Unblemished reputation: removing stains from drinks

All of us sometimes have to engage in an unequal battle with the spots. One awkward movement — and now the stain is treacherously spreading on the tablecloth or your favorite blouse. It is more difficult when old and firmly ingrained spots are not immediately detected. In any case, you should not complain. Tips from experts of the Scotch-Brite® brand will help to bring any stains to clean water.

In hot pursuit

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Coffee stains will cause less trouble if you deal with them immediately. In this case, household or concentrated tar soap will help a lot. Cut off about a quarter of the bar, grate on a fine grater and dissolve in 300 ml of boiling water. Moisten a sponge liberally in the cooled solution, apply it to the stain and leave for half an hour. At the end, rub the stain with the abrasive side of the sponge and rinse with water.

Ammonia removes coffee stains from delicate fabrics such as silk. Mix 2 tablespoons of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 250 ml of water. For a more effective effect, you should heat the solution in a water bath. Moisten it with a sponge for delicate surfaces and clean the stain. After this procedure, wash the item in soapy water with the addition of 2-3 tbsp.l. soda.

By the way, soda also perfectly removes coffee stains, especially in combination with vinegar. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of washing powder, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar and wait until the mixture foams. Dilute it with ice water to make a mush. Wrap the ice cube in a disposable napkin, treat the stain and apply a thick layer of white mush on it. After 5 minutes, carefully remove the residue with a sponge.

Unsuccessful tea party

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If you have spilled tea on the tablecloth, lemon will help to remove the stain. Mix 200 ml of water and a bag of citric acid (or the juice of half a lemon) in a ladle, bring to a boil over low heat. Moisten the area around the stain with cold water, and fill the stain itself with lemon solution. On both sides of the fabric, attach a piece of polyethylene, press tightly and leave for 15 minutes. Now it remains to properly wipe the stain with a sponge for intensive cleaning.

If the tea stain is already a few days or even weeks old, glycerin will come to the rescue. Combine a bottle of glycerin and 3-4 tablespoons of fine salt in a glass container to make a paste. Using a soft cloth, apply a thick layer of it to the stain, cover with cling film and leave for an hour. Then remove the remaining cleaning agent and wash the stain by hand in cold water.

Very effective in the fight against tea stains, sodium borate, better known as borax. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Moisten a napkin from a roll in vodka or alcohol, cover the spot for 10-15 minutes. At this time, mix 30 ml of borax solution and 50 ml of milk, moisten a sponge in it and rub the stain. After that, you can send the item to the washing machine.

Wine pranks

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You’ve probably spilled wine on your clothes or tablecloth at least once. In this case, speed is everything. Without delay, cover the fresh spot with salt and moisten with water to knead the gruel. The salt will absorb the coloring matter, and then you can wash the stain with soap. Even if there is a faint trace, washing in the usual mode will fix everything.

A little more effort will have to be made if the wine stain turned out to be aged. Moisten the cloth around the stain with water so that it does not spread further when cleaning. Pour 250 ml of water into a bowl and dissolve 1 tsp of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in it. Using a sponge, apply the solution to the stain and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash the stain with household soap and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

The method of removing stains depends largely on the fabric on which the wine was spilled. Stains from cotton and flax will help to remove milk or curdled milk. To do this, moisten the contaminated area with them, soak for 5-10 minutes and wash as usual. Colored textiles will clean a mixture of raw egg yolk and glycerin in equal proportions, applied to the stain for half an hour. For delicate fabrics, make a solution of equal parts of glycerin and wine alcohol. In the resulting composition, soak the stain for 2-3 hours.

Juicy rainbow

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Fruit juice stains have their own specifics. Here, an important role is played not only by the speed of reaction, but also by the composition of the juice itself.

Apple juice lends itself well to household soap. Moisten the stain with water, cover it with soap shavings and rub it with the abrasive side of the sponge. In order not to waste time, rub the soap for the future and keep it in a jar with a lid. For natural fabrics, glycerin is more suitable. Apply it to the stain, soak for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Stains from carrot juice will overcome ammonia. Put a soft cloth under the stain on the wrong side. Dilute 10-15 drops of ammonia in a glass of warm water and treat the stain. Then moisten it liberally in the same solution and leave it for an hour.

Difficult-to-remove stains from pomegranate juice — a terrible dream of many housewives. In the fight against them, an alcohol solution is very effective. Dilute 3-4 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka in 100 ml of water, moisten a soft cloth and cover the stain. After 15-20 minutes, clean it with the abrasive side of a molded sponge for intensive cleaning, which can protect your manicure from the effects of alcohol.

Getting rid of berry juice stains is easier than it seems. Fresh spots are better to fill with kefir or ryazhenka. The lactic acid contained in them will dissolve any pigments. For old dirt, use toothpaste. Rub it into the stain and leave it for a couple of hours. After such a compress, it will disappear without a trace.

Do not rush to part with your favorite things if you find a stain. After all, for each of them there is a small household trick. And to make sure they work, use cleaning sponges and wipes of the Scotch-Brite®brand. Save the practical recommendations from the experts-sooner or later they will definitely be useful to you.

Scotch-Brite® recommends the following products:

  • Scotch-Brite® “Delicate” sponge, molded;
  • Scotch-Brite® Intensive sponge, molded;
  • Scotch-Brite® Intensive sponge, classic;
  • Scotch-Brite ® napkin in a roll.

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