Ultrasounds for slimming. What treatments are worth performing?

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Among the many ways to get rid of excess body fat, slimming treatments are becoming more and more popular. One of the techniques used in beauty salons is ultrasound. They are associated with therapeutic therapies, but are also used in Exilis, HIFU or ultrasonic liposuction treatments.

Ultrasound in medicine and cosmetology

Ultrasound has been used in medicine, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology for several reasons. First of all, ultrasounds, i.e. high-frequency sound waves, cause mechanical vibrations that are able to penetrate the subcutaneous tissue. Ultrasound therapy it is used in people with limited joint mobility, scars or tissue damage. The advantages of the treatment are its warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration properties.

For slimming treatments the benefits of using ultrasound because they break down fat cells. The fat emulsion released in this way is transported through the lymphatic and blood vessels to the liver. There it is metabolized. It requires strenuous work of the organ, so during therapy it is crucial to follow an easily digestible diet.

What slimming treatments do ultrasound use?

The popularity of ultrasounds in slimming treatments is due to their low invasiveness. It is a competition for suction liposuction, which is famous for its high efficiency of liposuction. However, such a procedure requires anesthesia and incisions through which the fat will be sucked out. It is associated with the risk of complications, which is why ultrasounds are becoming more and more popular. The use of high-frequency waves does not require breaking the skin, and the procedure itself is painless.

Treatments that use ultrasound in weight loss include:

  1. Ultrasonic liposuction. The procedure involves the operation of an ultrasound head on selected areas of the body where fat deposits have accumulated. It is recommended especially in the case of local accumulation of adipose tissue. The difference can be noticed after just one treatment, although a series of 5-10 visits is recommended. The slimming of the figure occurs gradually. Only when the body metabolizes fat cells broken by ultrasound, we will get the expected result. Ultrasound reduces fat to a lesser extent than traditional liposuction.
  2. Exilis treatment. It uses a two-stage system of action – radio waves heat up the tissues, and ultrasounds break down fat packets. This has a positive effect on the effectiveness of weight loss and improvement of metabolism. A series of treatments consists on average of 4-6 visits to a cosmetic or aesthetic medicine salon.
  3. HIFU treatment. This method uses high-frequency ultrasound, which acts on the skin pointwise. The concentration of energy leads to the heating of the tissues and the formation of minor burns that are not visible on the surface of the skin. This leads to the stimulation of cell regeneration, which has a rejuvenating effect. Ultrasounds also destroy the structure of fat cells, and the figure is gradually slimming. Such intervention in the deep parts of the skin does not require cuts or punctures. The final result is usually seen after three months.

In cosmetology, ultrasounds are also used as part of sonophoresis or cavitation peeling. These treatments facilitate the penetration of nutrients into the skin, improving its appearance, reducing irritation, discoloration and skin changes.

Various types of supplements, including lipotropic factors in tablets or a supplement with l-carnitine, act to support weight loss.

Ultrasound treatments – contraindications

As in the case of other aesthetic medicine treatments, also ultrasounds for slimming are not suitable for everyone. They should not be performed in pregnant women, as well as in the case of skin inflammation, infections, fever, pacemakers or metal implants in the treatment area.

Contraindications also include various cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, problems with coagulation, and haemophilia. People suffering from cancer, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, liver or thyroid problems should not undergo treatments.

Ultrasound weight loss effects

One-time ultrasound treatment allows you to remove no more than half a liter of adipose tissue. The limitation is necessary in order not to overburden the body, because it is responsible for the removal of fat cells transformed into the emulsion. Even so, it’s over the first ultrasound treatment in many cases, an improvement in the appearance of a given body part is noticeable.

  1. OT.CO Clinic – what does it specialize in?

Ultrasound can be used on the face and most parts of the body, but the options available depend on the chosen method and surgery. Beauty treatments are not in themselves a weight loss method. They only support slimming the figure and modeling troublesome parts of the body that are moderately or not very prone to training. The reduction of cellulite and excess body fat from troublesome areas will be effective and long-lasting only if you lead a healthy lifestyle, do not avoid physical activity, drink a lot of water and follow a balanced diet.

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