
Udon is a traditional Japanese dish. Connoisseurs of oriental cuisine have long known and loved this delicious noodle, but for the average consumer, this dish is still a curiosity. In Japan, this dish is as popular as sushi and sashimi. But this is simply thick noodles made from wheat flour. Its main difference from all other types of the same product is the absence of eggs in its composition. Now there are more and more restaurants with Japanese cuisine, where you can try this dish and appreciate its taste. And how useful or vice versa it is harmful, let’s try to figure it out.

A bit of history

Back in the XNUMXth century BC, flour was prepared in the countries of East Asia and delivered along the famous Silk Road to China. The craftsmen of the ancient eastern civilization, which originated in the Yellow River valley, used it to make nutritious and tasty noodles, which were then exported to other Asian countries and even to Italy.

According to the Chinese classification, flour pasta was divided into several types. One of them – boiled flour cakes – includes udon noodles.

This species came to Japan around the 804th century AD. At that time, it had many different names: muginawa, tabata or sakubei – the traditional Chinese names for noodles at that time. One of the stories of the appearance of this dish in Japan says that the Buddhist monk Kukai from the country of To brought it there. This happened around XNUMX, during the Heian era. Just at this time, the monk arrived in the Chinese city of Choan (modern Xian), which was famous for its large wheat yield. The result of this was the production of various cultures based on it, and the Seiryuji Temple, where Kukan studied Buddhist teachings, was one of the most famous producers of wheat noodles at that time. That is why this story is meaningless. Especially if we consider this fact from several angles and assume that the monk could bring not the noodle culture itself, but new methods of using it. And such an interpretation of events seems more acceptable, especially since the existence of noodles in Japan is mentioned in ancient chronicles long before this journey of Kukai. And since this monk was from the Chinese prefecture of Kagawa, it is he who is credited with the foundation of such a type of noodles as sanuki-udon.

General description and types of udon noodles

At its core, udon is a product consisting of wheat flour, salt and water. Traditionally, for its preparation, it is customary to use special water – kansui, which is considered mineral and contains phosphates. This is what gives the dough and the noodles themselves a specific salty taste.

The color of the product is executed in gray-white tones, depending on the type of flour that is included in it, and can vary from off-white to dazzling white. It is the thickest of all types of Japanese noodles. Its thickness reaches a diameter of approximately 2 to 4 mm.

By the way, depending on the thickness and diameter, there are several types of udon noodles. Moreover, each variety is inherent in a particular region in Japan.

Types of noodles:

  • inaniva udon, an extremely thin variety made in Akita Prefecture;
  • mimi-udon – a type of noodles produced in Togichi prefecture and shaped like “ears”;
  • himokawa – flat and wide noodles from the city of Kiryu in Gunma prefecture;
  • hoto – a popular dish in Yamanashi prefecture, rather wide and flat udon;
  • kishimen – flat noodles produced in the Japanese city of Nagoya;
  • Ise udon, a soft and thick variety from Ise City in Mie Prefecture;
  • sanuki-udon – a thick and harsh type common in Kagawa prefecture;
  • Hakata udon are noodles from Fukuoka Prefecture, usually soft and quite thick.

These are just some of the types of udon noodles. There are more than thirty varieties of them throughout Japan.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Udon noodles contain a rich mineral complex and a wonderful vitamin composition. Among the vitamins, useful substances can be noted, such as:

  • choline;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folic acid;
  • cobalamin;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin RR.

And the mineral composition is represented by calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, chlorine, sulfur, iodine, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, vanadium, tin, titanium, silicon, cobalt, nickel, aluminum, phosphorus and sodium. Udon noodles are quite high in calories, its energy value is 337 kcal. Protein content – 10,4 grams, fat – 1,1 grams, and carbohydrates – 69,7 grams.

Useful Properties

Udon noodles contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates. Eating them improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, charges the body with energy and vigor, and helps to get rid of extra pounds. Complex carbohydrates are also used to prevent and treat diabetes. But they are very slowly absorbed by the body, hence their dietary value. Udon noodles, due to the special technology of kneading the dough, are digested quite easily. Due to the fact that this technology allows enzymes to break down complex carbohydrates more efficiently.

Fiber, which is part of the product, contributes to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, the removal of dangerous toxins and toxins from the body, and the overall strengthening of the body. It also lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

The content of noodles in the composition of a large number of B vitamins makes it almost a natural antidepressant. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and neuroses, perfectly calms and relaxes.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

Made with the right technology, quality udon noodles are made from whole grain wheat flour, which contains the protein gluten. This should be remembered by those who do not consume this protein for dietary reasons. This product is also contraindicated for those who are inclined to be overweight or people who follow the figure. It is very high in calories and its excessive consumption can lead to obesity. In stores and supermarkets, you can often find cheaper versions of such noodles, consisting of highly processed flour. Such a product does not contain any useful properties, since it is practically devoid of a vitamin component and fiber important for the body. Also, synthetic preservatives can be used for its preparation, from which nothing good can be expected either. And the lack of dietary fiber can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the digestive system.

Cooking application

Traditionally, udon noodles are served as the first course. It can be consumed both hot and cold. The color and saturation of the broth is quite different in different regions of Japan. So, for example, in the East it is more saturated, dark in color, as it is prepared with the addition of dark soy sauce. In the West, lighter types of this product are used, which accordingly makes the broth light brown.

Cold udon noodles are especially appreciated in hot and sultry times, as they are able to quench their thirst well. It is often used as a side dish that goes well with mushrooms, seafood, vegetables, green onions and ginger.

There are many delicious dishes that are prepared using this delicious noodles. Here are just a few of them:

  • kake-udon – a traditional hot broth with udon noodles, crushed with finely chopped green onions;
  • tempura udon – hot udon served with ebi tempura (with shrimp);
  • kare-udon – udon noodles in broth cooked with curry seasoning;
  • yaki-udon – fried udon in sauce;
  • chikara-udon – the so-called strength noodles, served with fried rice cakes;
  • wakame udon is udon served with special dark green wakame seaweed.

From cold dishes, several types can also be distinguished. Dzaru-udon, traditionally seasoned with crushed nori. It is served with wasabi, chilled Japanese sauce or grated ginger on a bamboo tray. And also kidzeu-udon, such noodles are served with soy sauce and citrus juice. Often it is decorated with grated Japanese daikon radish.

Cooking noodles at home

Delicious and healthy udon noodles are made from quality products. It is easy and simple to make at home, without spending a lot of effort.

For preparation it will be required:

  • wheat flour – 200 gram;
  • water – 90 ml;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • starch.

The main thing in cooking is the exact amount of ingredients. Depending on this, the dough will either be stiffer than necessary, or the noodles will spread, not wanting to take the desired shape.

Salt dissolve in the right amount of warm water at room temperature. Then you need to add flour and mix everything. You do not need to knead the dough yet, it will be enough to roll it into a homogeneous mass. The bun obtained in this way should be placed in a hermetically sealed bag and removed from it as much as possible the air, creating such an artificial vacuum. Leave the dough alone for half an hour.

Traditionally in Japan, it is believed that the dough for making such noodles must be kneaded with your feet. It’s pretty easy to do this at home. You need to place the bag with the dough on a towel and, carefully stepping, walk over it several times back and forth, thus kneading the bun. Once it flattens out, the dough is ready.

After that, you need to get it out of the package and again give it a spherical shape. Then put back and knead again. The process should be repeated at least three times. At the end of the procedure, roll the dough into a bun again and leave it in the bag for about 3 hours.

Roll out the resulting dough to a thickness of up to three millimeters, sprinkle with starch and wrap the edges in the center. Turn seam side down and cut into vertical strips about 3 cm wide. Unroll each strip, sprinkling with starch.

Boil freshly prepared noodles in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. The frozen product should be thawed a little before cooking so that the noodles do not break in the process.

How to eat and store udon

They eat such noodles, like other Japanese dishes, with chopsticks, but the use of a spoon is also allowed. First you need to bring the bowl closer to your mouth, eat the noodles, and then drink the broth. The Japanese never drink it to the end, as it is believed that it is needed only in order to give a specific flavor to tender noodles. It is said that loud squelching is welcome in Japan. Thus, you allegedly pay tribute to the chef for a deliciously prepared dish.

Freshly made udon can be frozen and stored this way for up to a month. Ready-made noodles without freezing should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within three days from the date of preparation. The most delicious is considered to be a freshly prepared product.


Udon noodles are an original traditional Japanese dish. It is light and nutritious, very well absorbed by the body and contributes to its saturation with energy and vivacity. A high-quality natural product made from natural ingredients, using whole grain wheat flour, has many useful properties in its composition. It is able to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to fight depression and bad mood, setting in a good mood, improving efficiency and vitality. There are many national Japanese dishes that include udon noodles. Each of them has its own distinctive features, characteristic of the regions of Japan in which it is prepared. Udon noodles are very high in calories. It is not recommended to use it for people prone to fullness or practicing a healthy lifestyle. Also, the natural product is rich in a specific protein, gluten, and is not suitable for people who follow a gluten-free diet or suffer from intolerance to this protein.

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