Ultrasound – indications, contraindications, side effects. Ultrasound in medicine and cosmetology

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Ultrasound is sound waves that are too high in frequency to be heard by a human. It is known that ultrasound can be emitted by some animals. These include bats, dolphins, and whales. Ultrasound is used in medicine. Probably each of us had an ultrasound examination at least once in his life, which is performed thanks to ultrasound.

Ultrasound – the beginnings

The discovery by Pierre Curie of the piezoelectric effect in 1880 initiated a revolution in ultrasonic technology. The technology was first used in ships for depth detection and in metallurgy for identifying fractures, but medical applications of ultrasound soon followed.

Ultrasound is used in medicine to this day, thanks to ultrasound imaging, which has been widely used for over fifty years, and the variety of applications in which this technology is used is developing rapidly. For example, the use of ultrasound for intervention during local anesthesia and pain medications allows the doctor to see exactly the purpose of the needle and the correct injection.

Ultrasound – indications

As far as the indications for the use of ultrasounds are concerned, they can alleviate many ailments. Ultrasound is used in the case of, for example:

  1. post-traumatic conditions (tears, sprains, sprains, fractures),
  2. degenerative diseases of the spine and joints,
  3. “Heel spurs”,
  4. treatment of lymphatic edema,
  5. rheumatic diseases,
  6. treatment of contractures, scars, hematomas.

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Ultrasound – contraindications

Although the procedure with the use of ultrasound is simple and safe, there are some contraindications. Certainly, ultrasound cannot be used in people suffering from cancer. Blood coagulation disorders are also contraindications. Acute inflammation also excludes the possibility of performing an ultrasound treatment.

Ultrasound is not recommended for pregnant women. People with an implanted pacemaker and advanced osteoporosis will also not benefit from the procedure. Metal implants are another contraindication. If you intend to proceed with the procedure, contact a specialist at the very beginning, who will rule out possible contraindications. Ultrasound therapy is one of the most widespread methods in physical therapy.

Ultrasound – use in medicine

Ultrasound has a frequency of 1-3 MHz. Ultrasounds relieve pain and reduce muscle tension and spasms. Additionally, they dilate blood vessels. It is also said that ultrasound can be used to inhibit inflammatory processes. Ultrasound is also used in ultraphonophoresis. It consists in introducing the drug into the tissues using ultrasound.

It is worth noting that it must not be performed directly over the heart and sex glands. This procedure must not be performed on children and infants. If used improperly, ultrasound can be harmful. Sometimes they can cause problems with the circulatory system. Ultrasound can damage your hearing and can also cause dizziness and headaches. If someone works in a position where they are exposed to ultrasound, they should repeat medical examinations every two years.

In physical therapy, ultrasound is used for many treatments. It is said that regular ultrasound therapy can alleviate many ailments. Ultrasound causes tissue micro-massage. During the massage, there is a thermal effect that enhances the diffusion inside the cell. Thanks to this, blood circulation is improved. Regular use of ultrasound reduces pain and inflammation. Additionally, the ultrasounds relax the muscles. Therefore, it is an ideal treatment for athletes. Ultrasound helps to reduce scarring as it affects the extensibility of the connective tissue.

In medicine, ultrasound is also used in tests that allow a future mother to see her unborn child. Of course, we are talking about ultrasound examinations that use ultrasound. Ultrasound examination, and hence ultrasound, is also used when the patient experiences pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an internal view of the organs. Ultrasound is also a helpful way to guide surgeons’ movements during certain medical procedures, such as biopsies.

In addition, relatively high-power ultrasound can break down limescale or tissue, accelerate the action of drugs in a target area, help measure the elastic properties of tissue, and can be used to sort cells or small particles for examination.

Ultrasound – application in cosmetology

Ultrasound is also used in cosmetology. The most common treatment with their use is cavitation peeling, followed by sonophoresis. Thanks to the properties of ultrasound used in cosmetics, we can easily soften the epidermis and make it let most of the substances contained in the preparation pass through. Ultrasounds improve skin circulation and strengthen its regenerative processes.

Ultrasound is used in beauty electronics offered by the Beautifly brand. You can buy its products in a convenient and safe way on Medonet Market. See the Beautifly range.

If we want to try ultrasound treatment, we can go to a beauty salon or buy a cavitation peeling device (eg. A cavitation peeling device with two operating modes B-Scrub Blush). It is safest to do such a peeling once a month. After such peeling, the skin is visibly nourished and its color is improved. Cavitation peeling cleanses the skin and sterilizes it. Thanks to it, we will get rid of blackheads and other changes formed in hard-to-reach places.

In the case of blackheads, proper care is very important, which can include Duetus cleansing gel for oily and combination skin.

Ultrasound in cosmetology is used with positive effects in the fight against various skin problemssuch as acne, rosacea, wrinkles, cellulite, scars and discoloration, dry skin, excess body fat, hirsutism.

Ultrasound – doses

There are guidelines about acceptable doses of ultrasound. In the case of weak doses, the norms are from 0,05-0,5 W / cm2. The standard of average doses is 0,5-1,5 W / cm2. Strong doses range from 1,5 to 2,0 W / cm2. There is also a specific duration of the procedure. The short one is 1-3 minutes, the medium one is 4-9 minutes, and the long one is 10 minutes or more. The doses mentioned must never be exceeded.

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Ultrasound – side effects

The use of ultrasound, as in the case of many other treatments, has side effects. However, when it comes to the ultrasound itself, it is side effects resulting from their use may mostly result from improper use or failure to comply with contraindications. The main side effects are: eye damage, stomach ulcers, problems with the development of the fetal skeletal system, cardiovascular problems, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Before using ultrasound, you should always inform your doctor carefully about your health and any abnormalities. Extreme caution should be exercised when using ultrasound in the area of ​​the face, as ultrasound can negatively affect the eyes and brain function.

Ultrasound – safety

Medical ultrasound does not use ionizing radiation, and the power levels used for imaging are too low to cause adverse effects of heating or pressure in the tissue. While the long-term effects of exposure to diagnostic intensity ultrasound are still unknown, most physicians today believe that the benefits to patients outweigh the risks.

In the case of people who are professionally exposed to ultrasound exceeding 120 dB, it can lead to hearing loss. Exposure above 155 dB can cause heat effects that are detrimental to the human body, and it has been calculated that exposure above 180 dB can be fatal.

Ultrasound – other applications

It should be mentioned that ultrasound is not only used in the field of medicine, but is also successfully used in other fields.

In a reflection, where ultrasound offers great potential in the processing of liquids and sludges, improving mixing and chemical reactions in a variety of applications and industries. Ultrasound generates alternating low and high pressure waves in liquids, which leads to the formation and rapid collapse of small vacuum bubbles. This phenomenon is called cavitation and causes high velocity jets of liquid and strong hydrodynamic shear forces.

These effects are used to deagglomerate and grind micrometer and nanometer sized materials, as well as to disintegrate cells or mix reagents. In this respect, ultrasound is an alternative to high-speed agitators and agitated bead mills.

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Ultrasound is also used in ultrasonic cleanerswhich use frequencies from 20 to 40kHz to clean jewelry, lenses and other optical parts, watches, dental instruments, surgical instruments, diving automats and industrial parts.

Ultrasound is also used in biological sciences for analytical or chemical purposes (sonication and sonoporation) and for killing bacteria in waste water and in ultrasonic humidifiers. In addition, ultrasound is used in agriculture to thoroughly clean seeds and parts of plants, or in the treatment of certain metal alloys and precious stones.

Ultrasounds – interesting facts

  1. Many animals use ultrasound naturally, e.g. bats use various ultrasound techniques (echolocation) to detect their prey. They can detect frequencies above 100kHz and possibly up to 200kHz. Among other animals that use ultrasound, the following can also be mentioned: insects that pick up ultrasounds, thanks to which they can protect themselves against the mentioned bats; whales and dolphins, which use ultrasound in their navigation system (biosonar) to orientate and capture their prey; dogs and cats.
  2. There are many ultrasound generators (small speakers) on the market that are marketed as electronic pest control devices purported to repel rodents and insects, but there is no scientific evidence that these devices work.
  3. Previously, a popular application of ultrasound among consumers was television remote controls for adjusting volume and changing channels. Ultrasound remained in use until it was superseded by infrared systems beginning in the late XNUMXs. 

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