
Different researchers distinguish different accentuations. The classifications of K. Leonhard and A.E. Lichko, other classifications can be found in A.P. Egides, E.A. Nekrasova and V.V. Ponomarenko, N.I. Kozlov and other authors.

In the work Accentuated Personalities, Karl Leonhard identified ten pure types and a number of intermediate ones. Pure types:

  • Demonstrative (self-confidence, vanity, boasting, lies, flattery, focus on one’s own Self as a standard). An analogue of the hysteroid type according to Lichko.
  • Emotive (kindness of heart, fearfulness, compassion). — An analogue of the labile type according to Lichko.
  • Hyperthymic (desire for activity, pursuit of experiences, optimism, focus on good luck);
  • Dysthymic (lethargy, emphasizing ethical aspects, worries and fears, focus on failure);
  • Labile (mutual compensation of traits, focus on various standards);
  • Anxious (fearfulness, timidity, humility);
  • Exalted (inspiration, elevated feelings, erection of emotions into a cult). An analogue of the labile type according to Lichko.
  • Pedantic (indecision, conscientiousness, hypochondria, fear of inconsistency with ideals). An analogue of the psychasthenic type according to Lichko.
  • Stuck (suspiciousness, resentment, vanity, transition from rise to despair); — an analogue of Ixotim, Viscous character according to Kretschmer. Another analogy is epileptoid.
  • Excitable (temper, heaviness, pedantry, focus on instincts). An analogue of the epileptoid type according to Lichko.

The other two types — the extraverted and introverted type, were described by K. Leonhard as intermediate types, since they no longer relate so much to character as to the personal level.

Karl Leonhard is primarily a psychiatrist, and his classification of types of accentuation is closest not to healthy people, but to psychiatric practice. A.E. Lichko described to a greater extent mentally safe people and younger people, namely adolescents and young men. According to the classification of A.E. Lichko, the following types of character accentuations can be distinguished:

  • Hyperthymic type
  • Cycloid type
  • Labile type
  • Astheno-neurotic type
  • sensitive type
  • Psychasthenic type
  • Schizoid type
  • Epileptoid type
  • hysterical type
  • Unstable type
  • Conformal type

The Lichko system found further development as a typology of characters or psychotypes. They are described in the books of A.P. Egides, E.A. Nekrasova and V.V. Ponomarenko. A.P. Egides described healthy people and adults, and in his classification are paranoid, epileptoid, hysteroid, hyperthym and schizoid. We emphasize once again that these psychotypes have nothing in common with such diseases as paranoia, epilepsy, hysteria and schizophrenia. We are talking about terms that define the normal «personality pattern».

Types of accentuations and socionic types

Comparison of Lichko’s typology with socionic types (article by S.I. Voroshchenko Types and pathologies — Kyiv, 1990).

Types of character accentuations describe not only the character itself, but also the personality. Personality is a broader concept than character, it includes intelligence, abilities, worldview … See Personality and character. As in the case of psychopathy, different types can be combined, or mixed, in one person, although these combinations are not arbitrary.

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