Types of wallpaper: what are, characteristics, where to use

Wallpapering the walls is the most obvious and widespread way of finishing. But this finishing material has different characteristics and prices. What types of wallpaper are there, how they differ, where which one is better to use – we’ll talk about all this further.

A wide variety allows you to choose a finish for any style

Classification by characteristics

In order not to make a mistake when choosing wallpaper, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what they are like in general. Let’s start with a general classification according to various features and properties.

The first thing to decide is how the finish should be “friendly” with water and how often it will need to be washed. On this basis, they are:

  • Ordinary, which endure dry cleaning – with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. In the most dirty places, you can lightly wipe with a damp sponge. But no more rough impact – they will tear. Basically, this group includes paper wallpapers, as well as some types of acrylic (which are cheaper).
  • Waterproof. Cleaning is possible with a rag and sponge, but without much diligence. Use of liquid detergents in a diluted state is allowed. This processing is allowed a limited number of times.
    Graphical display of the degree of washability of the wallpaper
  • Washable. You can care for this type of finish using brushes. In particularly dirty places, the use of non-aggressive liquid detergents is allowed.
  • Super washable (abrasion resistant). Moisture-resistant wallpaper that can be washed with a brush and detergents. These are mainly vinyl of various types and some others are made from natural ingredients.

This characteristic is displayed on the label of each roll in the form of a graphic icon – a wavy line (see photo).

The next thing to consider is fade resistance. It is no secret that some materials and paints change their color on sunlit surfaces. For sunny rooms, it is better to choose wallpaper that is resistant to fading. In rooms with windows facing west or north, this is not so critical. For those without windows (corridors, bathrooms, toilets, etc.) it doesn’t matter at all. This characteristic is also displayed on the label with a sun pictogram (pictured below).

Resistance of wallpaper to fading – graphic designation

Another important thing may be the fit of the pattern. Some colors do not require the selection of a pattern and offset at all (monotone). Others require displacement, and by a different amount. Offset increases the consumption of finishing material. This information is also indicated on the label using pictograms.

Fitting the pattern for the wallpaper is depicted using pictograms

All types of wallpapers are supplied with an insert-instruction on which these data are displayed. There are also images that show how the glue is applied. The removal method is also displayed – they are removed in whole or in part. Next, consider the types of wallpaper – what they are made of, what advantages, disadvantages, scope.


Paper wallpapers are the most common and cheapest. Their popularity is due to the low price, wide range, good performance properties. They are environmentally friendly, permeable to air, but are afraid of high humidity, have low mechanical strength, and fade quickly. The average service life is 3-5 years. Not much, but this and all other shortcomings are compensated by a very attractive price.

There are several types of paper wallpapers:

  • Single-layer, also called a simplex (from the English simple – simple). This is an ordinary paper tape of a certain density, on which a pattern is applied. It is necessary to choose them not only by their appearance, but also by the quality of the paper on which they are printed. It should be dense, not loose. This is the most inexpensive type of wallpaper of all that exists, but you need to stick them carefully – they can tear. Another nuance – all or almost all the bumps on the wall will be visible.
  • Multilayer. Consisting of two layers are called duplex, of three – triplex. This type of paper wallpaper is thicker and may have an embossed pattern. Due to the greater density, they better hide irregularities. The price is still inexpensive, but not as much as a simplex.
    Paper wallpapers have a variety of colors.
  • With increased washing power (water resistant). These wallpapers are not completely washable, but they are durable enough to withstand wiping with a damp (not wet) cloth. Priced in about the same category as multi-layers, they are often used for inexpensive renovations in a kitchen or hallway.

When choosing, pay attention to such an indicator as density – it greatly affects strength, but keep in mind that it is harder to glue thick paper wallpapers on uneven walls – they are not as elastic as average ones. Very thin ones are also bad, since, on the contrary, they stretch very strongly, and when wet they can practically spread in their hands or “roll off”, go in waves, when trying to level them on the wall. In general, the best option is medium. They will close the bumps and work with them easily. The division is: up to 110 g/m2 – light, 110-140 g/m2 – medium, over 140 g/m2 – heavy.

If you’re looking for an inexpensive, breathable wall covering, paper wallpapers are practically unbeatable. When gluing, the simplest glue is used, with which both the wall and the canvas are smeared (but not always, read the instructions).


Interlining is a non-woven fiber that consists of cellulose fibers (sometimes artificial fibers are used). This material has high vapor permeability, conducts air and moisture well, comes in different densities. Thin interlining is a rather elastic material that can be glued to uneven walls. But it stretches too much, which can be a problem. Canvases with medium and high density are easier to stick, but practically do not stretch, so the surface must be even.

Please note that there are wallpapers made of 100% non-woven fabric, and there are only wallpapers based on it. Now we are talking about those that are completely non-woven, because otherwise their characteristics depend on the second layer. By the way, when searching in the catalog, write “non-woven wallpaper with non-woven coating”, otherwise most of the results are vinyl on non-woven base, and they have completely different properties.

Non-woven wallpaper with non-woven coating

Non-woven wallpaper has two forms of release – ordinary and “for painting”, glued with a special glue based on well-purified starch and / or PVA. They can be smooth, textured, embossed or voluminous. They have good performance properties:

  • Flizelin does not swell when wet from glue or water, does not change its shape after drying.
  • The preparation of the walls may not be ideal – due to the density, the material will hide some irregularities, but large depressions-protrusions are unacceptable.
  • Can be used in new homes – it does not tear when new small cracks form.
  • It slightly reduces the thermal conductivity and sound permeability of the walls (it is clearly not enough to significantly improve sound insulation, but read here how to improve it).

Most non-woven fabrics are imported for sale, but there are also a few Russian ones (for example, Milassa, Loymina). They do not differ in price, so it makes little sense to choose according to this criterion. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the width is 53 cm and 105 cm, the length in a roll is from 10 meters to 25 meters. So the price per roll is far from an indicator. It is easier to compare if you consider the price per square meter.


Vinyl wallpapers are based on paper or non-woven. A layer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC or, more simply, vinyl) is applied to the base. This film is less than a millimeter thick, but it gives the finishing material strength (can be washed with a brush), water-repellent properties, and high resistance to fading. It is vinyl sheets that can be washed, and many are resistant to abrasion and allow the use of a brush.

Such a set of properties allows the use of this type of wallpaper in rooms with high humidity, in particular in the kitchen or in the bathroom, but not in the immediate vicinity of water sources. It also performs well where high durability of the finish is required (corridor, hallway) – you have to try to scratch it.

Another type of wallpaper with special properties – vinyl

Their main disadvantage is that they do not allow air to pass through, therefore they try not to use them in residential premises or compensate for them with a good ventilation system.

Types and varieties

Which vinyl wallpaper is better – paper-based or non-woven? On non-woven, it is easier to glue, but only on a well-prepared base. The fact is that thin interlining is used as the basis, and since the vinyl film is also thin, the total thickness of the coating is small, they are simply not able to hide irregularities – all errors are visible. Another nuance is that if the vinyl wallpaper is light, then the base must also be light in color, otherwise the color heterogeneity may show through.

If we compare vinyl and other types of wallpaper, then they are the best in terms of strength, they are easily glued to a relatively flat (maybe not ideal) surface. But, with significant irregularities, difficulties may arise – a dry canvas is glued and it is completely inelastic.

Colors of vinyl wall-paper the most various. The surface can be smooth, textured. The drawing can be simply applied or can have volume (embossed wallpaper). There is also a paint job.

One of the types of vinyl wallpaper is hot stamping (silk-screen printing)

Separately, it is worth mentioning vinyl wallpaper, which is produced by hot stamping using silk or artificial threads. They are called silk-screen printing – for the characteristic brilliance. They look very “ceremonial”, therefore they are more often used in living rooms. Some types of silk-screen printing can be seen on the walls in the hallway – they make the room larger with their matte sheen.

Vinyl wallpapers are sold in rolls with a width of 53 cm, 70 cm and 105 cm, the length per roll is mainly 10 meters (more precisely, 10,05 m), they are glued with special glue, as they are quite heavy.

How to glue wallpaper correctly read here.

Acrylic Wallpaper

To be precise, this is paper wallpaper with acrylic coating. The polymer is applied pointwise, without completely covering the base, therefore it happens only with a textured surface. This practically does not affect the number of colors, but the weight is quite strong. Acrylic sheets are not as heavy as vinyl sheets, which is why the adhesive is not as thick. Due to the point application of the polymer (it is itself airtight), this type of finish can be categorized as breathable, which is why this type of wallpaper is often used in residential areas.

Acrylic wallpaper is a paper base (usually colored) on which acrylic is dotted.

Partial coating of paper with acrylic slightly increases its resistance to washing – they are classified as waterproof, fade resistance is average, as is the price category. They are glued according to the same principle as paper ones – both the wallpaper and the wall are smeared with glue; the complexity of gluing is medium. Problems can arise if the acrylic coating is too soft – you press a little harder and it peels off. Then they behave the same in operation – the coating can be removed by accidentally hitting something hard. Even with a fingernail. This does not apply to all types of acrylic wallpaper, but there are such instances. All in all, a good option, but not great.

The width of rolls of acrylic wallpaper is most often 53 cm, but there are 70 cm, you can also find meter ones. The standard length is 10 meters. For the price, there is a greater variation than that that distinguishes other types of wallpaper: there are very inexpensive Russian and Ukrainian production (cost from $ 3-5 per roll), there is an imported one – 8-15 times more expensive. It is worth noting that the quality, and appearance, differs significantly.

Textile (fabric)

Textile wallpapers are made on the basis of paper and non-woven fabric. A woven or woven material made of linen, cotton, viscose, jute, polyester, silk, etc. is glued onto this base. The texture can be smooth, silky, velvety. It depends on the material used and the weaving technique. In addition, relief designs can be woven into the fabric.

Textile wallpapers – look great, but are expensive

Fabric wallpaper is another type of breathable wall covering that can be used in living rooms. This is a very beautiful finishing material, but expensive. Even if we compare such not quite cheap types of wallpaper as silk-screen printing or natural ones. At the same time, it is demanding on operating conditions – it is afraid of high humidity, fades, it can only be cleaned in a dry way, occasionally using a damp sponge.

There are two forms of release: standard – rolls 10 meters long (width 70-80 cm). Some textile wallpapers (more expensive) are sold by the meter. Their width is usually 105-120, but there are also wider canvases.

Wallpaper combination rules are described here.


Fiberglass wallpaper is a special type of finishing materials for painting. They are good because they are not afraid of moisture, they can be glued in wet rooms. You just need to choose the right paint. The second positive point is that they withstand repeated repainting (the highest quality ones – up to 20 times) and their service life is 20-30 years. Other types of wallpaper in this parameter are much inferior to them.

Due to the interlacing of fibers, the glass wallpaper is vapor-, air- and water-permeable. However, it is worth remembering that the properties of the pasted surface depend on the properties of the paint with which they will be covered.

Need durable wallpaper for painting – choose from fiberglass

The disadvantage is not too large an assortment, a somewhat “office” look, and also the fact that the smallest particles of glass get into the air before painting. You should also wear protective clothing when working. Fiberglass wallpaper is glued to a special glue that is applied to the wall (read more about pasting walls with glass fiber here).

Liquid wallpaper

A very interesting coating, which is rather one of the subspecies of plaster mixes. Sold in the form of a powder or a ready-to-use formulation. It consists of binders (glue), textile fibers, cellulose, mineral and decorative additives. How putty is applied to the walls with a spatula or something resembling this tool.

An important property of liquid wallpaper is undemanding to the base. All other types of wallpaper require a flat surface. Some more even, some less. Liquid wallpaper itself can level the wall on which it is applied. But, in order to save the composition, significant recesses should be pre-sealed with a suitable putty.

Liquid wallpaper usually has a heterogeneous structure

Suitable liquid wallpaper for heated and unheated rooms, but require normal humidity. Another plus of this type of coating is high maintainability. The damaged area is cleaned off, the resulting recess is filled with the same composition. After drying, the repaired place is almost impossible to find. Therefore, some part of the composition is stored “on demand”.

Other types of wallpapers

The above describes those finishing materials that are presented in any hardware store. But there are types of wallpapers that are rarely used, but have good performance properties, and look very unusual. Perhaps that is why they are not so widespread.

  • Bamboo. Bamboo cut into strips is glued onto a fabric base. The width of the slats is different, the outer or inner surface of the bamboo strip can be used as the front. Roll width – from 90 cm to 250 cm.
    Types of wallpaper: what are, characteristics, where to use
    Bamboo wallpaper is a great way to give the interior an oriental flavor.
  • Cork. A thin layer of cork veneer is glued onto the paper base. These natural wallpapers do not absorb odors and do not promote the growth of bacteria. They are warm and elastic to the touch. Glue on regular wallpaper paste.
    Types of wallpaper: what are, characteristics, where to use
    Fans of natural wallpaper should consider cork
  • Metallic or metallized. An aluminum foil is glued onto the paper base, on which a pattern is applied, everything is covered with a layer of varnish. This type of finish is moisture resistant, it can be washed with any non-aggressive means, but only with soft brushes or rags – the surface is easily scratched.
    Types of wallpaper: what are, characteristics, where to use
    Metallic wallpapers have a characteristic sheen

Now you know all kinds of wallpapers – both widespread and not very common. Knowing their main characteristics, you can choose the finishing material for the requirements of a particular room and your desires.

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