Types of rice: how they differ and which is the best

Types of rice: how they differ and which is the best


White rice, brown rice, red rice, wild rice … We will tell you about their nutritional differences and how to take advantage of their health benefits

Types of rice: how they differ and which is the best

Rice is one of those foods that arouses passions. Not only is it a nutritious cereal and one of the most versatile from a culinary point of view (there are endless recipes with rice), but it is also the fundamental ingredient of the paella (or rather, the rice made in paella), which is one of the icons of Spanish gastronomy (don’t miss “Paella power”, the great book of rice by chef Rodrigo de la Calle). Not to mention that for half of the world’s population it is the main source of energy for their diet.

There are different types of rice. But Integral rice it is the most advisable because it preserves its whole grain, hence its greatest nutritional interest, according to Adriana Oroz, dietitian-nutritionist at the Alimmenta clinic. “This means that the grain contains: the bran, where fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and certain phytochemicals are present; the endosperm, which contains the proteins, complex carbohydrates, some minerals and vitamins and, finally, the germ, which, in addition to more antioxidants and phytochemicals, provides fat, ”explains Oroz.

Other varieties of rice that keep their grain whole are the black rice, the wild rice and Red rice. Regarding its color, the dietician-nutritionist at Alimmenta clarifies that it is because it keeps its shell intact because it does not undergo any refinement and that makes, as highlighted, also more interesting cereals on a nutritional level.

Instead, White rice o basmati it only keeps the part of the endosperm, so its nutritional quality is lower. “The difference between rice varieties lies only in their quality and nutritional composition, not in calories, since at the caloric level there are not many differences between them,” he says.

What is the best type of rice for health?

Adriana Oroz clarifies that the most advisable thing for the general population is to consume rice in its version integral for its greater wealth of nutrients. In addition, its greater content in fiber it is more satiating and helps to better regulate blood sugar levels, which is why, as he adds, it is interesting for controlling certain cardiovascular disorders (diabetes, insulin resistance, overweight …). Of course, the Alimmenta expert clarifies that for some people who have certain digestive pathologies that lead them to tolerate fiber worse, it is recommended that they consume White rice instead of integral.

How to best combine rice

In order for the meal to be nutritionally complete, the dietitian-nutritionist recommends combining rice, which is a source of carbohydrates, with a side or vegetable portion in the form of salad or cooked vegetables (wok, baked, stewed …) and with a portion of good quality proteins, such as legumes, eggs, nuts, fish or meat.

«If we talk about Sole plateIdeally, half of the dish should be made up of vegetables (raw or cooked), a quarter of protein and another quarter with carbohydrates, which in this case would be rice, ”says Oroz. This distribution, he explains, is known as the “plate method” and is a practical tool when distributing food on the plate so that it is complete, healthy and sufficient.

In the event that rice is eaten as a “paella”, it is recommended to combine it as a main and sole dish with a first course or starter of salad or vegetables.

His advice when consuming rice is to combine it in this way and generally encourage more dishes like “vegetables with rice” rather than “rice with vegetables.”

The false myth: does it get fat if I eat it at night?

The premise is clear and, as the dietician-nutritionist Mariana Álvarez also commented but about pasta, Adriana Oroz affirms that no food as such is fattening, is consumed at the time it is consumed (morning, noon or night). “What determines weight gain is a total caloric excess not adjusted to the real needs of a person,” says Oroz. However, the expert clarifies that, logically, it is not the same to add a handful of rice to the salad or combine it with some vegetables in the wok, than to make a single and large plate of rice with fried tomato at night. “It is not the food, but perhaps the amount in which it is consumed that can influence the total caloric intake,” he clarifies.

Is the rice that I eat a lot or a little?

The ration can be variable, as individual needs must be taken into account. But to get an idea Adriana Oroz gives an example: if we take into account the proportion of a plate (1/4) within the framework of the “plate method”, a moderate portion could be between 50-60 grams raw within a balanced diet.

The expert points out that rice is a cereal that is recommended to be consumed within a varied diet, since the variety always enriches nutritionally and emotionally. Thus, it is not that it is bad to eat rice every day, as it is an interesting cereal (especially the whole grain one), but if it varies, much better.

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