Mushroom soup is one of the most popular first courses. You can cook it using different products and ingredients. Umbrella soup is a great option for those who love mushrooms. To make the dish nutritious and tasty, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for processing and cooking methods.
Preparing Umbrella Mushrooms for Soup
First of all, you need to find out which mushrooms are suitable for soups. It is better to use fresh specimens, but you can take frozen or dried blanks.
Fresh mushrooms should be purchased during the summer season. It is recommended to choose whole copies without noticeable defects and damage. The fact that the mushroom is good is also indicated by the absence of a sharp unpleasant odor. As a rule, take large specimens up to 30 cm high.
Before cooking, you need to separate the legs and hats. The lower part is not used for dishes, as it is very rigid. Hats need to be soaked in water, cleaned of dirt with a sponge or soft brush. Then they are recommended to be boiled in boiling water for 8-10 minutes, and then used as a component of first courses.
How to cook umbrella mushroom soup
There are many simple recipes for mushroom soup from umbrellas. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to choose and prepare a dish that meets individual preferences and wishes. In addition, it can be prepared not only from fresh fruiting bodies, but also from frozen or dried blanks.
How to cook soup from dried umbrella mushrooms
This is a simple recipe that allows you to cook a delicious soup from the available ingredients. The result is a first dish with a rich taste and aroma.
- dried umbrellas – 100 g;
- bow – 1 head;
- carrots – 1 pod;
- potatoes – 3-4 pieces of medium size;
- vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l .;
- salt, black pepper, bay leaf, herbs – to taste.

Fresh mushrooms smell pleasant together with a broken cap, reminiscent of a nut
Stages of preparation:
- Shredded carrots and onions are fried in a pan with vegetable oil.
- Remove skillet from stove, set aside.
- Peel potatoes, wash, cut into cubes.
- Grind dried fruit bodies.
- Mix the remaining broth with 2 liters of ordinary boiled water, put on the stove, bring to a boil.
- Add umbrellas, cook for 15 minutes.
- Enter chopped potatoes.
- After 10-15 minutes, when the potatoes are cooked, add the roast.
- Salt, add spices, cook for 5-7 minutes.
The finished dish is best left to brew for 30-40 minutes. After that, it will remain hot, but will become more saturated. It is served in deep bowls with herbs.
You can use an additional recipe:
How to make frozen umbrella soup
A dish from frozen fruit bodies is no less tasty than from fresh ones. This recipe is sure to please with its simplicity and great taste.
- water – 2 l;
- frozen umbrellas – 150 g;
- carrots, onions – 1 each;
- potatoes – 2 pieces;
- vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
- dried dill – 3 tbsp. l.;
- salt – to taste.
First of all, you need to put a pot of water on the stove, put the peeled and diced potatoes there. After that, you can start preparing the dressing.

Soup can be prepared from frozen and fresh umbrellas
- Defrost the workpiece, thoroughly wash the fruiting bodies with water, allow to drain.
- Fry chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil.
- Add the chopped fruit bodies and fry the ingredients together until the excess liquid has evaporated.
- The dressing is added to the potatoes, boiled together for 15 minutes.
- Add dry dill, salt and other spices to taste, stir thoroughly.
Ready soup is recommended to serve hot immediately after cooking. It can be served with sour cream or garlic sauce.
How to cook soup from fresh umbrellas
To prepare soup from umbrella mushrooms, they must first be boiled. Whole hats are subjected to heat treatment. You need to cut them after they are welded, and liquid drains from them.
- umbrellas – 0,5 kg;
- potatoes – 6-7 pieces;
- onion – 2 large heads;
- carrots – 1 piece;
- water – 3 l;
- salt, spices, herbs – to taste.

In cooking, I use only mushroom caps.
- Cut mushrooms, onion, grate carrots, fry together in oil.
- Peel and cut potatoes, wash, cover with water and put on the stove.
- Bring to a boil, add roast.
- Boil ingredients together for 20 minutes.
- Salt, add spices, herbs.
Soup should be served immediately after it is cooked. If you leave it for a long time, the mushrooms can absorb liquid, causing it to become too thick.
Umbrella Soup Recipes
There are many options for first courses with umbrellas. For example, you can make a delicious cream soup with cream.
You need:
- potatoes – 6-7 pieces;
- fresh umbrellas – 300 g;
- bow – 1 head;
- cream – 200 ml;
- butter – 20 g;
- salt, spices – to taste.
It is necessary to peel, cut the potatoes and put them to boil. At this time, finely chopped onions and mushrooms are fried in a pan. They are added to potatoes and boiled together, stirring regularly. When the ingredients are ready, you can make a cream soup.
- Drain the broth into a separate container.
- Blend the boiled ingredients with a blender.
- Add broth and beat again until desired consistency is obtained.
- Put the mixture on the stove, add salt, spices, cream.

The soup can be garnished with herbs before serving.
The result should be a homogeneous creamy mass. Garnish with herbs before serving.
Another popular recipe involves the use of cheese. It turns out a very satisfying dish with a rich taste.
- umbrellas – 300 g;
- potatoes – 300 g;
- chicken fillet – 200 g;
- bow – 1 head;
- processed cheese – 120 g;
- butter – 20 g;
- salt and pepper – to taste.

So that the soup does not become too thick, it should only be served hot.
Stages of preparation:
- Cut the fillet, pour 1,5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes.
- While the chicken is cooking, peel and chop the onion, potatoes and mushrooms.
- Fry the onion in a pan, add the fruiting bodies, cook until the liquid has evaporated.
- Place the potatoes in the boiling broth.
- Add to roast.
- Cook for 10-12 minutes.
- Grate processed cheese, add to the composition, stir until completely dissolved.
- Salt, add spices.
The soup is served only hot, cold – it thickens and loses its taste. When serving, you can sprinkle with crackers.
Appetizing soup can be made in a slow cooker. Such a device will help reduce the time spent on cooking.
- dried umbrellas – 50 g;
- potatoes – 5 pieces;
- bow – 1 head;
- medium-sized carrots – 1 piece;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l .;
- water – 1,5 l.

Mushrooms are rich in fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Method of preparation:
- Grind onions, carrots, cook for 5-8 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
- Add soaked fruit bodies and chopped potatoes.
- Pour the components with water, add vegetable oil, salt, spices to taste.
- Close the bowl of the multicooker, cook in the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour and a half.
The dish is rich and fragrant. At the same time, it retains all the useful substances from the ingredients.
Calorie soup with umbrellas
The nutritional value depends on the composition. The usual broth with umbrellas and vegetables contains about 90 kcal per 100 g. If it is prepared with the addition of chicken fillet or processed cheese, the calorie content varies between 160-180 kcal. It should also take into account which fruiting bodies were used for the dish. Dry and frozen are less caloric than fresh.
Umbrella soup is a delicious dish that every mushroom lover will certainly appreciate. It can be prepared from both fresh and dried or frozen fruit bodies. Soup includes a minimum set of components, so it is easy to prepare. A variety of ingredients go well with umbrellas, so you can cook different versions of soups at your own discretion.