her, dreamed of becoming a clone of Emmanuel. Bear was so pretty that men almost went crazy from the very first appearance in public. And everything would have continued in a stellar spirit, had she not listened to the words of a friend. Claude Sautet, perhaps unknowingly, did her a disservice. In a conversation, he somehow dropped the phrase: they say, only professional actresses have plump and plump lips. With the said, the friend sowed doubt in the soul of an impressionable Frenchwoman. And Emmanuel, despite the arguments of close people who want only the good of Bear, underwent plastic surgery. Thus, she put an end to her popularity and career. We never saw the former original beauty Emmanuelle Bear. Mother nature, who rewarded her with an unusual appearance, simply could not stand the mockery of herself …
Donna Hayward from the acclaimed David Lynch TV series Twin Peaks was the epitome of sophisticated, intelligent beauty. It is not for nothing that the famous Hollywood ladies’ man Jack Nicholson pecked at her charm. He long sought Lara’s love and still recalls with admiration the days that they spent together. Then there was the role of a sexy alien villain in the movie “Men in Black”. And then Lara suddenly disappeared from the field of view of both the audience and the directors. When she reappeared in the world, everyone gasped in unison: it was difficult to recognize the gorgeous Donna from the Twin Peaks series in the puffy woman. And it turned out that the once star actress was passionate about plastic surgery and did not know when to stop. As a result of numerous facelifts, blepharoplasty and other experiments, she lost her former beauty. Although Lara stubbornly refuses to admit this and hopes that she will continue her acting career, which has long been considered almost complete.
The star of the popular TV series Friends once admitted: “Aging is not easy to come to terms with. I tried to cheat time and reverse age-related changes, but I came to the conclusion that this is impossible. Sometimes I look at my photos and think I look terrible. I had to regret some of the decisions I made. ” By some accounts, four facelifts played a fatal role in the future career of Courteney Cox. And many wondered: what did the star actress do to her face? The changed appearance did not benefit Courtney: the former attractiveness vanished, as if Courtney had given way to a completely different woman, in whom it is now difficult to recognize the charming heroine of the Friends series. However, we must pay tribute to her optimism: she again tries to return the charm of the past and even trains according to the famous Tracy Anderson method.
The rare beauty of a young American woman opened all the paths to fame for her. The audience was delighted with the image of the fatal blonde in the films “Smile” and “Night Moves”. Of course, over time, which came on the heels and foreshadowed a farewell to youth, Melanie Griffith had a natural desire to maintain her attractiveness. But she did not find anything better than to be passionate about plastic surgery. It was in vain that Melanie’s husband, the star Antonio Banderas, tried to persuade her to stop constant visits to the surgeon. Griffith was unstoppable. Then she already bitterly confessed to reporters: “I did not realize that things had gone too far until people began to whisper behind their backs:“ My God, what did she do to herself! ” I don’t look like myself anymore. ” About the creative career of the actress today one can only say one thing: she is invited only to voice the characters in the films. And with her husband – Antonio Banderas – she broke up.
And this Oscar winner was not spared by the fashion for plastic surgery. And she also became her next victim. This is eloquently evidenced by the appearance of Rene, who has acquired unusual features. For example, round cheeks with pleasant dimples, typical of an actress’s squinting eyes, have disappeared. And Rene’s high bust and slender figure directly speak of liposuction and breast augmentation surgery. But everyone regrets that the image of the former Rene, a sweet and charming star, has disappeared. Probably, Zellweger herself feels this: after all, creative failures followed the changed appearance of the actress. Directors, accustomed to her former image, are in no hurry to suggest roles. And in the creative career of Rene, there is still a complete calm.