Types of Wrinkles – What types of wrinkles are there on the face?
Types of Wrinkles - What types of wrinkles are there on the face?Types of Wrinkles – What types of wrinkles are there on the face?

Wrinkles are longitudinal lines on the skin – usually marking the passing of time, and therefore associated with the inevitable aging process. Although not only old age is behind their formation, many other factors are also involved. Therefore, it is not a feature of the physiognomy that adds joy with age, rather the opposite – it raises the question of whether this process can be stopped or slowed down a bit. It is worth knowing the types of wrinkles to know what influence we have on their formation.

Types of wrinkles – learn to name and recognize them

Any types of wrinkles they are usually classified according to where they occur and the causes that impinge on their gradual appearance. The basic differentiating category wrinkles are the reasons why they arise. And yes, most of the time we do mimic wrinkleswhich inevitably occur as a result of facial muscle movements – automatic, involuntary. Typically, such changes are observed in people over 25 years of age, then this process intensifies. Their typical location is around the eyes, mouth and nose. Although these phenomena are completely unrelated to aging, many people react to them with great concern. Another cause of wrinkles is invasive contact with the sun. Its harmful effects contribute to the formation of depressions in the skin called sun wrinkles. The main feature that characterizes them is numerous discoloration or discoloration. Improper body positioning during sleep is unfortunately an oversight, which can also contribute to the formation of sleepy wrinkles. And the last reason for the appearance of wrinkles is the natural aging process of the body. These, in turn, are characteristically defined gravitational ripples.

Where wrinkles form – which places on the skin do they prefer?

In addition to the causes that determine the formation of wrinkles, another feature that determines them is the place where they occur. The most visible are the horizontal furrows located on the forehead, although there are also vertical wrinkles on the forehead, called the lion’s furrow, located between the eyebrows. Delicate skin and strongly working circular muscles of the eye, contracting when smiling or squinting, are the elements that characterize the so-called. Crow’s feet, i.e. wrinkles arranged radially around the corners of the eyes. Most of the time, however, we do wrinkles under the eyes. They appear the fastest due to thin and very sensitive skin, characteristic of the eye area (it is estimated that it is half a millimeter here, which is four times thinner than the skin on the rest of the face). The natural process of wrinkles appearing in this place is the result of both facial expressions and skin drying due to the lack of sebaceous and sweat glands in this part. Vertical furrows they also do not avoid the mouth area. The vertically formed folds located under the lips are called marionette lines or sad lines. There are also wrinkles around the mouth associated with the mouth of a smoker, taking the shape of vertical furrows, arranged as in the act of whistling. Between the nose and mouth there are also paranasal furrows, commonly called monkey face.

Is it possible to delay the appearance of facial wrinkles?

Many people wonder if it is possible to delay the aging process of the facial skin, manifested, among others, by appearing on it wrinkles. Maintaining the good condition of the facial skin is conducive to practicing a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, proper skin care through skilful moisturizing and cleansing. However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to stop the aging process of the skin or reverse it. If someone has such a need, he or she must get acquainted with the offer of treatments recommended by aesthetic medicine in this regard.

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