The artichoke is a tall perennial plant that is valued for its high nutritional value. Large unblown inflorescences of small flowers collected in large baskets are used for food.
This plant with wide dissected leaves of a grayish-green color can reach a height of 2 m. There are about a dozen species of this culture, but only a small number of them have nutritional value.
There is nothing difficult about growing an artichoke
The most commonly grown artichoke is Spanish. In diameter, its large baskets can reach 12 cm. From it, breeders have bred several more varieties with large green and purple baskets – Romanesco, Green globe, C3, Castel. Baskets, roots and stems have a pleasant taste and are used to prepare various dietary and low-calorie meals.
In countries with warm climates, the prickly artichoke is more often grown, which is also called French or green. Plant height – 120 cm. Unblown baskets and roots are eaten.
This vegetable crop can be grown from seed or root cuttings. The seeds can be purchased at any country store.
Pre-germinated seeds are planted in a container with a prepared substrate in early March. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots, while it is advisable to pinch the root. Care for seedlings is standard: regular watering and feeding with mullein and mineral fertilizers. In early May, the seedlings are taken out into the fresh air and sun for hardening. At the end of the month, the plants are planted in open ground at a distance of 0,9 m from each other. The crop prefers sunny, sheltered from the wind areas with light and nutritious loamy soil.
In warm regions, the plant can grow in one place for at least 5 years.
Caring for adult plants consists in periodic abundant watering, top dressing, loosening the soil in the aisles and weeding.
Fruiting often begins in the second year, since the plant has a long growing season and in our conditions in the first year it simply does not have time to give a crop. You need to follow the peduncles: as soon as the upper scales begin to bend back, the fruit can be cut off. The appearance of blue petals indicates that the fruit is already overripe and cannot be eaten.
There is nothing difficult in growing this vegetable crop. By taking a little time for this exotic plant, you will receive a dietary and nutritious product that you can supplement your diet with.