- general description
- Types
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Complications
- Prevention
- Treatment in mainstream medicine
- Useful products for umbilical hernia
- ethnoscience
- Dangerous and harmful products
- Information sources
General description of the disease
An umbilical hernia is a pathology with a characteristic bulging in the umbilical region. In this case, a fragment of the intestine and omentum is displaced through the abdominal muscles and defects in the wall of the abdominal cavity into the navel.
Due to the anatomical features, the umbilical hernia occupies a leading position among other varieties of this pathology.[3].
- irreducible and reducible;
- postoperative, congenital or trauma;
- external and internal.
The presented disease can manifest itself in both children and adults, but it is more common in infants and women over 30 years old due to the weakening of the umbilical ring during childbirth and pregnancy.
The protrusion in the navel area consists of the following anatomical structures:
- 1 hernial gate;
- 2 hernial sac;
- 3 hernial contents, as a rule, are intestinal loops.
- overweight;
- connective tissue dysplasia;
- prolonged hysterical coughing fits;
- weakness of the umbilical ring;
- genetic predisposition to the thinning of the abdominal wall;
- multiple pregnancy and childbirth;
- lifting heavy objects;
- operations in the peritoneal area;
- small interval between pregnancies;
- systematic constipation;
- ascites – watery abdomen;
- sharp fluctuations in body weight;
- abdominal trauma;
- insufficient physical activity, as a result of which the muscles of the abdominal zone lose their tone;
- advanced prostate adenoma;
- intense exercise;
- urethral pathology;
- increased abdominal pressure.
The producing factors for the appearance of an umbilical hernia include:
- 1 smokers with chronic cough;
- 2 musicians who play wind instruments;
- 3 people whose professions are associated with hard physical labor;
- 4 athletes weightlifters.
In infants, an umbilical hernia can develop due to constant crying, rickets, prematurity and pathologies during pregnancy.
An umbilical hernia of the abdomen can be diagnosed by the following signs:
- the patient is periodically sick;
- pain in the abdomen during coughing, physical exertion, lifting weights;
- the appearance of a convex formation in the navel area of a softly elastic consistency, which disappears when lying on the back;
- dark-colored feces with a ruptured intestine;
- increased gas formation;
- an increase in the size of the umbilical ring;
- constipation;
- disruption of the digestive tract;
- vomiting;
- loss of appetite;
- fever.
If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, infringement of an umbilical hernia, which is fraught with the following consequences:
- 1 severe pain in the abdomen;
- 2 frequent urge to vomit;
- 3 discoloration of the skin in the area of protrusion;
- 4 in the supine position, the protrusion does not disappear;
- 5 intestinal obstruction;
- 6 violation of blood circulation and, as a result, tissue necrosis;
- 7 diarrhea mixed with blood;
- 8 coprostasis – the accumulation of feces in the intestine;
- 9 weakness;
- 10 vomiting with bloody admixture;
- 11 heavy sweating.
The above symptoms indicate an acute condition and pose a serious threat not only to health, but also to the patient’s life, as they are fraught with peritonitis, infectious toxic shock and coma.
Prevention of an umbilical hernia involves:
- regular moderate exercise to keep your abdominal muscles toned;
- prevent the appearance of excess weight;
- adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, prevent constipation;
- do not allow heavy lifting;
- wear an orthopedic brace from the first months of pregnancy;
- to give up smoking;
- timely treatment of cough.
Treatment in mainstream medicine
If you find a bulge in the navel, then you should consult a surgeon. First, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the patient in a standing position, while examining the inguinal and femoral areas in order to exclude hernias in these places.
The fact is that the symptoms of an umbilical hernia are similar in symptoms to other tumors, therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis, one should undergo the following examinations:
- 1 X-ray of the stomach;
- 2 fibrogastroscopy, which displays the state of the gastrointestinal tract;
- 3 herniography – with the help of a contrast agent, it allows you to consider all the nuances of an umbilical hernia;
- 4 ultrasound examination of hernial formation. – will show the size of the umbilical formation and the contents of the bag.
After determining the diagnosis, the doctor selects the optimal method of therapy. There are conservative and surgical methods:
- surgical intervention can be of two types: the first type involves the reduction of internal organs into the abdominal cavity, after which the hernial orifice is sutured and strengthened using tension hernioplasty; in the second method, the internal organs are also set, but the peritoneal wall is strengthened by sewing in a special mesh, which subsequently grows together with nearby tissues. Umbilical hernia repair is usually performed under local anesthesia. There is also a laparoscopic method, in which an umbilical hernia is disposed of invasively, this method is considered the most gentle in terms of rehabilitation. However, surgical operations are contraindicated in the old age of the patient, pregnancy, serious problems of the cardiovascular system. Surgical interventions are recommended during the cold season. After the operation, bed rest on the back is shown for several days. To preserve the seams, a bandage should be worn for 1 – 1,5 months, until the muscle tissue is completely restored;
- the conservative method involves wearing a bandage that strengthens muscle tone. Patients with umbilical hernia are shown physiotherapy exercises with a simple set of exercises: push-ups, bends, squats. Good results are obtained by massage with light stroking of the affected area in a clockwise direction, which alternates with tingling. These procedures are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the abdominal cavity, they should be carried out with extreme caution.
Useful products for umbilical hernia
With an umbilical hernia, the diet should be aimed at eliminating factors that provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure: a full stomach, constipation, increased gas production. Therefore, food should be fractional and include the following foods:
- fresh cottage cheese and curd casseroles, puddings;
- mashed potatoes and jelly from fruits and jelly;
- vegetable purees;
- fermented milk products, if the patient does not have bloating;
- boiled soft-boiled quail and chicken eggs;
- grated soups in vegetable broth;
- sunflower vegetable oil;
- steamed or baked low-fat fish and meat;
- well boiled porridge, except semolina and rice;
- weak tea with the addition of milk;
- broth of dogrose;
- beets, pumpkin.
Meals should be frequent – up to 6 times a day and in small portions. The last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Traditional medicine
- chop fresh plantain leaves and take 12 tsp. three times a day, this plant contains substances that have a beneficial effect on connective tissue. The course of treatment is long, at least 3 months[1];
- you can get rid of protrusion thanks to a compress: take honey, propolis and homemade butter in equal proportions, mix thoroughly and apply to the navel area daily for 2-3 hours for 2 months;
- mix red clay with water in a 1: 1 ratio and apply to the hernia;
- form a cake of resin and camphor oil, apply to the navel and fix with a plaster;
- wrap a copper coin with a clean cloth, attach to the navel and secure with adhesive plaster;
- make compresses on the area of protrusion from the tincture of oak bark;
- make compresses of honey mixed with nettle seeds at night, which are taken in equal proportions;
- pour boiling water over fresh fern leaves and apply for 2-3 hours to the umbilical hernia[2];
- 1 tbsp pour 300 g of boiling water over cornflower flowers and drink 100 g twice a day;
- soak a piece of cloth in sauerkraut brine and apply to the navel.
Dangerous and harmful products
In the postoperative period, you must strictly monitor the diet. Foods that overload the digestive tract and cause bloating should be avoided:
- alcoholic beverages;
- white bread, baked goods;
- turnips, cabbage and all types of legumes;
- canned food and smoked foods;
- first courses based on fatty meat and fish broths;
- kvass and sweet soda;
- pasta, pearl barley, wheat porridge;
- store semi-finished products;
- sauces and mayonnaise;
- apples, plums, grapes;
- margarine and lard;
- fast food.
- Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
- Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
- Article: “Umbilical Hernia”, source
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