Ultrasound of the urinary system – indications, preparation, course

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Ultrasound examination of the urinary system includes the diagnosis of the bladder, ureters, kidneys and the prostate gland in men. Most often, ultrasound of the urinary system is performed on people who have disturbing symptoms or if the results of a urine test are abnormal. How to prepare for an ultrasound examination and how does it proceed?

What is an ultrasound examination?

Ultrasound is an imaging test that allows you to assess the internal structures of the body. Unlike X-rays, it is completely safe and has no contraindications related to harmful radiation. Thanks to ultrasound, you can notice abnormalities of soft tissues and observe them in real time on the ultrasound monitor. Imaging is possible in many planes, and the obtained cross-sections are saved or printed.

Usually ultrasound examination is performed through the skin. This method of examination also applies to ultrasound of the urinary system.

Ultrasound of the urinary system – indications

Na ultrasound of the urinary system the most frequently referred are people who reported to the doctor with problems with urination. Urinalysis is key, and if the results are abnormal, ultrasound of the urinary system is performed. The basis for the examination may be:

  1. pollakiuria;
  2. frequent urination at night;
  3. hematuria, that is, blood in the urine;
  4. pain in the lumbar spine;
  5. pain in the lower abdomen;
  6. painful urination;
  7. a tumor palpable in the abdomen;
  8. diseases of the prostate gland.

It is recommended to perform ultrasound of the urinary system with an emphasis on prostate diagnostics in men over 50 years of age.

An ultrasound specialist of the urinary system will be able to identify renal artery stenosis, nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, focal lesions such as cysts and tumors, abnormal ureteral size, and changes in the prostate.

  1. Also read: Ultrasound of the scrotum – indications, preparation and the course of the examination

Ultrasound of the urinary system – preparation

Although in most cases, ultrasound requires practically no preparation, specific recommendations should be followed in the case of ultrasound of the urinary system. In order to prevent flatulence, the day before the test, eat only easily digestible products and avoid carbonated drinks. You do not need to fast on the day of the ultrasound, but you should not eat anything for a few hours before the appointment.

Before ultrasound of the urinary system smoking, chewing gum and drinking coffee is inadvisable. In the case of an examination focusing on the condition of the bladder, you should drink one and a half liters of still water about an hour before the examination and do not urinate. It is important that the bladder is full (the patient should even feel the urge to urinate), which will allow for an accurate assessment of its shape and examination of the prostate.

Urinary system ultrasound – course

Ultrasound examination of the urinary system comes with a full bladder and test results that may be important in the proper assessment of the patient’s health. The study is divided into two stages. In the first, the doctor performs an ultrasound when the patient has a full bladder. The second stage is ultrasound with an empty bladder, during which you can judge whether the urine has been completely passed.

In order to perform an ultrasound examination, the examined area should be exposed so that the doctor can cover the skin with the gel. Then, he attaches the ultrasound head to the area of ​​the urinary tract and moves it in different directions. The image is displayed in real time on the monitor, which is one of the main components of the ultrasound scanner. During ultrasound, the patient lies on his back, and also turns to the right and left sides. If the image of the kidneys is not complete, lie on your stomach and the sonograph is placed on the lower back.

After the first part of the ultrasound is performed, the patient must use the toilet to thoroughly analyze the bladder. When he passes urine, the second part of the test is performed with an empty bladder. When the doctor has finished all the steps, you can clean the skin of the gel and talk about the results. With it ready the result of an ultrasound examination and its description should be reported to the doctor who ordered them. He will interpret the information received and propose further action.

  1. Also check when your doctor orders a full-body MRI.

Ultrasound of the urinary system in children

Ultrasound examination can be safely performed in children, therefore it is used to diagnose the urinary system, even in the youngest. In newborns and infants, it is recommended to feed or drink half an hour before the visit, and children up to five years of age are given 100 to 300 ml of fluid half an hour to an hour before the ultrasound. Older children should fast for six hours and drink three glasses of water an hour to two before visiting.

Ultrasound of the urinary system – what after the examination?

Usually, ultrasound of the urinary system is the next stage in the diagnosis of diseases of this system. In order to get a complete picture of the situation, the doctor may also refer the patient to voiding cystography. Ultrasound is often performed before a urodynamic test, i.e. a urine flow test.

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