Types of tests:
| ![]() | Need to know:
![]() | The most accurate pregnancy test Now on the free market there are tests that allow you to determine pregnancy in the early stages. A reliable result can be obtained already a week after the conception has occurred, since the devices are highly sensitive to the hCG hormone. Tests for diagnosing early pregnancy allow you to determine it even … |
![]() | On what day after conception, the test shows pregnancy? Modern pregnancy tests allow you to determine it even in the early stages. However, this does not mean that a test can give a positive or negative result immediately after intercourse. To determine on which day after conception the test can give a reliable result, you need to know the device … |
![]() | How to determine pregnancy without a test? Sometimes there are such circumstances that it is not possible to buy a pregnancy test, and an immediate visit to the doctor is inaccessible to a woman. In this case, you can try to determine pregnancy on your own, focusing on the signals that your own body gives. |
![]() | How to determine ovulation at home? Knowing the exact time of ovulation allows women to control the process of fertilization or protect themselves from it, if they do not want to have a child. Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs – the release of a mature egg into the fallopian tube, where during the day it has the opportunity to be fertilized by a sperm cell. |
What is a pregnancy test?
A pregnancy test is a device that allows you to diagnose at an early stage whether a woman has conceived or not. It reacts to human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. HCG is a special hormone that, after conception, begins to produce chorion cells. The chorion is the shell of the embryo. The hormone is present not only in the blood of a woman, but also in her urine. The test recognizes it and gives a positive result. If the level of hCG in the urine is low, then the result will be negative.
Modern tests are able to determine pregnancy already in the early stages, as they are highly sensitive to human chorionic gonadotropin. Such tests can be carried out already a few days after the probable conception. The minimum test sensitivity threshold is 10 mIU/ml.
Regardless of which type of test will be chosen for the study, all devices are equipped with a reagent – antibodies to hCG. It is thanks to these antibodies that it is possible to conduct a study and obtain one or another result.
How to do a pregnancy test?
To properly do a pregnancy test, you need to decide on the type of device that will be used for this purpose. All of them have certain features of operation.
Test strips must be lowered into the urine, which must be collected in a container. It is necessary to withstand the test in urine for 20 seconds. Then the strip is laid out on a flat surface and after 2 minutes the result is evaluated. It appears in lines. One line – no pregnancy, two lines – there is a pregnancy.
The tablet test is a test strip that comes in a small plastic box. For the study, urine is collected in a separate container, and then, using a pipette, a few drops of liquid are introduced into the window on the test. After a couple of minutes, evaluate the result. It appears in the adjacent window and, as in the case of strip tests, is expressed in lines.
Another type of test is inkjet devices. They can be equipped with an electronic scoreboard. These devices are very easy to use. To conduct the study, it is enough to act on the test tip with a stream of urine for several seconds. After two minutes, you can evaluate the result.
It is not difficult to do a pregnancy test correctly. Often the principles of using devices are understandable at an intuitive level. In addition, each device is equipped with detailed instructions for use, which is included in the package with the product.
An important condition for obtaining a reliable result is the use of a morning portion of urine for the study. It is in it that the concentration of hCG reaches its maximum. This rule is especially relevant for testing in the early stages of pregnancy (a few days after a possible conception).
Pros and Cons of Different Pregnancy Tests
The simplest pregnancy test that has been on the market for a long time is the test strip. To carry it out, you will need a container for collecting urine, where the test will fall. After the time specified in the instructions, you can evaluate the result. The only disadvantage of such a device is its low sensitivity to hCG, which is 25 mIU / ml. Therefore, using such a device, pregnancy can only be determined starting from the second week of pregnancy.
Another type of pregnancy test is tablet tests. For the study, you will also need a small container to collect urine. After the liquid has been collected, it is introduced using a small pipette into a special window, which is located on the test. After a few minutes, you can evaluate the result. This test is more sensitive and detects hCG in urine starting at 10 mIU / ml. You can use such a test from the 7th day after conception, its results will be reliable already in these terms. Perhaps this is one of the main advantages of this testing system compared to test strips.
The third type of pregnancy tests are the latest generation devices, namely: inkjet tests or pen tests. For the study, you do not need a container to collect urine. It is enough just to substitute the test under the stream and after the time specified in the instructions to determine the result. The sensitivity of this test is very high, so they can be used already a day after the probable conception. Such devices are convenient to use in almost any conditions and thanks to them you will not have to guess for a long time whether pregnancy has occurred or not.
Are there reusable pregnancy tests?
Reusable pregnancy tests exist. They are manufactured by Clearblue. This is the only company that supplies the Russian market with devices that allow you to conduct research repeatedly.
All reusable tests are equipped with a digital scoreboard, which displays the result. In its form, the device resembles a flash-card. Such tests have a USB port that allows you to connect it to a computer. The port is on one side of the device, and there is a small hole on the opposite end. This is where the replacement cartridges come in. Each of them can be used once. When the test gives a result, the cartridge must be removed and disposed of. To re-examine, you will need to use a new cartridge.
The computer for the test acts as a source of electricity. If you purchase such a test, then it will come with 20 replaceable cartridges and one main device represented by an oblong cassette. You won’t be able to buy test cartridges separately, they are simply not on sale. That is, after all of them are used, you need to purchase a new device entirely.
In general, it is very convenient to use such a device, because for a series of studies you will not need to go to the pharmacy every time.
As for the interpretation of the results, they are understandable to any person even without studying the instructions. If a woman is pregnant, then a “+” sign or the inscription “yes” appears on the test. When there is no pregnancy, the screen displays the sign “-” or the inscription “no”. In addition, upon receipt of a negative result, the electronic display will display the date that is most favorable for the next attempt at conception. Its determination becomes possible due to the fact that the test reads and independently evaluates the amount of hormones contained in female urine.