Ultrasonic toothbrush: how to choose? Video
You can keep your teeth beautiful and healthy only with proper and constant care for them, and you cannot do without a toothbrush in this matter. Its diversity is breathtaking. All toothbrushes can be divided into three main groups: conventional, electric and ultrasonic. The latter are considered the most advanced today.
What is an ultrasonic toothbrush
The ultrasound brush is one of the latest inventions in modern dentistry. Outwardly, this device is similar to its predecessors. It also has a bristled head and handle. However, in terms of functionality, the ultrasonic brush should not even be compared with its brothers. It is easier to use and an order of magnitude more efficient. The principle of its operation lies in the emission of an ultrasonic wave at a therapeutic frequency. The brush is capable of performing at least 2 thousand vibrations in one minute. Some models of this gadget make about 100 million movements per minute. In any case, the sound wave perfectly foams any toothpaste and gently cleanses the enamel. At the same time, the person does not experience any painful sensations. During the cleaning process, only pleasant warmth should be felt, since ultrasound heats the tissues of the oral cavity by 1 degree Celsius.
An ultrasonic brush is usually equipped with everything you need. The set, as a rule, in addition to the brush itself, includes a charger, replaceable cleaning nozzles of various hardness and a case for carrying the device.
An ultrasound toothbrush was invented and patented in the United States in the mid-90s. It was invented by Dr. Robert Bock. The design of this brush is constantly being improved.
Ultrasonic brush: advantages and disadvantages
An ultrasonic brush is able to turn ordinary teeth cleaning into not only pleasant, but also useful procedure. This device perfectly cleans teeth and at the same time has an antimicrobial effect. One has only to bring such a brush to the oral cavity, as under the action of ultrasound, food debris will begin to be removed and the membrane of pathogenic bacteria that form dental plaque will collapse. The sound wave loosens the plaque, making it much easier to remove. The amazing cleaning power of the brush is especially noticeable on first use: when rinsing, you can see fragments of tartar in the sink.
Ultrasound has an effect on absolutely all microbes that live in the oral cavity. Thus, there will not be a single place on the teeth that would be left without the attention of this brush. In addition, ultrasound will affect not only the visible part of the tooth, but also dentin and periodontal tissues, preventing the growth of bacterial colonies. The ultrasonic brush not only cleans enamel with high quality, but also effectively protects teeth from caries and periodontitis. Ordinary and electric brushes can only dream of this.
Extreme care in relation to tooth enamel and gums is another advantage of this brush.
This is especially true for gum disease, when any mechanical action is contraindicated.
With an ultrasonic brush, you can forget about such a problem as bleeding gums. Dentists advise using this device for people with high sensitivity of teeth, as well as for the care of braces and prostheses.
By choosing an ultrasonic brush, you can save on the purchase of a paste. To clean your teeth with this device, you need a minimum amount of paste: literally one drop. In addition, it is permissible to use this brush without any paste at all.
Brushing your teeth with this gadget will save you time, which is especially important in the morning. With such a device, you no longer have to slowly and sadly brush your teeth. The ultrasound brush will do its job in half a minute.
The high price is perhaps the only drawback of the ultrasonic brush. However, spending on its purchase will subsequently allow you to save several times more on visits to the dentist.
The ultrasound brush will transform your routine brushing into a physiotherapy treatment for the gums. It will well stimulate blood flow in them, which will contribute to better absorption of the beneficial ingredients contained in the paste.
Are ultrasonic brushes safe?
Ultrasound, which is used in toothbrushes, is completely safe. In general, an ultrasonic wave is capable of harming the body only at the low frequency level. The brush operates at high frequency and low power, which provides an effective and safe therapeutic and prophylactic effect. According to clinical studies, ultrasonic brushes can be used even by children.
Despite the complete safety, ultrasonic brushes have contraindications.
They should not be used by people who have the following problems:
- heart and vascular diseases
- blood diseases
- epilepsy
- precancerous diseases of the oral cavity
Exposure to ultrasonic waves can aggravate the exacerbation of these diseases. With such problems, it is advisable to brush your teeth with an ordinary brush.
How to care for an ultrasonic brush
The ultrasonic brush is easy to clean. After brushing your teeth, you just need to rinse it under running water. The kit comes with nozzles, which are recommended to be changed at least twice a month. In some models of brushes, a special indicator reminds of the need to replace the nozzle.