Universal recipe for dogwood tincture

Homemade dogwood tinctures (popularly known as dogwoods) are fragrant, beautiful and easy to drink. Berries interrupt the smell of alcohol. You will not immediately guess that this is an alcoholic drink, it looks more like compote. We will consider a universal recipe suitable for infusion on any basis.

You can prepare a tincture from ripe fresh, frozen or dried dogwood. Wash fresh berries. Dried need half as much as indicated in the recipe. Frozen dogwood first thaw and drain the water. The best alcohol base is vodka, cheap cognac or 40-50% alcohol, you can use well-purified moonshine without a sharp unpleasant odor. Dogwood tincture on cognac has an original aftertaste, which is not found in other versions.


  • dogwood berries – 500 grams;
  • vodka (cognac) – 700 ml;
  • sugar (honey) – 50-150 grams.

dogwood tincture recipe

1. Mash the washed berries with a rolling pin (if fresh or frozen). Put the resulting slurry in a jar. Dried dogwood just add.

2. Pour the alcohol base, mix well, tightly close the lid and put in a dark place at room temperature for 15-20 days. Shake every 2-3 days.

3. Strain the dogwood tincture through several layers of gauze.

4. Add sugar or honey to taste, mix.

5. Close tightly, insist 5-7 days before use. If the drink is cloudy, it can be filtered through cotton wool. The result is a tincture with a strength of about 25%. Shelf life up to 5 years.

Universal recipe for dogwood tincture

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