Unravel the dream and prevent illness

It seems to us that we make all decisions in reality. However, it is in a dream that our psyche does the main work, although we do not always remember this after waking up. Why is it important to analyze dreams? Should I believe in “prophetic” dreams and be scared if the frames suddenly become colorless? And if we don’t dream at all, does this mean that something is wrong with us?

“As a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, I pay great attention to dreams. Without this, we cannot analyze the unconscious and communicate with it,” says psychoanalyst Nina Asanova. – Sleep is the concentration of everything that happens in our inner world. In a dream, often something comes that we cannot process in the waking state.

If you correctly decipher the “night film”: with the help of a careful, better professional analysis, you can take important messages from the unconscious and apply them in reality. Sleep is the communication of the unconscious with consciousness in the form of the game “Come on, guess!”. As if we are offered to solve a rebus: who is hiding there, what do you really feel and what desires are you hiding from yourself?


Psychologies: It’s often said, “The dream made me do this.” As if a dream is a message from somewhere above, some kind of instruction that we receive from outside. Should she follow?

Nina Asanova: Any dream is the fulfillment of desires, a combination of unrealized sexual and aggressive desires, a “hallucination of satisfaction.” Sleep gives us the opportunity to see and sometimes feel physically what is already in our sensations and wants to be realized. In the daytime, there is not always a chance for this: fear, unconscious experiences, especially traumatic, unprocessed losses interfere.

How can I make sure that I have “correct”, productive dreams and do not dream “wrong” ones?

Every dream carries a message, even if at first it seems to us unproductive, incomprehensible, delusional. We must unravel its hidden meaning. The person himself creates his dream, everything from the “dream scenario” happened to him in life. Considering that the purpose of the dream is to satisfy our desire, the ground must be prepared for it to receive a discharge.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, dreams can be divided into “good” and “bad”. In order to have a “good” dream, the dream must be prepared. We always dream, but we do not remember everything. Good ones are those dreams that have formed, “condensed” in the brain into islands of memories or satisfaction of desires. Those in which the events are built into an understandable story that can be comprehended by us and passed on to others. We notice the plot and we can unravel it.

In people who are tuned in to understanding the unconscious, repressed inner experiences can turn into an understandable form – a dream.

And “bad” dreams are a collection of impressions, emotions without a definite form, we are not able to retell them. Such dreams are often seen by patients with a certain psychosomatics – they are used to living, reacting, acting, but do not think about their unconscious at all.

As a rule, such people can tell little even about their reality and memories from the past. For years they may dream of catacombs, corridors – this is their inner life. Gradually, as they enrich themselves emotionally, when emotional connections are established, their dreams change: doors open, corridors end, something starts to happen.

Only in people tuned in to understanding the unconscious, repressed inner experiences can pass into an understandable form – a dream. Such a person is able to recognize what symbols the dream conveys, what it wants to tell him. It is important to analyze all parts of the dream – everything that we dreamed about in different “series” in one night, because all parts are about the same thing, only from different angles.

Dream: “I’m ready to become a mother”

A lonely patient worked for a long time with a psychotherapist on the so-called abandonment syndrome. In a dream, she saw a small child on the roof of a tall building, who shouted to her: “Mom, take me in your arms!” The heroine began to climb the wall with difficulty, suddenly she had wings. She took off, took this child in her arms, experienced great happiness and also, on wings, went down. Waking up, the woman went to the hospital and filed paperwork for the adoption of a child abandoned by her mother.

“The dream was able to change her life precisely because she was already ready for motherhood, there was a feeling that she was able to accept another,” explains Nina Asanova. “There was a need for a little person who would love her. The dream was an impetus, a manifestation of what she had been preparing for during four years of therapy. That child on the roof is the patient herself, who would like to shout to her mother: “Mom, come take me in your arms!” And her desire to reunite with the mother object was realized – in a dream.


Some claim that they do not see dreams at all or suddenly stopped dreaming. Does it happen or they just don’t remember? And is it okay?

Not everyone dreams, it’s true. But if you dreamed about something before, and then stopped, this is a reason to think. The work of the brain has changed, there is a fading of electrical activity. This may be due to physiological causes: brain injury, vascular disorders or disorders of the central nervous system.

You can stop dreaming because of an excessive amount of experiences, unbearable impressions, or traumatic events: the death of a loved one, moving, divorce, family crisis. Our unconscious literally “closes its eyes” to what happened.

Is it necessary to see colored dreams?

No, and even more than that: mentally disturbed patients often see so-called screen dreams – just a black “screen”, like a Malevich square. There are dreams in which everything is painted white and there are no images. If, for example, a person sees a white background and geometric figures on it, this indicates a violation of early contacts with the mother or early maternal objects (those who replaced the mother).


Many are afraid that they see events in a dream that then occur in reality. The mystic is simple.

There is no mystic here. Often an important message comes through the “thickening” mechanism. While awake, we do not pay attention to certain experiences, and in a dream they “twist” and intensify, acquiring a form that we can already take seriously.

My client dreamed that he was robbed – and it really happened to him soon. Only later, when we unraveled the plot, he realized: there was something that alerted him shortly before this incident. He noticed that the papers on the table were not the way he had left them, but did not attach any importance to this. But his unconscious managed to catch the change. In a dream, this message came in the form of a warning. So the theft did not happen because he dreamed it.

A friend dreamed that her husband – he was about forty – had died. And he really soon disappeared. She was very frightened: the reality seemed to materialize from the unconscious. Such dreams are usually called “prophetic”, they were dreamed by most of us. How do we find out about events in advance?

Probably, non-verbal signals about his condition came from the husband. The wife caught electromagnetic waves and anxiety. We quite often “read” our loved ones, and for this we do not need words. The mother understands the feelings and moods of the baby and feels the adult child at a distance. If a wife loves her husband, she worries about him. Children dream of “predictions” about elderly parents.

If you had a dream and we analyzed it, it means that organic impulses turned into dreams and did not allow it to be discharged into somatics

If the “heroes” of dreams themselves paid attention to the signals of the somatovisceral system (it processes sensory information from the skin, muscles, joints, internal organs, blood vessels. – Ed.), which are sent by an unhealthy body, many diseases could be prevented. It has been proven that a diseased organ often gives signals much earlier than the disease appears clearly. And if timely examined, the disease can be prevented.

Dreams are associated with the psychobiological characteristics of our body and are always formed against the background of unspoken, but familiar phenomena. If we had a dream and we sorted it out, it means that the somatic problem was solved, the organic impulses coming from the inside turned into dreams and did not allow it to be discharged into somatics.

So are there prophetic dreams, or is it a beautiful metaphor?

There are, but their prevalence is greatly exaggerated. Only one out of 22 thousand dreams can be called prophetic. It is extremely rare for a person, without any information, to foresee, for example, a catastrophe.

In New York City in the 1940s, a bureau for the understanding of dreams was created, which was mainly engaged in the search for prophetic dreams. People came, retold dreams. It turned out that out of a huge volume – a million stories – over 60 years, only 10 came under the concept of “prophetic”. They really were predictions of catastrophes.

A dream is an incredible combination of different events. You need a special, extrasensory sensitivity. There are people who are unusually receptive to various non-verbal manifestations, and parapsychology is studying them. But it often happens that the “special abilities” to predict events, the extraordinary activity of the cerebral cortex are due to a tumor. So if unusual and sudden changes in sensitivity are suddenly discovered, it is worth checking with a doctor.

About expert

Nina Asanova — psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, dean of the faculty of psychoanalysis of the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Clinical Psychoanalysis, head of the Clinical Center, PhD, direct member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA).

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