Types of equations of a straight line with examples (graphs)

In this publication, we will consider various types of straight line equations, accompanying them with practical examples (graphs) for a better understanding of the theoretical material.


Types of straight line equations

Cartesian coordinate system

The general equation of a straight line looks like this:

Ax + By + C = 0

where A, B и C are arbitrary constants.


  • A и B cannot simultaneously take on a null value;
  • If A = 0, then a straight line parallel to the x-axis (Ox);
  • If B = 0, then the line parallel to the y-axis (Moon);
  • If C = 0, then the straight line passes through the origin.

Example: this is how the graph of the straight line given by the equation looks like 2x – y + 3 = 0:

Types of equations of a straight line with examples (graphs)

Slope Equation

Another common and, perhaps, more familiar way of writing the equation of a straight line:

y = kx + b

  • k – angular coefficient, k = tg α;
  • α is the angle between the positive directions of the straight line and the x-axis.

Example: graph of the straight line given by the equation y = x – 2:

Types of equations of a straight line with examples (graphs)


  • RџSЂRё k = 0 the line will be parallel to the axis Ox.
  • straight line parallel to the axis Oy, cannot be expressed in terms of such an equation.

Equation in segments

A line that intersects the x-axis at a point (a, 0) and here is the ordinate at the point (0, b), is written as follows:

Types of equations of a straight line with examples (graphs)

where a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0.


Types of equations of a straight line with examples (graphs)

Note: using such an equation, it will not be possible to write a straight line that passes through the origin.

normal equation

x cos α + y without αp = 0

  • p is the length of the perpendicular drawn to the straight line from the origin;
  • α – the angle between the positive directions of the perpendicular and the abscissa axis.


Types of equations of a straight line with examples (graphs)

Note: with p = 0 the line passes through the origin.

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