Udder swelling after calving: what to do

The phenomenon when a cow has a hard and swollen udder is not uncommon. Most often, this situation occurs due to a violation of the outflow of lymph and blood circulation immediately after calving. Pathology is considered not dangerous to the health of the animal, but timely action is required.

Why is the cow’s udder swollen?

A hard udder in a cow can be observed for several reasons. But in the greatest risk zone are representatives of cattle that have calved for the first time or suffer from diseases of the heart and kidneys. In the presence of any pathologies, edema occurs in a cow a few weeks before birth, and after calving it does not go away for a long time and only gets worse.

The main reasons for the formation of solid edema include the following:

  • toxicosis;
  • the presence in the diet of a large amount of succulent and acidic feed;
  • heart and kidney disease;
  • lack of an active lifestyle during pregnancy;
  • bruises and injuries of the udder.
Important! The edema caused by calving almost always goes away on its own. But it is always necessary to observe the animal and the condition of its udder in order to prevent the development of mastitis.

The danger of edema is as follows:

  • udder induration – an overgrowth of skin and tissue in the udder that tends to thicken and lead to a decrease in milk production;
  • mastitis – a serious pathology characterized by compaction of the udder, the development of suppuration and inflammation.

Udder swelling after calving: what to do

Heifer udder edema

If the udder of a cow that is still in the pregnancy stage is swollen, this may indicate that the heifer has health problems or she is having a hard time with pregnancy. A hard lump in the breast should be a reason to see a doctor.

Udder swelling before calving

The stone udder of a cow can be observed a few days before calving. Experienced livestock breeders recommend not to panic in this case, since this is a normal physiological process. Before childbirth, the mammary gland swells, preparing to receive the first portions of colostrum, and hormonal changes occur throughout the body.

Udder swelling after calving

Owners of cattle most often see swelling in the cow after calving. This is a physiological phenomenon that should pass on its own in 3 to 4 days after childbirth. At this time, the owner is advised to reduce the amount of wet food in the animal’s diet, as well as the amount of fluid consumed.

If after the specified time the problem does not disappear, it is worth starting treatment, since a long stagnation of milk, which is formed in the presence of edema, can cause the development of mastitis and other serious pathologies.

In a heifer, severe udder swelling can be caused by excess milk flow. In this case, it is recommended to increase the number of milkings and massage hard areas.

Symptoms of inflammation of the udder

Not every owner of a cow can recognize udder edema. It is usually seen on the back or the entire breast. In some cases, alternate swelling of the lobes of the mammary gland occurs. Visually, this can be seen on this basis: the nipples (rear or anterior) become shorter.

Symptoms of edema include the following:

  • the udder is hard, has the “consistency” of dough, that is, thickened skin is observed, which does not take on its previous shape if pressed on;
  • nipples (usually back) become shorter;
  • temperature is normal;
  • udder hard, smooth, cold to the touch, looks pale, but painless;
  • part of the mammary gland is enlarged;
  • milk has a watery texture when milked.
Attention! Most often, a smaller amount of milk can be milked from a mammary gland with edema than from a healthy one. This is directly related to circulatory disorders in the hard part of the mammary gland.

How to remove swelling of the udder in a cow after calving

Since udder edema in cows can be for various reasons, the methods for their elimination may vary.

If the edema is postpartum in nature, and the udder is not hard everywhere, then treatment as such is not required. It will take about a week for the problem to go away. If the udder is too hard and disturbs the cow, then it is better to start complex therapy immediately. It includes the following manipulations and recommendations:

  • frequent milking – at least 6 times a day;
  • conducting edema massage, which is carried out from the bottom up;
  • change of diet components: it is necessary to remove all wet food, introduce a large amount of high-quality hay;
  • reducing the amount of fluid consumed;
  • medication treatment.
Important! Medicines are prescribed by a veterinarian. Usually, experts recommend the use of decongestant ointments, calcium gluconate and diuretics.

During treatment, regardless of what nature it will be, you need to follow a number of rules that will help speed up the healing process:

  • maintaining cleanliness in the place where the cow is kept;
  • hand treatment before milking;
  • washing the udder with warm water;
  • rubbing cream into the nipples (to carry out manipulations before and after milking);
  • high-quality milking – no violation of the milking technique is allowed;
  • supporting the udder with a special corset (any garter that can hold a heavy udder will do). This is necessary so that the animal does not experience discomfort and pain;
  • holding lotions from paraffin or hay dust;
  • maintaining the optimum temperature in the room where the cow is most of her time.

With the right approach, swelling of the udder in a cow after calving does not require treatment.

Udder swelling after calving: what to do

Treatment of udder edema in cattle

If the cow has a hardened udder, but this is not associated with calving, then this may indicate the presence of some pathologies. A hard mammary gland is in this case only a symptom of a more serious disease, which needs to be treated in the first place.

To prescribe effective therapy, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the swelling. This is in the competence of the veterinarian, since each disease has its own characteristics.

  1. Injury. A hard formation on the udder can be triggered by trauma. The treatment process in this case will depend on the severity of the bruise. Most often, a specialist prescribes Novocain injections, which relieve pain and reduce inflammation. With severe closed injuries, it may be recommended to apply cold to a hard mammary gland (effectively only in the first hours after receiving a bruise). In the following days, an impact on the bruise with heat is prescribed: UHF, thermal baths, etc. If necessary, a massage is performed: with light movements, the hard area is rubbed from the bottom up. Severe hematomas are opened to eliminate the bruise (the procedure is carried out no earlier than 3-5 days after the injury). An open wound is treated with antibiotics and sulfa drugs, which are prescribed as a course.
  2. Mastitis. If a cow has a coarsened udder due to the development of mastitis, then the edema is removed only after the type of disease has been established:
  • with catarrhal mastitis, a massage is prescribed, which is carried out from top to bottom, as well as frequent milking;
  • serous edema of the udder (mastitis) is treated with frequent milking (every 2 hours) and massage from the bottom up;
  • with purulent mastitis, not only a hard udder is observed, but also the presence of painful sensations. In this case, massage is not recommended.

The animal must also be limited in nutrition, excluding concentrates and succulent feed. Among the medicines that are most often prescribed for mastitis (catarrhal and purulent), Streptomycin or Penicillin solutions can be distinguished. They are introduced into the udder with a catheter 20 minutes before milking, during which the drugs are removed from the body.

For faster resorption of solid edema, the use of Iodine and Ichthyol ointments is recommended, as well as poultices and wrapping of the udder.

Malignant edema in cattle is rarely diagnosed. But it also should not be ruled out if the problem appeared in a cow that calved a few months ago or has not yet been covered.

Many experienced livestock breeders recommend treating the animal not only with medications, but also with traditional medicine, which can soften hard formations and relieve swelling:

  • soldering with dill water;
  • add chamomile decoction to drinking water to reduce inflammation and relieve swelling;
  • apply cabbage leaves to the hard zone of the udder: the product helps relieve swelling, moisturizes the skin;
  • solder the animal with a decoction of juniper berries, birch buds or horsetail.

Preventive measures

Preventing breast swelling is much easier than treating the resulting consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to take a number of measures that will help avoid the development of pathology:

  • most often, the disease can be observed in first-calf heifers, so it is important for them to establish the right diet (excluding concentrated feeds and reducing the amount of succulent ones) and organizing active pastime;
  • the room in which the animal is kept must be clean. The litter should be changed daily, and in the period after calving, this procedure is best done twice a day;
  • drafts, sudden changes in temperature and high humidity are unacceptable in the barn;
  • regardless of age, cattle should not receive salt licks during the risk period, and salt intake should be kept to a minimum.

Red udder in a cow and its swelling – most often, this is not a disease, but only a symptom of the presence of health problems, which must be prevented in the first place.


If the cow’s udder is firm, but painless, there is no fever and deterioration in general well-being, then swelling can be considered not dangerous to health. But in any case, observation of the animal and compliance with a number of recommendations provided is required.

Udder edema in a cow after calving: why, what to do, how to treat?

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