The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae. Its base (bones) are relatively small, since they must be as mobile as possible. One of the functions of the vertebrae is to control the amount of head movement. The cervical spine can be affected by a large number of diseases. These are injuries, hernias, structural pathologies, etc. To track pathological processes, doctors prescribe an ultrasound examination of the cervical vertebrae. How exactly is the diagnosis carried out and what do you need to know about the area under study?
What you need to know about the cervical spine
The spine is the main part of the skeleton of the human body. It consists of 33-34 vertebrae, fastened to each other in a vertical position. Allocate the sacrum (five fused bones), coccyx, twelve thoracic, five lumbar and seven cervical vertebrae. The latter represent the cervical spine.
Of the seven cervical vertebrae, two (the first and second) have an atypical structure. The atlas (first) has no vertebral body. It consists of anterior and posterior arches, which are held together by specific bony thickenings. The atlas is attached to the foramen magnum in the skull by a convex condylar joint.
In front of the second vertebra is a unique bone outgrowth. It is called the odontoid process or simply the tooth. The process acts as an axis of rotation for the vertebrae. The structure of the first two cervical vertebrae allows a person to make various head movements.
The load on the spinal trunk is unevenly distributed. The cervical region experiences the least load. However, it is this area that is most susceptible to mechanical damage. How is this possible? The strength of small vertebrae is low, and the muscles are poorly developed for significant physical activity. With sudden movements, falls, the head accelerates separately from the body, and the neck takes on the entire shock absorption load.
Each cervical vertebra is provided with transverse processes with narrow openings. The spinous process of the seventh spine is called “protruding”. From it, it is convenient for the doctor to count the vertebrae when examining the patient. Blood vessels are localized in the processes. Veins and arteries are involved in providing the brain with oxygen and nutrients. With pathologies of the cervical region, the blood supply system often suffers. For example, a hernia or an overly mobile vertebra compresses the arteries, veins, which leads to insufficient cerebral blood supply. What is the risk? Severe headache, deterioration in general health, frequent dizziness. In especially severe cases, speech and gait disorders are possible.
The cervical region is considered the most mobile zone of the spinal column. It makes it possible to tilt and turn the head in different directions, and moves the neck. Damage can occur due to a number of factors, from a sharp tilt of the head to a strong blow. In order to diagnose the problem in time and draw up an effective therapeutic course, various examination methods are used, including ultrasound diagnostics.
The direction for the study is issued by the attending physician. Always consult with specialized specialists both before preventive and unscheduled manipulations.
The principle of operation of ultrasonic equipment
Ultrasound is sound waves whose frequency exceeds 20 hertz. Human hearing organs are not able to catch this sound, but whales, dolphins, bats and other representatives of the animal world freely communicate on it. Ultrasonic waves propagate perfectly in the soft tissues of the human body, without violating their functionality and without provoking pathogenic changes.
The human body is not homogeneous. It contains air, water, hard and soft tissues. All these structures interfere with the passage of a sound wave in different ways, which scientists call acoustic resistance. This indicator depends on the density and elasticity of the medium, which prevents the propagation of sound. It is on this principle that the ultrasound machine works. It performs several tasks at once – it creates ultrasound, captures its propagation, the acoustic resistance of different parts of the body and converts it into a picture. A three-dimensional image of the scanned area is displayed on the computer screen, and the doctor, using a special sensor, can “move” over the patient’s body. Ultrasound comes from a sensor that is driven over the surface of the skin, so the picture largely depends on its power and size.
Human skin reflects about 100% of sound vibrations. For the free passage of ultrasound, it is necessary to use a transition medium. This role is played by liquid gel. It allows the sensor to slide freely on any surface, provides a high-quality signal due to the specific viscosity.
The information recorded by the sensor of the ultrasound machine enters the reconstruction system. There it is processed and converted into a three-dimensional image in black and white. An interesting fact is that 64 different shades of black and white scale are used to create an image. The color changes depending on the intensity of the sound wave, the degree of its reflection and the density of the body area from which the sound was reflected. The most intense waves are displayed in white, and the minimum ones are fixed in black.
If it is necessary to assess the state of the vessels, echocontrasting is performed. This is an ultrasound scan with intravenous contrast. The information content of the procedure may well compete with computed tomography. But an advantage is assigned to ultrasound examination – complete safety and comfort of the patient. Contrast improves the visualization of organs, blood flow, details the final image and increases the accuracy of diagnosis.
Indications / contraindications for the study
There are no contraindications for ultrasound examination of the cervical vertebrae. High-frequency sound vibrations do not affect the functionality of the human body and do not harm it.
The list of indications for diagnosis includes:
- local pain throughout the body, pain in the neck with minimal activity;
- regular numbness of any part of the body;
- persistent headache, dizziness, or fainting;
- serious curvature of the spinal column, in which a person cannot take an anatomically correct position;
- breathing problems, shortness of breath, abnormal blood pressure indicators (performed if the diagnosis of the heart turned out to be uninformative);
- deterioration in the functionality of the organs of vision, hearing and memory (carried out if the diagnosis of blood vessels and brain structure turned out to be uninformative).
Indications and contraindications for a particular procedure is always determined by the doctor. Consult with specialized specialists even before preventive examinations in order to achieve the most informative and accurate results.
Preparation and conduct of ultrasound
Specific preparatory measures before the diagnosis is not required. Before starting the procedure, the doctor checks the medical documentation, conducts a brief briefing, seats the patient on a comfortable couch, applies liquid gel to the area under study, and proceeds to the diagnosis. The vertebrae are examined through the anterolateral region of the neck.
The doctor drives the sensor along the cervical region, evaluates the image that is displayed on the screen, compares the declared history with the results of the ultrasound. Usually diagnostics takes no more than 5-10 minutes. As soon as all the information is collected, the doctor prints the pictures, sends them to the patient, makes a preliminary diagnosis and redirects to a specialized specialist.
An ultrasound specialist does not prescribe treatment, he only conducts a study and indicates to the patient the norms or pathologies of his body. For detailed information and a therapeutic course, you should contact your doctor.
What pathologies can be diagnosed
The doctor who conducts the diagnosis will be able to track the patient’s age-related changes and developmental anomalies (more typical for preschool children). The specialist assesses the condition of the spinal membrane, cartilage, tissues of various densities, the level of wear of the intervertebral discs, the presence or absence of interarticular fluid.
The three-dimensional image shows the intensity of the deformation of the intervertebral discs in osteochondrosis or damage to the articular tissues in rheumatism. Also, with the help of ultrasound, it will be possible to track the development of cancerous neoplasms. Ultrasound examination is suitable for clarifying the patient’s condition before and after surgery or for assessing the effectiveness of a therapeutic course.
Features of the diagnosis of newborns
Birth trauma – damage to the tissues or organs of the baby during childbirth, which are caused by mechanical forces. There are several types of birth injuries, the list of which includes damage to the cervical spine. It is possible to identify a violation, its nature only during an external examination, since the child cannot inform his parents about his complaints. Ultrasound examination will help to identify spinal anomalies, the condition of the membranes, the functionality of the circulatory system and the degree of development of the cervical vertebrae. Ultrasound is rarely used in medical practice. Diagnosis may be needed for an unscheduled caesarean section, stimulation of the labor activity of a woman in labor, the use of auxiliary methods of delivery. Also, a study can be prescribed for difficult childbirth, if the weight of the fetus is more than 4,5 kilograms.
Unlike x-rays, ultrasound reveals soft tissue damage that is characteristic of birth injuries. Moreover, ultrasound does not affect the health of the baby in any way, does not accumulate in the body and does not cause side effects.
Ultrasound is a standard diagnostic procedure that helps to assess the condition of the cervical spine, identify norms and pathologies, and form an effective therapeutic course. The procedure can be done at any medical center, after consulting with your doctor. The main advantage of ultrasound is safety. The study will not affect the functionality of the human body, and immediately after the manipulations, the patient can return to the usual pace of life. That is why ultrasound is allowed for newborns, pregnant and lactating women, people of the older age category. Enjoy the benefits of modern medicine and be healthy!