Types of Pilates workouts and their differences

Pilates is a technique that includes a list of exercises. They are performed with the aim of developing muscles, as well as losing weight and toning muscle tissue.

During Pilates training, a large number of stretches are performed, and deep muscles are also worked out. There is an effective breathing technique. Initially, light exercises are performed. More complex ones need to be moved gradually. Sharp jumps are strictly contraindicated.

You need to do it regularly. Thus, you can correct your posture, increase the flexibility of the joints and spine, and also remove muscle clamps.

Varieties of Pitates

There are several varieties of Pilates, each of which has its own characteristics. People who are considering doing these exercises should choose from:

  1. Matvorka.
  2. Mix.
  3. Power technique.
  4. Stretch.
  5. Allegro.

It is best to study the features of each variety before starting any training. Thus, you can achieve maximum efficiency and achieve your goal quickly.

Pilates matwork

The direction of Pilates, which involves performing all the necessary exercises without the use of additional devices, is called matwork. To provide the necessary conditions for training, you will need to purchase a rubber mat, which, if necessary, can be replaced with a fitness mat.

It is supposed to work with your own body weight. At the same time, the muscular frame is being worked out. Even small stabilizing muscles should be involved, which most often do not work during ordinary training.

Pilates Mix

An exercise technique called Pilates Mix involves the use of small additional equipment. You will need small scales, as well as weights or dumbbells. It is supposed to use expanders, a fitball, as well as a specialized small ball.

Properly performed exercises allow you to strengthen the musculoskeletal, as well as the vestibular apparatus. It is this technique that is most effective for a person who wants to lose weight. However, in such a situation, proper nutrition must be combined with exercise.

Power Pilates

When it comes to strength Pilates, it is a method that involves intense training. It is well suited for people who have some experience in this matter.

When performing exercises, specialized equipment is used that has significant weight, such as weights, dumbbells, body bars. With the right training, you can improve endurance, as well as strengthen muscle tissue. This is the main purpose of strength Pilates.

Stretch Pilates

For people who want to focus on stretching, Stretch Pilates is a good fit. It is supposed to develop flexibility, as well as to ensure the elasticity of muscle tissue and ligaments.

Each person who will engage in this type of Pilates will be able to quickly sit on the twine, as well as restore their own posture, ensuring smoothness and grace in their own movements. This type of Pilates is the most feminine, which is why it is often popular with the fair sex.

Pilates Allegro

Pilates Allegro involves the implementation of a system of specialized exercises, which involves the presence of a special type of reformer. It is a specialized development in the field of fitness training.

With the help of such a device, the spine is often treated, as well as posture correction. It is necessary to use such a simulator in the personal load mode. It should be selected by a trainer for each person, depending on his physical data. Trying to figure this out on your own is not recommended.

What are the benefits of training?

People who are thinking about doing any type of Pilates need to know that if done correctly, you can achieve:

  1. Increasing the elasticity of muscle tissue.
  2. Improvement of joint mobility.
  3. Posture improvements.
  4. Correction of the line of the abdomen, as well as the hips.

It is noteworthy that some types of Pilates have no contraindications for pregnant women who want to keep fit, but not overload the body and body.

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