Types of personality accentuation with a description of the nature of each

Hello, dear readers of the site! One of the first who began to define character are Plato and Aristotle.

They noticed that people have similarities with animals, and not only external. That is, in their behavior, the habits of those living beings that they vaguely resemble are visible.

Now, thanks to the work of a large number of scientists, philosophers and psychologists, we have several classifications of types of people according to personality traits.

They are called character accentuations — that is, pronounced properties that may well lead to any mental pathologies.

Since a person with overly pointed features is vulnerable, limited in reactions to stimuli and practically unable to adapt to changes in the external environment.

History of the Term

The term «accentuated personality» was first introduced by Karl Leonhard, a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist and psychopathologist from Germany.

He published in 1964 the monograph Normal and Pathological Personalities. Where he pointed out the most common types of character, describing each of them in detail, comparing with famous literary heroes for a better understanding.

And already in 1968 he gave the world directly the classification itself, which is used by specialists in their activities to this day.

Karl believed that accentuated features manifest themselves depending on the type of temperament and the character itself.

That is, character is what affects the value system, interests of a person, while temperament affects the manifestation of his emotional state, the pace of life.

Considering the fact that Leonhard made up a personality model while working in a psychiatric clinic, we can say that some of his accentuations seem to be on the verge of pathology.

They are somewhat exaggerated, so mentally healthy people should avoid labeling themselves after becoming familiar with all 12 types of accentuations.

We can talk about pathology only if some features of a person’s reactions and behavior damage his health and quality of life. That is, they have a negative impact.

The severity of the manifestation is different, but they are most pronounced in the puberty period.

Andrei Evgenievich Lichko, a Soviet psychiatrist, based on the concept of Karl, developed a slightly different classification, including types of psychopathy in it. These are such anomalies of character that prevent the individual from adapting and developing.

Typology according to Leonhard


A demonstrative person loves attention, which he seeks to get by any means. Why does he act like he’s playing a role in a movie? Knows how to establish contact with people, quickly approaches them.

Despite the fact that she is also satisfied with the negative manifestations of attention to her own person, if only not to go unnoticed. She also seeks to embellish her features and talents.

She can lie, but she does it sincerely, because she herself believes in what she says. She gossips and weaves intrigues, wanting to be at the center of all events, even if she has to organize them herself.


The pedant copes with traumatic events for a long time. He seems to be stuck in negative experiences. He loves order, and loses control over himself if some thing is not in the place that he determined for it.

He is able to perform monotonous and uninteresting work, and not just like that, just to get rid of the task, but really carefully and efficiently.

He respects the boundaries, he is never late, but if, for some reason that does not depend on him, he appears later than he promised, he is very worried and guilty.

Types of personality accentuation with a description of the nature of each


Excessively fixed on feelings, thoughts, events. Why it turns out in the end vindictive, suspicious and conflict. He practically does not know how to forgive, let go of grievances and move on.

Divides those around him into enemies and friends, and if someone close to him acts unfairly towards him, he will quickly be identified in the category of those who need revenge.

He is jealous, and there is no need to give a reason for this, he will come up with everything himself, conduct an investigation and draw conclusions about the unreliability of a partner or partner.

So in a love relationship, he is mostly unhappy, because no one is able to live up to his expectations, no one can be trusted, open up.


The main features are impulsiveness and lack of control over their behavior. Such a person is intolerant, aggressive, he makes decisions instantly, then living disappointment in his own choices.

He focuses only on the present moment, he does not care about the future at all. Interest in development and knowledge is poorly developed, it is not entirely capable of establishing contact with others, therefore, it chooses for communication those who are weaker than him, who can be controlled and manipulated.

Often dangerous, given the inability to control their feelings and actions.

It “flashes” to any irritant like a match, that is, it first reacts, and then it gives way to comprehension of the events that have occurred, the words spoken, and so on.


The brightest and most mobile type, wherever it appears, it attracts attention. Only not because he loves him as demonstrative, but because he cannot do without noise.

He is chatty, almost always in high spirits. Only here he does not answer direct questions, trying to avoid uncomfortable topics.

He is afraid of loneliness and rigid boundaries that must be respected. Strives for leadership, not afraid of responsibility just because he does not take it seriously.

That is, something did not work out, he switched to another task. Although hardworking enough, he is not able to sit still, therefore he is constantly in business.

He has a more optimistic outlook on life, so he expects success from his activities and life in general.


Types of personality accentuation with a description of the nature of each

The complete opposite of the hypothermic type, he is almost always in a depressed mood, performs work slowly, deliberation can be traced not only in his movements, but also in his thought processes.

He has low self-esteem, he is self-critical and looks at the world with sad eyes, because he does not expect anything good from him. That is, we can safely say that he is a pessimistic and melancholy person.

He does not like communication, is closed in himself, sometimes even a few phrases cannot be pulled out of it. This leads to loneliness, which is even more depressing.

The sense of justice is hypertrophied, which often has an extremely negative effect on him. But he performs the assigned tasks with high quality, giving all his best, so that his conscience does not torment him later.

Affectively labile

And such a person seems to be balancing between two extremes — hypothermia and dysthymia. Falling into one state, then another.

For example, during a joyful pleasant event, he will be talkative, active, excited, but as soon as something happens, spoiling his mood, he will literally become silent, sad and avoiding contact with anyone in just minutes.

Sometimes such a sharp change of mood occurs without any reason, just unexpectedly, even for himself, he changes. A bit like manic-depressive psychosis or bipolar personality disorder, but this does not mean that it is the basis for their development.


Very quickly and violently reacts to any irritant. That is, if something good happened to someone from the environment, he will be insanely happy for him, perhaps even more.

It is characterized by altruistic impulses and the ability to be faithful to loved ones. He is amorous, and he can lose his head not only from his beloved or beloved, but also from art, hobbies, religion, sports, and so on.

And if you already fell in love with someone or something, then you give yourself completely to the process. But feelings tend to flare up unexpectedly and cool down sharply. Therefore, hobbies and relationships generally do not last long.


Anxious individuals are not confident in themselves and their abilities, they are usually fearful and shy. Completely different events, even far-fetched ones, can terrify, which most often happens.

Before taking any action, they will think for a long time, preparing in advance to fail, even more frightened of the need to be active.

In conflict situations, they prefer to remain silent, to endure, but they will not defend their position under any pretext. Because in this case there is a high risk of being rejected, and this is worse than death.

In general, they worry more than they act. But, if they take up the work, they will do it with high quality, so that they do not have to be ashamed of the mistakes made.


Types of personality accentuation with a description of the nature of each

Such people are responsive, emotional and impressionable. They are guided in life by feelings, sensations, decisions are also made based on them, but not guided by reason.

Although they try to avoid clarifying relations, for example, keeping silent about grievances so as not to provoke a conflict.

They do not know how to refuse, they will come to the rescue, even if they have to sacrifice their own interests. Everyone who finds himself in an unpleasant situation evokes pity and compassion in him.

He will sob uncontrollably even at the moments when he reads the book, realizing that the events are fictitious, and none of the heroes in reality lived such suffering and torment. Among acquaintances and colleagues, it is usually considered whiny and vulnerable, soft-hearted.


Extroverts are focused on what is happening from the outside, that is, in the surrounding reality. They are sociable, impulsive and do not like to be alone with themselves.

Since at such moments they feel very lonely and unnecessary to anyone. They easily change their minds, perhaps because they are susceptible to manipulation and pay little attention to knowing their own personality.

They quickly make acquaintances and in almost any company they become a “soul”, a ringleader, a merry fellow, who is sure to cheer everyone up. Quite frivolous and superficial, not prone to deep feelings.


Unlike extroverts, introverts devote more time and attention to themselves, listening to thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The need to communicate with someone causes anxiety and fatigue, therefore, in order to restore resources, they intentionally retire, making in this case a choice in favor of loneliness.

At parties, such people usually keep a little apart, preferring to talk only with those with whom they have known for a long time.

Also, introverts are slow, you should not expect them to instantly complete the task.

But they are able to perform monotonous work, which rarely any person will undertake. And not just perform, but will enjoy it.

Despite the fact that they have excellent knowledge of their own capabilities and limitations, they will not share them with other people.

They need a lot of time to decide to let another person close.

Typology according to Lichko


A person with such a psychotype quickly adapts to various changes, he is quite optimistic, but tends to fall into a rage for a minor reason.

Quickly calms down, but often gets into unpleasant stories because of such emotional outbursts.

May take unjustified risks, is a favorite of companies and the owner of alcohol addiction.

It does not withstand strict limits, so there is no question of any discipline, as well as stability. He squanders money without thinking about the future, now he wants something now — which means that the desire must be realized, despite the fact that tomorrow the pockets will be completely empty.

Types of personality accentuation with a description of the nature of each


Cycloids often change their mood, which is why they are not always easy to recognize.

There are moments when they are active, cheerful and sociable, but literally the next day they withdraw into themselves and walk around with sad eyes, not understanding what happened.

And if such a melancholic state drags on, they are quite at risk of becoming depressed.

In these low mood weeks, they are lethargic, shy away from work and home duties, because they are not afraid of being fired or divorced, because everything is already bad.

But when an emotional upsurge occurs, they can solve in a few days those tasks that previously spent months of their lives and a lot of energy.


Sensitive personalities are too sensitive, emotional and vulnerable. Usually they are called «nerds» or «nerds», due to the fact that they prefer solitude and mental development to noisy games, outdoor activities and travel.

They like to communicate with those who are much older, because such people have great life experience, they are mature and interesting interlocutors, from whom there is a lot to learn.

They are responsible and diligent, you should not expect heroic deeds and brave deeds from them. Although in an emergency they do not lose control over themselves, and instead of panicking, they show courage and ingenuity.


They are also characterized by frequent mood swings, like cycloids. They do not tolerate loneliness, perceiving it as a rejection.

They are responsive, sincere, able to take care of others and be faithful partners, friends. Why breakups are experienced acutely, deeply and hard.

They love praise and attention, trying to win it as much as possible. The workflow depends on the mood, if it is good, then the day will be spent productively, if not, then nothing useful will be done.

Usually this condition is in teenagers, they are not very stable and too emotional in their reactions.


These people are real partisans, under no pretext will they share their experiences and thoughts. They prefer loneliness and do not particularly trust others. Despite the coldness and detachment, they manage to join any team.

Perhaps because they have a well-developed imagination, imagination. They have a penchant for creativity and unusual hobbies, which arouse interest and curiosity.

But the attention of other people of schizoids is more annoying than pleasing. Because they are afraid that those around them, having learned more and closer, will definitely devalue them and make them laugh.


Types of personality accentuation with a description of the nature of each

Strives not to stand out from the crowd, despite the fact that you have to sacrifice your interests and desires. And also to do things for which then there is shame.

But if the company decided to go on a crime, it would not dare to object or abandon the common cause.

This inability to stand up for oneself is basically extremely negative for health. After all, in this case, once in a deviant environment, he takes alcoholic beverages and drugs.

They are conservatives, categorically rejecting everything that differs from generally accepted foundations and norms.


Usually psychasthenics are distinguished by high mental abilities, but at the same time they are indecisive, timid.

Although they often show excessive self-confidence, criticizing others for the impossibility or lack of desire to reach their level of development.

They prefer to spend their free time thinking, prone to impulsive actions and addictions. This means that they drink alcohol quite often, thus wanting to relax and unwind.

The psychasthenic is superstitious and also despotic in communication, that is, there is only one correct point of view — his. And no one will prove to him that he is wrong, or that there can be several opinions.


Such a person is firmly convinced that he is seriously ill. He has an excessively low self-esteem, which is why he almost never defends his opinion, does not defend himself in case of attacks from the outside.

But it is considered quite quick-tempered, those who are not lucky enough to fall under the “hot hand” experience the full power of the anger of an astheno-neurotic. Then he begs for forgiveness, sincerely regretting what happened.

Such sensations and states lead to intrapersonal conflict. Against which he becomes irritable, vindictive, and suspicious, along with hypochondriacal features.

But such a person has not only negative qualities. Often she boasts the presence of non-standard thinking, a subtle sense of style and determination.


They do not tolerate if in their presence someone else draws attention to themselves and receives attention. They differ in demonstrative, unnatural behavior, sometimes feigned to disgust.

Not capable of deep feelings and long-term relationships. For the sake of glory, they are even ready to attempt suicide. Naturally, leaving the opportunity to save them.

What they start is not brought to the end, as they lose interest, and painstaking work is what they tend to avoid.

Emotional, whiny, love drama, beautiful and romantic, like in movies. In general, you will not get bored with them, but you will not relax either.


The unstable type of people is distinguished by a tendency to slovenliness, and an immoral way of life. So alcohol or drugs are present in almost every representative of this characteristic.

They do not like to plan, make decisions and make choices, so they generally prefer to go with the flow, surrendering to the will of fate.

The future does not bother them, because you never know what it will be, if it is. They like to live in the present moment and enjoy it no matter the circumstances. And this means that for the sake of adrenaline they are ready to take unjustified risks.

They are carefree and irresponsible, which, in principle, explains their love for racing, gambling.

After all, it seems to them that something bad will surely not happen to them, the options for the outcome of events are necessarily rosy, promising a charge of positive emotions. That pushes you to commit reckless acts.


The most difficult type, since individuals with this character are quick-tempered, unable to adapt to change, and quite difficult to communicate. They are very jealous, prone to alcoholism and violence.

They can endure something for a long time, but at an unexpected moment they fall into an affect and destroy everything that is nearby. There are no exceptions, that is, innocent people, even babies, are at risk of suffering.

They love order and cleanliness. Sloppiness, by the way, also infuriates them. The physique is usually strong, squat. They are strong and resilient. Thinking processes are slowed down, which is why mental activity is sometimes given with some effort.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Subscribe to site updates and follow the links to learn more detailed information about each existing type of personality accentuation.

This will allow you to find out which one you or your loved ones belong to.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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