
Whatever organization you have, it is somehow organized: most likely, there are some leaders in it, and employees are somehow connected both with each other and with the management. How are they related to each other and to leadership?

The main ways to competently organize employees are the apparatus and the team. If we describe the whole variety of types of organization of employees, including not the most effective ones, then it is easy to distinguish the following types:

  • Office. Confusion in the functionality, no one is responsible for anything.
  • Kindergarten. Confusion in the functionality, everyone is ready to answer for everything.
  • Apparatus. Clarity in functionality. Everyone is responsible for his own, communication between employees only through job descriptions. The salary is set by the management.
  • Kolkhoz. The ideology of «We are all together and everything in common» in the absence of a common goal and a sense of «we are our own.» The functionality can be somehow distributed, but the salary is divided equally between everyone or appointed by the authorities «from above», but usually also equally to everyone.
  • Collective. The ideology “We are all together and everything is in common”, when everyone has a common goal and a feeling of “we are our own”.
  • Family with female ideology. The feeling of “we”, “we are all our own”, unity and care for everyone. The main task is comfort, special attention and support for the weak. Usually there is a boss from outside.
  • Family with male ideology (team). The feeling of “we”, “we are all our own”, cohesion and care for everyone, subordinate to the main goal — taking care of business. The main task is the highest possible achievements, the way is to support the strong. From above there can be either an internal leader, or an appointed one from the outside, but always an authoritative leader.
  • Association. Each for himself and his interests, but the connections are clear and suit everyone. There is no external boss, there is an elected leadership that performs organizational and coordinating functions.

Well, what type will you decide to organize your sales department?

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