Ultrasound of an infant’s hips. What is hip dysplasia?

What does diagnosed hip dysplasia of a 2-month-old child mean?

I had a hip ultrasound with my 2-month-old daughter; the pediatrician diagnosed hip dyspalysis. The result is the left hip joint alfa 55 beta 47 II a (-) right hip joint alfa 51 beta 64 II a (-), is it a serious disease, how long does the treatment take and what are the methods – Basia

A 2-month-old baby with suspected hip dysplasia is referred by a pediatrician to a pediatric orthopedist.

The orthopedist verifies the diagnosis and decides on further treatment. He will definitely recommend placing the baby on his tummy often, carrying him in an upright position, so that the baby’s legs are set to the sides and freely bent. The treatment consists in the use of a special stay (Frejka pillow, Pawlik harness, Koszla splint), which will facilitate the positioning of the femoral head on the bottom of the acetabulum. Surgical treatment is needed in advanced situations. In Poland, for many years, all infants at 2 months of age undergo screening of the hip joints – USG – in order to quickly detect dysplasia and promptly implement treatment. This prevents complications: subluxations, joint dislocations and progressive disability.

Advice was provided by:

bow. med. Beata Szymczyk-Hałas – Medicover pediatrician specialist

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