Often, melancholy, depression and bad mood are attributed to general fatigue, a large number of cases, or the presence of serious problems that cause anxiety and anxiety. However, there are other, less obvious, reasons why you can be sad on a regular basis. Let’s analyze some of them.
Emotional burnout
In recent years, this term has been rapidly gaining popularity. Business owners, office managers, young mothers, representatives of creative professions talk about emotional burnout … It seems that there is not a single area of life associated with the need to invest one’s strength and resources that would not be affected by this problem.
In itself, emotional burnout is a state of constant fatigue and devastation, a feeling of meaninglessness or uselessness of one’s own work or efforts. Against this background, anxiety can also develop, related to the fact that a job or lifestyle requires too much strength and brings too little moral satisfaction.
Signs of emotional burnout:
constant feeling of tiredness (even after a good night’s sleep);
lack of pleasure from previously loved activities and hobbies;
unwillingness to take care of oneself, feeling that “nothing will change anyway”;
problems with concentration, memory, attention, ability to keep tasks in mind.
You can cope with emotional burnout on your own or with the help of a psychologist. To do this, it is important first of all to introduce a regimen and routine activities into your life. You need to clearly define exactly how you will relax, what to do and how much time to allocate every day to restore resources.
It is very important to strictly follow the planned schedule. Even if it seems to you that you are not particularly tired today, you should definitely take a scheduled break or arrange an evening rest for yourself. It is with the rejection of such respite that the accumulated fatigue begins to return …
In addition, you should reconsider your lifestyle: give up all unnecessary chores and tasks, listen to yourself, eat tasty and nutritious food, regularly go for walks in the fresh air. Even such basic measures help to cope with emotional burnout and restore their strength and resources.
Climatic conditions
Let this point seem dubious to lovers of motivation of the level “get together, rag, only weaklings get tired”, but in fact the climate outside the window can influence a person’s emotional state much more strongly than it seems at first glance.
Constant twilight, cold weather, lack of sunny days for almost half of the year… Did you know that, according to statistics, in Moscow from November to March there are from 0 to 2 sunny days per month? It is not surprising that the mood of many people remains as cloudy as the weather.
How to deal with this problem, other than the obvious move to more sunny climes? If possible, go on at least short trips, go out for a walk during the day (during daylight hours), fill your weekends with interesting events … You can also use as many light sources as possible at home, bright textiles in warm colors and, for example, light alarm clocks that imitate sunlight.
Lack of vitamin D
According to statistics, up to 82% of women and up to 91% of men in Russia may have insufficient levels of vitamin D1. The deficiency may manifest itself, among other things, in the form of general and (or) muscle weakness, discomfort in the muscles and bones, problems with sleep and (or) falling asleep2, 3, 4, 5.
This is not surprising, because vitamin D is involved in the work of most systems in the human body. It supports metabolic processes and promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems.6 and in the regulation of blood pressure and carbohydrate metabolism.
You can read more about the importance of vitamin D and the symptoms of its possible deficiency on a special portal.
Colecalciferol (vitamin D3)2. One of the most popular water-based vitamin D preparations in Russia is
Akvadetrim – this is not just an aqueous solution of vitamin D, but its micellar (that is, ready for absorption) form. It is usually formed in the body during the natural absorption of vitamin D, however Akvadetrim contains it in the finished form.
Akvadetrim is sold in drops and tablets that dissolve in water or in the mouth and is approved for use in all age groups (starting from children over 4 weeks old). Just 1 tablet may be enough Aquadetra to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
1. Suplotova L.A., Avdeeva V.A., Pigarova E.A., Rozhinskaya L.Ya., Karonova T.L., Troshina E.A. The first Russian multicenter non-interventional registry study on the incidence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in the Russian Federation in adults. Therapeutic archive. 2021; 93(10): 1209–1216. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2021.10.201071
2. Public organization “Russian Association of Endocrinologists”, Clinical recommendations “Vitamin D deficiency”, 2021
3. Maltsev S. V., Rylova N. V. Vitamin d and immunity // PM. 2015. No. 1 (86). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vitamin-di-immunitet (date of access: 06.07.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).
4. I.A. Filchenko, L. S. Korostovtseva, Yu.V. Sviryaev “The possibility of using vitamin D preparations in the correction of sleep disorders.” Clinical somnology, 2018.
5. Meta-analysis of memory and executive dysfunctions in relation to vitamin D. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013; 37(1): 147-71.
6. Petrushkina A.A., Pigarova E.A., Rozhinskaya L.Ya. “Osteoporosis and osteopathy”. 2018; 21(3): 15-20
7. According to the database of IQUVIA Solutions LLC “Retail Audit of the State Registration Service in the Russian Federation”, the Aquadetrim brand occupies position No. 1 in terms of sales in packages and in rubles in wholesale and retail prices among drugs with INN cholecalciferol (vitamin D) based on the results January-October 2019 period.