Ultimate Nutrition: A Company Story.

Ultimate Nutrition: A Company Story.

Ultimate Nutrition was founded in 1979 Victor Rubino… At the time of the formation of the company, Victor was already an eminent athlete in the United States who achieved high results in powerlifting, although he was never a professional. Driven by his goal to be the best, Victor knew that sports nutritional supplements were a key factor in achieving high results, increasing strength and endurance, as well as promoting rapid recovery. However, dissatisfied with the quality of sports supplements existing at that time (70 years of the twentieth century), Victor, a biochemist by training, decided to start his own sports nutrition company called Ultimate Nutrition. His goal was to create high quality, carefully designed products at an affordable price.


In the late 70s and early 80s of the twentieth century, Ultimate Nutrition was one of the first companies to have in its assortment such products as amino acids in tablets, protein and carbohydrate powders, as well as various types of fat burners. By the late 80s and early 90s of the XNUMXth century, Ultimate Nutrition launched several legendary products such as Sport Energizer, a ready-to-drink energy drink in a glass bottle with ten different flavors.

By the mid-1990s, Ultimate Nutrition was again ahead of the pack as the first company to launch a whey protein powder in a bottle. Today, Ultimate Nutrition continues to delight us with a wide range of manufactured nutritional supplements including Massive Whey Geiner, 100% Prostar Whey Protein, Muscle Juice, Glutapure, Protein Isolate, Amino Gold, Daily Complete formula. New development 100% Prostar Whey Protein Is a high-protein blend containing a large amount of essential amino acids and BCAAs, necessary to build your muscles, both with prolonged and short-term intense exertion. 100% Prostar Whey Protein with Immune Growth Factor to avoid the negative effects of intense stress on your body’s immune system.


Unfortunately, Victor Rubino passed away in March 2003 at the age of 48. However, Ultimate Nutrition continues to be run by the Rubino family, upholding Victor’s tradition and vision to create high quality, carefully formulated nutritional supplements for athletes at an affordable price.

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