Types of Girlfriends Dangerous for Your Marriage Tips & Videos

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Ladies, this article is useful information for you: what types of girlfriends you do not need.

Nowadays, women after marriage do not imprison themselves at home and do not cut off social ties. They still need funny girlfriends, going to cafes and entertainment.

It would seem that this is bad, because human communication is not alien to anyone. But according to the sad statistics, 30% of modern marriages collapse precisely because of friends.

People who often visit you, whom you trust with secrets, may be the first to betray you. By letting friends enter your personal space, you endanger your marriage and personal happiness.

Many men cheat on their wives with their girlfriends. Otherwise, a girlfriend can imperceptibly influence your relationship and bring discord even in an ideal union. This does not mean that you need to give up friends, but you should be careful. Consider which types of girlfriends are dangerous to your marriage.

Girlfriends to Avoid


This is a very dangerous type of girlfriend. At first glance, such a girlfriend truly loves you and wants to help. She always gives good advice, notices flaws in your appearance and knows how to fix them. She tells you the best recipes, keeps up with fashion news.

It seems that she knows everything in the world, and you are kind of clumsy. At the same time, a friend teaches you in the presence of her husband, showing her superiority and devaluing you.

She quickly gets into trust, her advice seems invaluable to you. However, in the eyes of her husband, such a woman looks better than you. Therefore, this is your potential competitor. You constantly listen to other people’s advice, which means that you do not have your own opinion.

Gradually, your husband will stop respecting you and will become more interested in and admire your friend.

“Your boyfriend”

This is not a very dangerous type, but you don’t need to relax. A girl like that can have a beer with your husband, talk about football, about sports and cars. She listens to rock and dresses like a kid. In any male team, she is mistaken for her boyfriend. And this is not surprising, because she perfectly understands men and speaks their language.

Types of Girlfriends Dangerous for Your Marriage Tips & Videos

It would seem that the “shirt-woman” is not interesting to a man as a woman. She has fun with her, but I don’t really want to sleep. But there are men who like girls like that. If your husband is attracted by weakness and femininity, you can rest assured that your girlfriend is no more than a friend to him.


She is not ashamed to tell you in the face that your husband is so and so. How did you manage to marry such a scarecrow! He doesn’t really know how to fix a crane, and he earns little money, and, in general, a complete fool! A friend criticizes her husband in his presence, either seriously or in a joking manner. The main thing is to constantly provoke him to snap back and argue.

This type is very dangerous for you. Bickering someone else’s woman can awaken in him sexual energy that he wants to use to prove to her otherwise. And where is the easiest place to prove that a man is strong, sexy and dexterous? In bed!

Also, defending your friend’s opinion can lead to an argument with your spouse. And if such arguments become regular, your family life will crack.

As soon as your friend begins to be indignant, immediately let her know that you love and respect your husband. Stop the provocateur at the root. Ask her not to say bad things about him.


Something always happens to this young lady. Either she had a broken heel, now her money was stolen, then she alone was poisoned by the cake that everyone ate. The victim girl constantly runs to you to cry into your vest.

Types of Girlfriends Dangerous for Your Marriage Tips & Videos

And you, as a kind and caring friend, are trying with all your might to help her. You send your husband to fix something in her apartment or to help her with the reinstallation of Windows.

This type is dangerous, because men are created in such a way that they are pleased to help the weak and unhappy. In such situations, they feel like heroes and rush to show their importance. True, if incidents with your girlfriend happen too often, then it can get bored.

The solution to this problem is not to involve the spouse in his girlfriend’s troubles. Try to help her only on your own.


She brags to you and your husband about how popular she is with men and how many handsome men are running after her. She is bright and self-confident, she always looks stunning. Her life is a stormy kaleidoscope of acquaintances and romances. Sexual energy and femininity sparkle from her.

Types of Girlfriends Dangerous for Your Marriage Tips & Videos

Nevertheless, this type is not very dangerous. At first, she arouses interest, seduces and lures. But very soon the man looks at the emptiness in her soul. She wants to please everyone. It shines dazzlingly, but does not warm anyone.

Of course, it’s easy to sleep with such a woman. But the realization that she belongs to everyone and no one, for most men, discourages this desire.


Thus, you need to carefully filter your girlfriends and not let your communication go on its own. Think about what is more important to you – a loved one and a strong relationship or the company of a “dubious” girlfriend?

More information on “Types of Bad Girlfriends” in this video ↓


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