UNAIDS: drugs for HIV-infected in Ukraine will be enough for a few weeks. What does it mean?

Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine creates serious threats to public health that go beyond military violence itself. One of them is caring for people infected with HIV. There are about 250 of them in Ukraine, including over 150. people undergoing antiretroviral therapy. UNAIDS emphasizes that the drugs only last for a few weeks. “Without permanent access to them, their lives are at risk.”

  1. UNAIDS reports that there are 250 people living in Ukraine. people with HIV, including 156 thousand. is undergoing antiretroviral therapy
  2. Antiretroviral drugs must be taken daily, while UNAIDS estimates that supplies in Ukraine will last for several weeks
  3. UNAIDS ‘Winnie Byanyima warns that the lives of HIV patients are at risk without constant access to treatment
  4. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

In Ukraine, the supply of anti-HIV drugs is only enough for a few weeks

Ukraine has the second largest AIDS epidemic in the region, points out UNAIDS, the HIV / AIDS program uniting 11 UN organizations. It is estimated that 250 people live with HIV in this country. people, including 156 thousand. are receiving antiretroviral therapy (to stop HIV replication).

As UNAIDS points out, “drugs must be taken every day for people to survive and be healthy”. Meanwhile, UNAIDS warns that the stockpile of funds will only last a few weeks of therapy. UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima makes it clear that without constant access to medicines, patients’ lives are at risk.

“Hundreds of thousands of people living with and affected by HIV in Ukraine must have uninterrupted access to life-saving services, including HIV prevention, testing and treatment,” emphasizes Byanyima.

Further part below the video.


«To date, the Ukrainian government, together with civil society and international organizations, has launched one of the largest and most successful HIV campaigns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. However, due to the ongoing military offensive, the efforts made and the results achieved are seriously endangered, ”points out UNAIDS.

  1. Ukrainian prescriptions accepted in Polish pharmacies. Important drugs can be purchased even without them

In light of this situation, UNAIDS calls for protection and continuity of healthcare and services for people living with HIV in Ukraine. At the same time, it ensures readiness to provide further support during the ongoing crisis.

“UNAIDS personnel remain on site in Ukraine, working to ensure that people living with HIV and key populations have permanent access to life-saving services, with a focus on vulnerable civilians. UNAIDS will continue to support HIV prevention, testing, treatment, care and support for people affected by crisis across Ukraine, »the UNAIDS website reads.

We encourage you to read:

  1. Sick children imprisoned in the Kiev shelter. “If it doesn’t stop, our patients will die”
  2. The Polish Medical Mission helps hospitals in Ukraine. “The most urgent dressings, splints, stretchers”
  3. A psychological guide for people hosting refugees from Ukraine

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