Ukrainian prescriptions accepted in Polish pharmacies. Important drugs can be purchased even without them

According to the regulations, pharmacies in Poland are obliged to fulfill prescriptions issued outside the European Union, but under certain conditions. If the patient’s health is at risk, it is also possible to dispense the drug without a prescription from a doctor. The rules are explained below.

  1. Pharmacies in Poland are obliged to fulfill prescriptions issued in Ukraine
  2. Prescriptions from outside the European Union must contain some necessary information about the data of the patient, the person who issued it and the medicine
  3. If the patient’s health is at risk, the prescription is not required – it can be issued by a pharmacist
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Generally accessible pharmacies operating in Poland are obliged to fulfill prescriptions issued in countries other than those belonging to the European Union, including Ukraine. This was recalled by the Supreme Pharmaceutical Chamber, which asks for access to medicines to people who present them for implementation.

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The regulation of the Minister of Health of 23 December 2021 describes the scope of data that should be included in a prescription issued in a country other than that of the European Union. They must be:

  1. first name or names of the patient
  2. patient’s address
  3. international (commonly used) name or trade name
  4. drug form
  5. drug strength
  6. the amount of the drug
  7. date of issue of the prescription
  8. details of the person issuing the prescription in the form of a seal or imprint and his personal signature.

In the case of the data of the person issuing the prescription, it should include: her name (s) and surname, professional qualifications, medical worker ID, e-mail address or telephone number with an international prefix for direct contact with the person who issued the prescription and the signature or signature of the person authorized to issue a prescription.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine. The pharmacist can dispense the medicine without a prescription

In the event of a patient’s health being threatened, a pharmacist may also issue an over-the-counter medicine to a person from Ukraine, as the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector reminded of. A pharmacist from a pharmacy or pharmacy can then issue a prescription for medicinal products (subject to controlled measures). Such prescriptions are fulfilled with full payment (100%).

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In the case of prescriptions from Ukraine, the pharmacist must be absolutely sure that the medicine is dispensed correctly, says Marcin Repelewicz, president of the Lower Silesian Pharmaceutical Chamber, for the portal

One caveat: not all drugs used in Ukraine are available in Poland.

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