UHF therapy is designed to treat certain diseases by heating. The treatment is based on the work of an electric apparatus that warms up certain parts of the body, thereby affecting them with a slight thermal effect, the result of which is noticeable after 6-10 times (full course).
The device is easy to operate, but since there are indications and contraindications for manipulation (which the patient may not know about), it is necessary to carry out treatment under the supervision of medical staff. With the right treatment, a UHF device can eliminate a number of diseases, both chronic, which seemed incurable, and minor cosmetic ones.
What is a UHF device?
High frequency transistor devices are commonly used in medicine, in particular for generating ultra high frequency (UHF) electromagnetic oscillations in physical therapy.
In UHF devices, an electric field is created with two capacitor plates (metal discs) connected to the device’s generator. These plates of capacitors are placed inside a dielectric case. The electrodes are applied to the part of the patient’s body to be treated, so that there is a gap between the plates and the surface of the body. This prevents unwanted heating of superficial tissues, since the region of maximum concentration of the UHF device is outside the patient’s body.
When is UHF used?
The high frequency facial is used by estheticians to treat and prevent acne, reduce enlarged pores and fine lines/wrinkles. The machine can also stimulate collagen, elastin and improve cell renewal. High frequency treatment can counter puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes.
The professional facial treatment uses a machine that delivers alternating current and produces a thermal effect to help stimulate blood circulation. UHF machine increase cell metabolism, improve oxygenation and absorption of skin care product, exfoliate dead cells.
Its action belongs to the category of antiseptic (it can coagulate and heal open wounds on the body, thereby preventing infections). The primary action of the high-frequency current is thermal (heat generation) and is characterized by high oscillation speed. Due to the rapid speed of oscillation, high frequency does not cause muscle contractions – instead, it works like skin toning.
Also, the device is indispensable in the treatment of the following diseases:
- acute inflammatory diseases;
- chronic diseases;
- purulent diseases;
- obliterating endarteritis;
- poliomyelitis (in the early stages);
- ulcers, wounds;
- frostbite of any degree.
Main Specifications
Doctors recommend treatment in the initial stages of the disease, while the chances of recovery are significantly increased. Timely quality patient care can cure even long-term inflammatory processes and chronic diseases.
At the moment, many UHF devices operate at a frequency of 27,12 MHz in a pulsed or constant (continuous) mode. For a long time, high-frequency circuits of UHF devices were mounted using vacuum tubes. However, devices based on high-frequency transistors have greater reliability, stability of the carrier frequency and current level, in contrast to devices with a vacuum tube. These devices require low voltage. In addition, the output power of UHF devices can be easily increased using fairly simple circuits, but the low output impedances of the devices and the wide range of variations in hardware load create some problems.
The reactive component is determined by the volume of the body being treated relative to the capacitor plates.
This volume can vary in a wide range of exposure from 0,5 to 27 pF (picofarad), since with electrodes 35, 70, 105 and 240 mm in diameter, they are placed sequentially 5, 10, 20 mm from the patient’s body, respectively. The problem is complicated by the fact that the equivalent load is balanced and lies at a distance of 0,7-1 m from the equipment – this distance is comparable to the operating wavelength (2 = 11 m).
Typically, the loading of the high frequency path is a double line with a wave impedance of about 600 units and an electrical length of about 35 m, filled with a complex impedance with a slightly varying active substance and a reactive component that can vary widely.
The task to be solved is to transfer power from the transistor generator to the active component of the complex load in the entire range of its variations. The purpose of this work is to describe the high-frequency transistor circuit for UHF devices with different output powers.
The effect of the UHF device
With a properly selected treatment mode and power, the device is able to eliminate the problem in a matter of sessions. Usually about 6-10 procedures are enough to improve health. If necessary, the attending physician may prescribe a second course (or several) to completely eliminate the disease.
It is important to remember that UHF treatment requires medical knowledge, so you should not carry out the procedure yourself. In the event that all safety rules are not observed or an inaccurate current strength is set, the patient may receive severe burns.
The UHF device treats not only serious diseases, but also helps to get rid of minor cosmetic problems that cannot be overcome with the help of conventional cosmetic procedures and products. Thus, when used correctly and according to its intended purpose, this device does not bear the slightest harm to the patient’s body. The UHF device provides for the use of electromagnetic treatment for a long time without dangerous consequences in the future.