Unpretentious and long-flowering perennials for the garden
Unpretentious perennials for the garden will allow you to enjoy bright flowering without spending a lot of time on leaving. The choice of flowers is rather determined by personal taste, since there are quite a few plants.
List of long-flowering and unpretentious perennials for the garden
No matter how many colors are presented, everyone will choose their favorite. These will be compositions that meet their own ideas of beauty and harmony. The variety of colors allows you to create only your own beautiful flower bed or to decorate the garden path in an unusual way.
Unpretentious perennials for the garden can serve as a decoration for the gazebo
From the list presented, you can pick up some plants that you would like to see on your site:
- Astilba is an unpretentious flower with bright paniculate inflorescences of rich colors. If you plant it on moist soil and a slightly shaded area, the plant will not be a problem. It blooms from June to September.
- Meadowsweet grows well in swampy soils. Blooms profusely and brightly. Its height can vary from 30 to 250 cm. It is used as a medicine. You can plant it in May.
- Elegant rudbeckia grows in one place for up to 5 years. It can reproduce by self-seeding.
- Chamomile is garden. Blooms from May to September. There are many varieties of this unpretentious flower.
- Bright hydrangea is not only unpretentious, but also changes color depending on the pH of the soil.
- A variety of phlox flowers bloom all summer and winter in the garden, and also stand beautifully cut.
If you plant daylilies of different varieties in the garden, they will capture both spring and the end of summer with flowering.
Different types of perennials in the garden
Not only bright flowers can decorate flower beds and mixborders. Leafy compositions are ready to compete with the originality of the decor with flowering perennials. They are not tied to the timing of flowering, therefore they are always decorative.
Plants decorating with their leaves are distinguished by a variety of their shapes and shades:
- Geykhera are unpretentious, bright-leaved crops, striking with an exotic form of foliage and its tones from red to green.
- Hosts are bushes ranging in size from miniature to large. The shape of their leaves is varied, they are interesting with an unusual combination of white with shades of green.
- Regal ferns can take a shady corner and spread out with beautiful carved leaves.
Ground cover plants and lovely carved succulents, which don’t need fertile soil and frequent watering, cannot be ignored.
It is impossible to cover with a meager list all the diversity of the beauty of nature, bestowed in the form of garden plants. Combining flowering perennials with leafy and grasses can create a fantastic landscape effect.