Unable to deal with anxiety and stress? Start a diary

We all constantly experience stress due to a chronic lack of time, energy and resources, both emotional and material. Sometimes we have heavy thoughts, anxiety, and we don’t know how to stop it. Try putting your worries on paper and you will see that this method works.

Even if you do not suffer from an anxiety disorder in the medical sense, you have probably experienced various symptoms of anxiety from time to time:

  • uncontrollable anxiety;
  • problems with concentration;
  • insomnia;
  • intrusive thoughts;
  • muscle tension
  • pain in the abdomen, back, headaches, digestive problems;
  • flushing to the face, sweating, tremor;
  • the feeling that the nerves are on edge.

One of the symptoms of anxiety is intrusive thoughts. Our brain finds something to worry about and we never manage to switch to something else.

“Obsessive thinking does not help solve problems. We seem to “fixate” on the worst possible outcome of all possible or we can’t forget the mistake we made. Obsessive thoughts multiply our fears and create the illusion of problems where they actually do not exist, ”explains psychotherapist Sharon Martin.

There are many effective ways to deal with anxiety and stress – psychotherapy, medication, sports, mindfulness practice, meditation. But there is another method that is often forgotten – you can keep a diary.

How can journaling help you deal with anxiety and stress?

Listed below are some topics and ideas for a diary. If you follow it consistently, it will help to notice the symptoms of anxiety and stress in time. As with many things, the sooner you admit there is a problem, the easier it will be to deal with.

“Try journaling every day (or almost every day) for two to three weeks. Find the right time for this in your schedule – for example, in the morning before leaving for work or in the evening before bed. Consistency helps to develop a habit and remember to make the next entry, ”advises Sharon Martin.

It is not necessary to use all of the topics and questions listed. Choose the ones that will be useful for you, taking into account your lifestyle and your situation. So here are some diary entry ideas:

  1. What worries me now?
  2. What situations or people cause me stress?
  3. What can I influence in such situations and in relations with these people?
  4. How severe is my anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10?
  5. How do I know if I am experiencing anxiety or stress?
  6. Where is tension felt in the body?
  7. What thoughts come into your head?
  8. What else do I feel besides anxiety?
  9. What’s the worst that can happen?
  10. How likely is this outcome?
  11. What worked well in the past in stressful situations?
  12. What are some ways to deal with anxiety?
  13. How and when will I apply these methods? Make a clear plan, such as: “I’m going to the pool after work today.”
  14. Three joyful events for today.
  15. My three strengths.. What is my anxiety trying to tell me?
  16. Perhaps anxiety helps me in some way?

“Dealing with anxiety can be very difficult. It will take a lot of time and effort to change established habits and patterns of behavior. Keeping a journal will help you deal with your thoughts and feelings and understand in time that it is becoming difficult for you to cope with stress and anxiety. The sooner you realize the problem, the sooner you seek support, ”says Sharon Martin.

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