Unsuccessful photoshopped photo of stars

Unsuccessful photoshopped photo of stars

We all know that pictures of celebrities and models of advertising companies are processed. But sometimes we are not talking about light retouching of imperfections on the skin and cellulite, but about the whole build-up of body parts or, conversely, their clumsy “biting off”. And what happens when non-professionals get down to business … It’s scary to think! Although what to think, let’s look at 15 of the most ridiculous photographs … real “professionals” in their field.

Britney Spears, 37, trains hard to look good. She is also helped in this by her lover – bodybuilder and model Sam Asgari, who, by the way, is 12 years younger than the singer. The performer often posts her sports activities and the results of hard training on Instagram.

In one of the pictures, the fans caught the singer using Photoshop. Everything is beautiful in this shot: the perfect star figure, the landscape and the pool. But if you look closely, you can see that under Spears’s waist the side of the pool has disappeared somewhere … I must admit that this retouching is the most harmless one that can be seen in photographs of stars in social networks. You can see this in the pictures below.

It would seem that Svetlana Loboda with her ideal figure does not need photo retouching. But a curious moment in this picture did not escape the attention of the singer’s subscribers. The performer poses in a frank, but no less chic jumpsuit, a carpet-skin is laid on the floor.

Now comes the fun part. The frame shows that the tiles and the doorway are noticeably bent or, as they say in social networks, “floated” … We do not think that this photo would have looked worse if Svetlana Loboda had not used retouching in it.

More than 140 million people follow the life of the youngest of the Kardashians on Instagram. At this rate, 22-year-old Kylie Jenner will soon overtake her sister Kim, also the queen of Instagram. Kylie’s chic forms have repeatedly become the subject of discussion of fans in the comments.

This photo also has something to see and discuss. Celebrity posing in lingerie. Kylie’s flawless body curves echo not only branded lingerie, but also a white curtain in the background. We must pay tribute to the model that she did not delete the photo with an explicit photoshop from the profile. As they say, with whom it does not happen.

Everything is fine in this picture: the tanned Anastasia Volochkova, the beach and the sea. Especially – the sea, which, apparently, got so excited at the sight of a ballerina in a white transparent T-shirt that it literally went in waves.

Anastasia herself does not see anything wrong with such a retouched photo, and fans joke in the comments: “The level of Photoshop skills is Anastasia Volochkova.”

Singer Justin Bieber took part in an advertisement for Calvin Klein lingerie. It was also not without Photoshop.

Bieber’s predecessor was David Beckham, and, as we know, the footballer has the right figure. The creators of the ads simply could not present consumers with a less sexy man and therefore decided to grow Justin everywhere. Yes, yes, everywhere!

The singer has increased not only the muscles of the arms, torso and buttocks, but also his manhood! And everything would be fine if the image had not been included in the network before processing.

The Moschino brand also made a mistake. Advertising for the spring 2015 collection turned out to be not quite what we would like. Yes, there are three beautiful girls on the poster, but sorry, where did the model’s leg get lost, what’s in the center? Logically, the leg bent at the knee should have been visible from behind the girl’s back. But, apparently, the photo processor decided that the detail was superfluous, and simply erased it as unnecessary.

Black actress Kerry Washington starred for the cover of a glossy magazine. When the issue went on sale, the fans of the star were unpleasantly surprised. For some reason, the editors of the publication bleached the actress’s skin!

Carrie herself, apparently, was pleased with the result, as she proudly published the cover on her Instagram.

Victoria’s Secret, the leader in swimwear and lingerie, has been accused of being too fond of Photoshop. The autumn advertising campaign of the brand has become another proof of this.

The model worked so hard on the hips that one half of the priests was left without a characteristic “dimple”. The photo was laughed at by all Facebook users …

Actress and model Zendaya was very surprised when, after another advertising shoot, she saw her photos with adjustments. The girl’s hips were reduced and her legs “slimmed”.

There was no limit to the perturbation of the model. Zendaya got so angry that she posted before and after photos on her Instagram and wrote:

“I was shocked by these changes! This is how unrealistic ideals of beauty are created. I love myself the way I am, and therefore I publish a real photo, I like it. “

The GUESS brand is also lucky with handlers. The craftsmen enlarged the feet of the model Gigi Hadid and deprived her of the nail on her right little toe.

As a result, the girl’s feet turned out to be very large, but her nails … In a word, you see for yourself, they are missing.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush plans to compete for the presidency of the United States in 2016. Jeb’s serious intentions are visible to the naked eye from his advertising campaign, in which one of the white-skinned Bush’s hand suddenly became the hand of an African American!

How could the handlers make such an error? The whole world is racking its brains over this question. Maybe this is not a mistake, but a deliberate statement? They say, I am tolerant, I support African Americans. Or is there something of Obama in me too?

Actress Lidsay Lohan, who has been struggling to get back in shape after years of wild and anti-healthy life, decided to do some Photoshop work. And in vain I did it.

The girl adjusted her legs and ass, so much so that the door in the background floated in a curved zigzag to match the forms of the actress. Only the blind can overlook the processing.

A strange thing happened to the hand of singer Ariana Grande. The girl arranged a photo session in honor of the release of the next single and, for starters, published several photos on Instagram, in which one of the performer’s palm is suspiciously long and huge.

Either the waist or the vision

Actress Tara Reed, in pursuit of thinness, switched from dieting to photoshop. The girl has long been scolded for the wrong way of life, skin and bones are left from the former beauty. But Tara blindly follows her ideals. The actress is sure that you can be beautiful only by being thin. And so it corrects the pictures.

Another attempt to reward herself with feminine curves ended in failure. The girl worked her belly so ineptly that bumps appeared in the center of the waist, and unnatural creases around the edges.

Booty that has lost its elasticity

For the cover of Paper Magazine, Kim completely naked and showcased her outstanding forms to readers. A few weeks later, two pictures of Kim’s cover appeared on social media, one from the magazine and the other from the original. Imagine the surprise of the fans when it turned out that Kim’s buttocks are not as big as they seem!

The photographer retouched the waist, making it look sleeker, enlarged the fifth point and slightly reduced the arms. So much for your outstanding forms!

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