Types of squares with a photo: a step-by-step haircut master class at home
We will talk about the forms of hairstyles for each type of face, and also demonstrate step-by-step instructions for creating a square on medium-length hair.
The bob haircut is always popular among women, because it does not require complex care. In addition, it has many varieties, so you can choose the optimal shape for any type of face. That is why many stars prefer a square when creating their individual image.
A versatile bob haircut is made by a variety of shapes.
When choosing a haircut option, the following factors should be taken into account: the length of the hair, its structure, the shape of the face and its proportions. The following types of squares can be distinguished:
A bob haircut has a lot of variations and can be adapted absolutely for any face shape and hair type. This explains its continued popularity. The main feature of this stylish haircut is the layering.
It is distinguished by the difference in the length of the strands – in the parietal zone, they are cut shorter and gradually merge into the longer hair of the lower part of the haircut. The highlight of the graduated square is the actual effect of slight negligence and absolute versatility.
The bangs will suit the owners of an elongated face, high forehead
For a round face, an oblique bang to the side would be the best choice – an asymmetrical accent will balance the look. There are a great many design options for bangs, but here it is worth considering not so much fashion as individual features of the face and hair type.
A type of haircut with lengthening, which is distinguished by the presence of noticeably longer strands on the face. This extravagant variation will suit daring owners of straight hair.
It is distinguished by the design of the hair on the back of the head, they are cut shortly at the edge line, gradually turning into the usual bob lines in the middle of the back of the head. A square on a leg is a version of a square that visually lengthens the neck, makes it more graceful, and also facilitates the creation of volume and is perfect for lovers of lush styling.
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
This type of square looks most advantageous on straight hair, which emphasizes the original geometry of the haircut. For lovers of an elegant style, a haircut with classic proportions will suit, while daring fashionistas can try asymmetrical lines.
The embodiment of an elegant classic, perfect for all hair types and all ages. It is the classic square that will be discussed in detail in our master class.
You can give the selected haircut shape individuality with the help of original coloring. There are many color combinations available in this versatile haircut.
Kare: step-by-step photo master class
A haircut is perfect for almost all types of hair, but it is especially relevant for owners of thin straight hair, since it allows you to create the volume necessary for this type of hair. If your hair is curly, the geometric shape given by the cut will make it look neat. In addition, the bob haircut is simple and easy to style, even at home. Stylist Dmitry Mikerov shows you how to cut a bob for medium-length hair in case you can’t wait until the end of quarantine and want to get a haircut at home (you need someone’s help for this).
Before you start cutting your hair, you need to wash it, condition it and pat it dry with a towel to remove excess moisture.
1. Comb your hair thoroughly
2. Divide them into four roughly equal parts
3. Select a control strand at the edge of the hairline with a width of about 1 cm, pinning the rest of the hair with clips
4. Carefully comb it, directing it along the neck as much as possible, without pulling it towards you, then fix it with a comb and cut to the desired length, keeping the scissors strictly parallel to the floor
For convenience, at this stage, the head should be tilted forward.
5. Separate the strands of the occipital zone, in the same way pulling them down
6. Cut, strictly focusing on the control strand
Try to comb each strand thoroughly before cutting, this will help avoid haircut blemishes. Do not separate wide strands – making an even cut will be more difficult, 1 cm wide is enough.
After finishing the haircut in the back of the head, move on to the temporal zones.
7. Separate a control strand about 1 cm wide in the lower part of the temporal zone, comb it down, being careful not to pull it over yourself.
For convenience, tilt the head of the person you are cutting away from you.
8. Cut the length, focusing on the control strand of the occipital zone
Dmitry Mikerov recommends to start cutting the hair at the temples a little longer to avoid mistakes, so you will have the opportunity for correction without compromising the shape and length of the haircut.
Cut hair in the same way, strand by strand, on both sides.
9. Comb your hair in a parted part.
The haircut is ready!
In order for your square to look neat and complete, it must be properly laid.
10. Secure the top of your hair with clips, and start styling with the lower strands. Direct the stream of air from the roots to the ends of the hair
11. Remove the clamps and blow dry the top layer of hair
The stylist recommends to first dry your hair with a round brush, but without curling it, but pulling it vertically. This will allow you to notice and correct inaccuracies in the haircut.
12. Carefully comb your hair, now small blemishes will be visible on the cut – carefully align the stray hairs with the bulk of the hair
If you prefer to wear a bob cut, curling the ends inward, the stylist suggests using a special technique to lighten the ends of the hair.
13. Comb the hair thoroughly, fix it with a comb, not bringing it to the ends by about 1 cm, and go with scissors along the ends of the hair, cutting them
The scissors must be kept strictly perpendicular to the comb
This will lighten the ends of the hair and make it easier to style the bob with curling at the ends.
If you like voluminous styling, Dmitry Mikerov knows how to create it in just a couple of minutes.
14. Tilt your head forward, direct the hair dryer and spray the styling to create volume.
Dmitry uses a dry texturizing spray.
Choose the styling method that’s right for you!
A video master class from Dmitry Mikerov will allow you to create a flawless bob haircut, even if it will be your debut as a stylist.
Spring 2020 bob haircut trends
– This season, the square continues to be one of the most relevant haircuts. I recommend paying attention to an asymmetrical bob with a straight cut, an elongated bob and an ultra-short bob with sloppy bangs, like French women. These are the options chosen by star stylists. And if you want to experiment, you have at your disposal colored strands and the whole head: give preference to pastel and bright shades. This way you will definitely not go unnoticed.
Anna Fomicheva, Daria Vertinskaya