Understanding childhood anorexia

My boy or my girl eats little: what to do?

At the beginning, the daily life of babies is punctuated by the moments when they sleep and eat. Some will spend more than 16 hours sleeping soundly while others will be considered short sleepers. For food, it’s the same! Surely you have noticed the differences from one newborn to another, with big and small eaters. It’s all about rhythm and already, personality! And for some little ones, eating problems can start quite early, often around the time. the introduction of solid food. Indeed, thea food diversification et the passage with the spoon are favorable moments to trigger the refusal of food. A feeling of guilt for young parents who are all the more worried that their baby’s weight curve does not change. Note also that premature babies and those with chronic diseases are more likely to have minor feeding difficulties.

Childhood anorexia: what are the consequences? Can we die?

It is difficult to establish a definitive clinical picture of anorexia in children, due to its various possible forms. Most often, feeding difficulties appear between 6 months and 3 years, with a peak between 9 and 18 months. When it is long-lasting, refusal to eat can lead to malnutrition, not without consequences for the development of your young child. Extreme cases of anorexia in children are very rare and never result in death.

Symptoms of anorexia in children: how do you know if they have it?

Most of the studies conducted on cases of childhood anorexia report specific parenting behaviors at mealtimes, including strong anxiety in relationships with baby. Conflicts, distractions, numerous and varied strategies to feed him, this is the daily life of parents when faced with a little one who does not want to eat. Very often, they report their negative feelings during meals with their child. Dn side of babies, it seems that the mother-child relationship strongly influences the behavior triggering these eating disorders. In addition, small eaters are also capricious in their sleep patterns, with irregular cycles, irritable behaviors, unpredictable and difficult to appease.

Testimonial from a mother on infant anorexia


“Nathanaël is 16 months old now and a 6 year old sister (with whom I have never had a problem with food). At 6 and a half months, we started to introduce food. He ate, but preferred the breast. At first it was okay, I weaned it. And there everything went wrong. He ate less and less, did not finish his bottles, refused the spoon, all gradually. His weight curve started to stagnate but he continued to grow. He ate even less, refused food and if we forced him, he would put himself in impossible states, big nervous breakdown, crying, sob spasms… “

Baby refuses to eat: how to react to this eating disorder?

First of all, it is important not to force your child to eat, at the risk of worsening their blockage to food. Do not hesitate to present him with varied and colorful foods. Also, keep in mind that toddlers are sensitive to the notion of routine. In order not to disturb your baby, it is essential to establish a rhythm and to respect the feeding times. Finally, do your best to approach meals without anxiety and in a good mood: a serene atmosphere will reassure your child. If, despite your best efforts, the eating disorders persist, you should definitely turn to to a specialist. Indeed, an eating disorder installed for several months may require a consultation in child psychiatry, with follow-up and adequate medical assistance.

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