UN alarms: the dramatic situation of women in Ukraine. “They won’t get help”

The United Nations delivered disturbing information regarding Ukrainian women. Tens of thousands of them may give birth in the next three months. However, due to the war in Ukraine, they will not receive adequate help.

  1. You can follow up-to-date information from Ukraine in our LIVE REPORT

Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine radically changed the situation of Ukrainians. Women with children, as well as those who are just waiting for their babies to come into the world, are in an extremely difficult situation. The United Nations warns via Twitter: many women in labor will not receive adequate medical treatment.

80 thousand births during the war

«We estimate that in Ukraine, in the next three months, she will give birth to 80. women. Many of them will not have access to the care they need » we read in the UN communication.

It is dangerous because for many women childbirth may turn out to be life threatening. The situation is also dangerous for their newborn babies.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been working for years to increase access to reproductive health services, by organizing, inter alia, mobile clinics for women. UNFPA emphasizes that it is preparing to intensify activities in the field of help in saving lives, as well as sexual and reproductive health in Ukraine.

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The organization also notes that many women in eastern Ukraine experience violence. According to a 2019 UNFPA study, about 75 percent. Ukrainian women reported having experienced some form of violence, one in three was physical or sexual.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Childbirths in shelters and at metro stations

Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, many women have had to give birth under unfavorable conditions. Pictures of newborns in bomb shelters circulated the world as hospitals were unavailable or destroyed.

Mia was born on Friday during the shelling of Kiev in the metro. The Ukrainian chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in 2014-2019, Hanna Hopko, informed about her birth on Twitter.

See also:

  1. Sick children imprisoned in the Kiev shelter. “If it doesn’t stop, our patients will die”
  2. “We are taking the exam in helping Ukraine right now”. This is the best you can do
  3. Zelenskiy calls for blood donation

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