They need to correct this horror on their heads, and immediately!
Every girl has hair problems, and celebrities are no exception. Although, it would seem, with their financial capabilities and an army of stylists, they should always look brand new. Alas, many stars, even on the red carpet, appear in such a way that they want to urgently send them to the nearest beauty salon.
Overgrown roots are the most common problem even for celebrities. Everyone who has lightened their hair at least once knows: literally a week has passed, and the traitorous blackness is already visible at the parting. Thanks to those who introduced ombre and shatush techniques into fashion – thanks to them, the difference between roots and ends is not so noticeable, and a visit to the hairdresser can be postponed for another couple of weeks, or even more.
But some stars neglect a useful and convenient trend, stubbornly lighten their hair almost to white, and then are too lazy to go to the salon. For example, this is a sin Lady Gaga и Haley Baldwin… Although both of them are almost married girls and, apparently, having lassoed their princes, they decided not to spend more time on beauty.
Lady Gaga
Haley Baldwin
Well, older celebrities have another problem – gray hair. And it doesn’t matter if you are blonde or brunette: you can see her on any hair. By the way, white hairs can appear at a relatively early age. There are a lot of reasons for this – from heredity to vitamin deficiency or stress. For example, recently they noticed gray hair in J. Lo, which seems to be still supposed to have a thick and “colored” hair.
Rђ RІRѕS, Gillian Anderson и Sharon Stone, sadly, they turn gray because of their age. And they should visit the master more often so that this fact is not seen so clearly. After all, it’s one thing – completely white hair, like Yasmina Rossi, and another thing – individual disorderly strands that make the image simply unkempt.
Another snag is simply unsuccessful staining. And it seems to be a matter of a couple of hours to fix this, but famous beauties go with eerie hair color for weeks. Do they really like it?
For example, a British fashion designer Pam Hogg out of forty (yes, there are 40 of them!) Blond has chosen the forty-first one – a vulgar bright yellow. BUT Christina Aguilera for a month now she has been walking with a silver blond at the roots of her hair and faded yellow at the ends.
And for some it would not hurt to treat their hair. For example, in Keira Knightley they are so thin and split that they hang like lifeless tow. Surely, a good hairdresser would carry out some procedures to put them in order, but the actress did not bother with this. The same can be said about Michelle Williams, whose unsuccessful short haircut further emphasized that she has practically no hair.
Dakota Johnson it would not hurt to give the bangs, and the hairstyle in general, a shape – simply put, at least trim the hair. Now any styling on it looks strange. Burnt hair Drew Barrymore clearly need a course of professional care. Well, what happens on the head Paris Jacksonis generally difficult to describe. However, in her case, this is forgivable: having moved a little away from the ultra-body positive, the girl only recently started shaving her legs and plucking her eyebrows, so it will take a long time to get her hair done.
These and other stars who should not postpone a visit to the hairdresser are in our photo gallery.