Pregnant and unemployed: what are my rights?
Don’t worry, you may perceive daily allowances paid by your health insurance fund. The payments are scheduled every 14 days throughout the duration of maternity leave without waiting period (that is to say from the 1st day) and for each day of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The payment of these indemnities results in the suspension of the payment of your unemployment benefit, which postpones the duration of your rights to unemployment benefit paid by Pôle emploi.
If you are receiving or have received unemployment benefits during the last twelve months, your daily allowance will be calculated on the basis of the last four payslips preceding the end date of your employment contract.
Note that, on January 1, 2021, the amount of the daily maternity allowance is capped at 89,03 euros per day (before deduction of 21% charges)
When to declare your pregnancy to Pôle emploi?
If you are registered with Pôle emploi, declare the work stoppage within 72 hours:
- on the Internet, in your personal space, under the heading “My file“, click on “I declare a change of situation” in the zone “My situation“: You can then declare your sickness or maternity stop very simply,
- by phone, by dialing 3949
- By sending a document issued by Social Security attesting to the start or end dates of maternity or adoption leave.
What conditions to benefit from unemployed maternity leave?
You will benefit fromdaily allowances being unemployed if:
– You already receive unemployment benefit from Pôle Emploi
– You have received unemployment benefit in the last 12 months
– You have ceased your salaried activity for less than 12 months
Carole, mother of Océane, 6 months
Four months pregnant, I continued to respond to job offers published in the press, hoping for answers (always having to justify my job search), the situation was a little surreal: how to imagine having an interview with a belly already well rounded? Fortunately, in a way, no one contacted me! Six weeks before my childbirth I checked the box “on maternity leave” of my monthly declaration, thus leaving the list of job seekers. The daily Sécu allowances replaced those I received from Pôle Emploi. The seven monthly prenatal visits were reimbursed (on the usual basis of the agreed rates). In addition, from the sixth month, care was 100% reimbursed, whether for angina (not very much related to pregnancy) or for back pain (very related to pregnancy).
Pregnancy and unemployment: you are no longer compensated
In any case, if you no longer receive unemployment benefit or if you do not work, you are entitled to reimbursement of care on certain services. These concern the monitoring of your pregnancy and the aftermath of childbirth. Here they are :
- Prenatal consultations
- Postnatal consultation
- Laboratory tests prescribed by your doctor
- Ultrasounds
- The optional father’s examination
- Le HIV test
- Childbirth preparation sessions
- Perineal and abdominal rehabilitation sessions are 100% covered, subject to prior agreement from the Primary Health Insurance Fund.