Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the knee joint

When diagnosing pathologies and injuries of the knee joint, often an external examination of the knee is not enough. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to visually inspect the internal elements of the joint. In this case, specialists use various methods: MRI, X-ray, arthroscopy, ultrasound diagnostics of the knee joint. Most often, the choice tends to ultrasound, as this method is simple, reliable, affordable and safe.

An ultrasound examination of the knee joint is prescribed for people who have been injured, bruised or sprained, if a tumor is suspected in the knee area, if the ligaments or meniscus are damaged, if inflammation or degenerative pathologies are present.

During the study, first of all, the specialist evaluates the anatomy and contours of the elements of the joint, changes in the structure, the condition of the menisci and ligaments. Also, the doctor can determine whether fluid or other pathological formations are present. Most often, it is customary to conduct a simultaneous study of two joints, but in different projections: anterior and posterior. For ultrasound, high-frequency sensors are used. The anterior projection allows you to study the quadriceps femoral muscle, assess the state of the patella, anterior twist and patella bag.

In the posterior projection, the condition of the meniscus horn (posterior) is displayed, and the heads of the calf muscles are also evaluated. Medial examination allows you to see on the monitor and the body of the meniscus, as well as the state of the internal ligaments and medial sections. Lateral imaging allows you to make a correct assessment and understand what happened to the lateral ligament, tendon and meniscus, as well as assess the condition of the lateral sections.

Ultrasound technique

Ultrasound examination of the knee joint does not require special preparation of the patient. Ultrasound can be both emergency and planned. The procedure is prescribed by a doctor, if necessary: ​​alarming symptoms and complaints. The study is carried out every day. An exception for carrying out is the introduction of intra-articular injections. In this case, the patient must wait a certain time. Ultrasound diagnostics of the knee joint is an absolutely safe procedure and can be prescribed for children. During the procedure, the patient should lie on the couch. A small cushion or pillow is placed under the knee to be examined. Scanning of the knee occurs in a certain sequence. First, the specialist must view the knee from the front and side, he does this with the help of sensors. After that, the patient should lie on his stomach so that the back surface of the joint can be examined.

The ultrasound doctor should not only know the normal and ultrasound anatomy of the knee joint, but also strictly follow the proposed protocol for ultrasound scanning.

Therefore, despite specific pathologies, symptoms, and complaints, during the examination, the medical professional should evaluate the anatomy of the joint and the standard data set.

During the procedure, you can determine:

  • the presence and amount of fluid in the joint;
  • the thickness of the tissues and the compliance of their structure with the norms;
  • condition of ligaments, tendons;
  • tissue changes.

In parallel, a comparative evaluation of the second joint is carried out. If the Doppler method is used together with ultrasound diagnostics, vascular changes can be studied.

After the end of the procedure, the patient receives a document containing the results of the examination. For a correct interpretation and diagnosis, the patient should contact an orthopedist or traumatologist who will be able to evaluate the parameters of the study. It is worth noting that the presence of a small volume of fluid in the knee joint, as well as the thickness of the cartilage, which does not exceed 5 mm, is the norm.

After reviewing in detail all the changes, the doctor must conclude that there is a specific pathology. Deep diagnostics allows not to make a mistake when making a diagnosis and to choose the right treatment in time.

If necessary, a repeated ultrasound examination of the joint may be prescribed. This applies to patients with chronic diseases. In this case, it is extremely important to assess changes in the joint over time. In addition, frequent remissions and exacerbations can affect the accuracy of the clinical picture.

Performing an ultrasound on a child

It is known that the mobility of the child is often accompanied by falls and injuries. Most often in such cases, it is the knees that suffer. Various direct and glancing blows are the main cause of joint damage. The problem is that the child cannot always clearly explain the nature of the pain, so children need instrumental diagnostics. When choosing a diagnostic method, preference is given to ultrasound, since it is ultrasound that will not entail dangerous complications, which cannot be said about x-ray examination. For this reason, ultrasound examination of the knee can be performed even in newborn babies. In addition to the usual injuries, children can also face a more serious disease called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It often affects both joints at once. With such a pathology, it is very important to diagnose the disease in time, which allows ultrasound to be done.

The complex application of ultrasound techniques, other methods of radiation imaging in injuries, inflammatory processes and pathologies makes it possible to establish the most accurate diagnosis and develop the correct treatment tactics.

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