Umbilical hernia – causes, symptoms, treatment. Umbilical hernia operations

Umbilical hernia is most common in infants, but older children and adults can also suffer from it. We talk about it when the content of the abdominal cavity is outside it. Umbilical hernia often requires surgery.

What is an umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia is a disease that most often affects infants (low body weight, premature babies), but it can also be older children and adults. Umbilical hernia is when the contents of the stomach are outside the abdominal cavity. This state of affairs requires immediate medical attention, as an untreated umbilical hernia can cause serious life-threatening complications.

Umbilical hernia is another form of an abdominal hernia, it occurs when the elements of the abdominal cavity pass through the unclosed umbilical ring and the abdominal wall. In the area of ​​the navel, we can see a bulge, which doctors call a hernial sac, in which, in turn, there may even be part of the intestine.

Causes of the umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia occurs when the umbilical ring does not overgrow after cutting the umbilical cord. The disease appears as a soft lump in the area of ​​the navel, which becomes more prominent when the baby cries. This bulge most often disappears by itself by the age of one. However, it happens that the umbilical hernia, instead of disappearing, grows larger and becomes a painful and troublesome lump (the child cries, vomits, has problems with defecation).

Thus, an umbilical hernia arises as a congenital anatomical defect.

Umbilical hernia in adults may result from weakening of the abdominal wall, the most vulnerable to it are people who suffer from ailments related to high pressure inside the abdomen. High blood pressure occurs when: we cough, we are overweight, we suffer from constipation, we have trouble urinating (prostate). In addition, hard physical work increases the risk of an umbilical hernia.

The umbilical hernia may also appear in pregnant women who have ascites.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia in infants: characterized by a bulge that resolves on its own within a year of birth. There are cases where an umbilical hernia develops instead of receding. In such a situation, a lump appears that makes the navel bulge, it is more visible when we tighten the abdominal muscles during a bowel movement or coughing. A developed umbilical hernia may be accompanied by pain and discomfort around the navel and epigastric region. In order to relieve pain, you can use warm compresses made, for example, with the Sanity 2l rubber hot water bottle.

Over time, as the disease develops, the lump begins to harden, suggesting the presence of guts in the hernial sac and the cut off of the blood supply. Spots / discoloration and swelling may appear on the skin, the baby signals pain by crying and screaming.

When these symptoms are ignored, we can expect intestinal obstruction, characterized by severe abdominal pain and vomiting. You should see a doctor immediately as intestinal necrosis can even lead to death.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

If the hernia does not disappear by itself, surgical intervention is necessary, as the trapped hernia may lead to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract as well as intestinal ischemia and necrosis. Surgical treatment is also required for umbilical hernias that are still enlarging in children over 1 year of age, and for hernias that have not regressed spontaneously despite the child reaching 3 years of age.

The procedure that doctors perform to treat an umbilical hernia is called hernioplasty. This method consists in withdrawing all elements that have entered the hernial sac. Specialists also put a piece of mesh under the peritoneum and fix it with stitches or staples, thanks to which the weakened abdominal wall is strengthened. Thanks to this method, the risk of recurrence of the umbilical hernia is eliminated.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about half an hour.

Recurrent umbilical hernia is treated with the laparoscopic method, it is the same as the traditional procedure, however, the abdominal cavity is not opened, so the convalescence is faster.

Are you looking for a facility where a procedure can be performed? Check which clinics in your area offer hernia surgery. Compare prices and choose the treatment for yourself.

Umbilical hernia treatment – prices

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