Under the influence of stress, she ended up in a closed ward. «I was in psychosis» [LETTER TO THE EDITOR]

In hypomania, i.e. a milder version of the euphoric state, I am very creative, I work a lot and volunteer. Only this state does not last forever. After each such state, depression comes. The bigger the hill, the deeper the hole – wrote to us Aleksandra, who has been undergoing psychiatric treatment for five years.

  1. Five years ago, Aleksandra found herself in a closed ward – she was in psychosis
  2. Before that, she had no idea that there was anything wrong with her mental health
  3. Daily stress led to the episode requiring hospitalization
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Nobody complains about a good mood

My name is Aleksandra. I have been undergoing psychiatric treatment for five years, when it was the first and so far the last time I found myself in a closed ward. I have very bad memories of my stay there, but I feel that my condition at that time required it – I was in psychosis. I did not get a diagnosis of bipolar disorder immediately, because it is not so easy to diagnose – nobody complains about a good mood. Initial diagnosis was fairly mild, a one-off psychotic episode due to stress.

After I left the hospital, I recovered for five months and then went back to my old job. It’s really rare. Usually, when the psychiatric leave comes to an end, there is nothing to come back to. However, I couldn’t find myself, my mood was very low, and the antidepressants didn’t work. When they finally started, I decided to quit my job and traveled a bit.

The bigger the hill, the deeper the hole

Two years after stabilizing on drugs, I was able to gradually stop taking my medications under my doctor’s supervision. It was then that the real diagnosis came to light. BD, because this is how the disease is summarized as it is characterized by alternating episodes of mania / hypomania and depression. While depression is easy to spot, no one goes to the doctor in states of high mood. In fact, I have the greatest difficulty to control these high moods to this day. In hypomania, i.e. a milder version of the euphoric state, I am very creative, I work a lot and volunteer. I often take on so much activity that from My time is full from 8 to 22. Singing in a choir? Why not! Extra Spanish Lessons? I have always dreamed of speaking this beautiful language … But this state does not last forever.

After each such state, depression comes. The bigger the hill, the deeper the hole. And in a depressed mood, it’s not so happy anymore. Often I do not have the strength to get out of bed, to wash myself, to eat something, I go to sleep so as not to think. It is important for me then to have people around me who understand, take hand and lead me to the doctor before giving up thoughts.

The disease opened a new door in my life

In the treatment of bipolar disorder, it is very important that pharmacotherapy is combined with psychoeducation. I found out about it over time. It is thanks to psychoeducation that I really begin to understand my illness. I learn to recognize the teasers of an upcoming episode and how to keep the rebroadcast as long as possible. Reemission is such a condition without symptoms. BD is still incurable at the moment, but you can function well with the disease, taking care of a hygienic lifestyle – this is what I learn in therapy.

Children’s mental health is as important as physical health. Psychiatrist’s help is needed in various disorders: autism, depression, hyperactivity, obsessive disorders, when there are difficulties related to adolescence. You can make an appointment with a psychiatrist at Medonet Market.

At first, I thought the diagnosis was a verdict and I was very ashamed of it, which made treatment difficult. However, as I got to know people with different diagnoses, I realized that the disease opened new doors for me in my life. I am now more mindful of myself and my needs. The disease has reevaluated my priorities in life. I also became an educator at the eFkropka foundation, which gives me great satisfaction.

EFkropka Foundation was established on the initiative of people professionally dealing with the treatment of mentally ill people and therapeutic work for them, and people after mental health crises, the so-called Experts through experience. Currently, both the Foundation Council and its Management Board include people with experience of mental crises.

The Foundation aims to increase the participation in social life of people experiencing mental crisis and to broaden the public awareness of mental disorders and crises. He wants to break taboos about emotional crises. The main mission of the Foundation is to prevent the isolation of people after a mental health crisis, counteract their stigma and break stereotypes related to mental illnesses.

EFkropka Foundation is the organizer of the Mental Health Congress and the Yellow Ribbon March.

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