Types, causes and symptoms of cysts in newborns

Cyst in a newborn – a common benign formation. It is a cavity in an organ filled with fluid. By the end of pregnancy, a similar phenomenon in the fetus usually resolves without outside intervention. The reasons for the appearance of cysts are different. Most often, cysts are the result of the fact that newborns have not yet established a metabolism.

Symptoms of neonatal cysts depend on the type of tumor. Its localization, size and associated complications matter. Neoplasms differ in malignancy, the presence of suppuration and inflammatory processes. Newborn cysts have the following symptoms:

  • Disorder of coordination of movements and late reactions.

  • Decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs, up to its complete loss (for a certain period of time, the handle, leg is taken away).

  • Violation and deterioration of vision.

  • Headaches with a sharp character.

  • Sleep disturbances.

A cyst in an infant is detected by ultrasound. For the first time, this diagnostic method is used immediately after birth. In the process of treatment, the child must be taken for an ultrasound scan every month. This will make it possible to monitor changes in education.

brain cyst in newborns

Types, causes and symptoms of cysts in newborns

brain cyst in newbornsThis is a bubble in an organ, unusual for a normal body, filled with liquid. The brain of a newborn is sometimes affected by one or even several cysts. Their presence is diagnosed even before birth. In most cases (90% out of 100), such a cyst disappears on its own. It is more difficult to treat formations that are diagnosed after birth. This is evidence of such a negative factor as infection during pregnancy or directly during childbirth.

Treatment must begin immediately. It is generally accepted that the cyst will go away on its own, but this is just a possibility. It is necessary to minimize the risk and eliminate the source of possible severe headaches and brain development disorders. Usually parents are offered to start treatment immediately, and it should not be abandoned. Especially dangerous are cysts that reach large sizes. In such cases, their position may change, and the nearby tissues are squeezed because of this, and the brain begins to suffer from mechanical stress.

We must not allow the danger of progression of the disease. This can lead to a stroke, which is called hemorrhagic. Efficiency in diagnosis and treatment is the key to the future health of the baby.

Subependymal cyst in a newborn

A subependymal cyst in a newborn usually indicates intrauterine infection. The danger of a cyst is determined by its variety. If a subependymal cyst is diagnosed in newborns, it is considered as a pathology. It usually occurs due to a lack of oxygen or as a result of a minor hemorrhage in a part of the brain called the ventricle. If oxygen starvation has taken place, the tissues begin to die. They are replaced by a cavity that is filled with fluid – a cyst.

In most cases, these cysts in infants disappear on their own. This takes some time. They do not pose a danger to the brain of the child and its development. If the presence of a subependymal cyst is established, the observation of the child begins immediately, ultrasound is performed regularly and the process of its development is monitored. This helps prevent possible complications.

With the growth of the cyst, the pressure of the fluid in it simultaneously increases. Tissue compression should not be allowed. This can lead to deformations of the brain, in particular, due to a change in the position of the formation. As a result, the child’s health deteriorates to a critical level.

Vascular plexus cysts in a newborn

Choroid plexus cysts in a newborn are an easily treatable common disease. It is the choroid plexuses that are primarily formed in the head of the human embryo. They are detected as early as the sixth week of pregnancy, when the fetus is monitored using ultrasound. With the participation of the vascular plexuses, a special cerebral fluid is produced – cerebrospinal fluid. It serves as the basis for the proper development of the cells of the future spinal cord and brain.

Why is such a cyst dangerous? The choroid plexus, which is the most complex in nature, is formed in an unborn child in the amount of two pieces. Their presence suggests that the brain develops normally. There are no nerve cells in the vascular plexuses. But it is in them that a fluid is formed that nourishes the nerve cells at the initial stages of embryo development.

This type of cyst has its own characteristics. Drops of cerebral fluid fall into a kind of trap, being located in the choroid plexus. As a result, vascular cysts appear. CSF is enclosed in these cavities. Cysts form in the right and left choroid plexus and are easily detected by ultrasound. There are also bilateral formations. The appearance of such an education indicates that the pregnancy passes with violations, but this does not mean that the child will be born sick.

ovarian cyst in newborns

Types, causes and symptoms of cysts in newborns

An ovarian cyst in newborns occurs with certain concomitant factors. With the destruction of the ecology and for some other reasons, for example, due to infections or bad habits of the mother, unwanted formations may appear in girls immediately after birth. Medical statistics confirm that there are more and more such cases. Cysts in the internal genital organs of girls appear even at a very early age, and sometimes in fetuses. Such cysts are not difficult to identify during a routine ultrasound. According to statistics, they are formed no earlier than the 24th week of pregnancy.

Why do newborn girls get ovarian cysts? Heredity is very important. This is one of the most significant factors influencing the appearance of neoplasms on the ovaries. Sometimes the reasons are different, but they are all related to the health of the mother:

  • complications during pregnancy,

  • preeclampsia

  • unfavorable maternal history,

  • viral infections,

  • hormone courses,

  • previous abortions,

  • salpingo-oophoritis, oncological diseases.

There are several types of ovarian cysts in newborns:

  1. Homogeneous unilateral formation, with clear contours;

  2. Cystic appearance of formation with internal partitions;

  3. Cyst with a dense component.

The first type is more common than others.

Arachnoid cyst in newborns

Arachnoid cyst in newborns occurs in the brain. This is an anomaly that is rare. According to statistics, it is diagnosed only in 3% of the examined newborns. This is the name of an intracranial formation with a thin shell. The cyst is located between the brain and the arachnoid. The outer membrane of such a cyst closely adjoins the solid walls of the brain, and the inner membrane is in contact with the soft membranes.

There are two types of arachnoid cysts: primary and secondary. Primary are congenital formations. Secondary ones arise as a result of an inflammatory process or surgical intervention, when another cyst was removed. Diagnosis of a primary arachnoid cyst can be carried out even during pregnancy, in the later stages. It is also easily detected in the first hours of a newborn’s life.

According to statistics, such cysts are more often formed in boys. Symptoms are usually the following:

  • Headache attacks.

  • Mental disorders.

  • Vomiting.

  • Nausea.

  • Convulsions.

  • Hallucinations.

The prognosis is positive. Such a disease does not affect the further development of the newborn.

Periventricular cyst in a newborn

A periventricular cyst in a newborn affects the white matter of the brain. Because of it, newborns often experience paralysis. The pathogenesis of this disease manifests itself through foci of necrosis in the periventricular areas of the white matter of the brain. This is one of the varieties of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

Cyst treatment is complex. It is quite complex, and is based on a combination of drug therapy with surgical intervention. Periventricular cysts are difficult to treat on their own. They appear for various reasons:

  • hereditary pathologies,

  • fetal abnormalities,

  • infectious lesions,

  • complications during pregnancy.

Such cysts most often occur in the perinatal period.

Cyst of the spermatic cord in newborns

A cyst of the spermatic cord in newborns is a small volume of fluid enclosed in a vesicle. It usually forms in the sheaths of the spermatic cord. A favorable environment for the cyst is located in the area of ​​​​the open vaginal process of the peritoneum. A cyst of the spermatic cord has much in common with a disease such as dropsy of the testicular membranes (hydrocele). The diseases have a similar origin and methods of treatment. The cyst of the spermatic cord has the ability to grow, increasing in volume. This is typical for an acute cyst. If left untreated, it develops into an inguinal hernia.

There are situations when such a cyst communicates with the abdominal organs. In this case, its size depends on the daily physiological cycle, and the fluid flows from the abdominal organs into the cyst cavity and back. The process contributes to the transformation of the cyst into a hernia of the inguinal or inguinal-scrotal region. There are factors leading to the disappearance of communication with the abdominal cavity. Often this occurs due to blockage of the cavity from the inside, injury or inflammation. As a result, the cyst of the spermatic cord becomes threatening due to the risk of rupture.

This disease is most often treated with surgery. In infants under one year old, a testicular or spermatic cord cyst sometimes resolves on its own. For children of the younger age group with a cyst of the spermatic cord, a stable observation of the surgeon is organized. It is carried out until reaching 1-2 years of age. Surgical treatment is carried out if the patient has reached 1,5 – 2 years of age, and the cyst has not resolved.

Choroidal cyst in a newborn

Choroidal cyst in a newborn is a disease that affects the choroid plexus of the brain. Causes: intrauterine infection or injury received during pregnancy or during childbirth. This type of cyst is removed by only one method – surgical. Such education resolves with difficulty, the percentage of such cases does not exceed 45%.

The choroidal cyst of a newborn is easily recognized by the symptoms. The child suffers from convulsive reactions, twitches. He constantly finds himself either in a sleepy state, or vice versa – all the time he seems restless. The body cannot function normally. The baby has impaired coordination of movements. It is not difficult to diagnose a choroidal cyst in a newborn. At the very first ultrasound examination, it turns out that the fontanel cannot close, although it should already be due. The method of treatment is quite complicated – surgical methods and drug therapy are used.

Kidney cyst in a newborn

Types, causes and symptoms of cysts in newborns

A cyst on a kidney in a newborn has almost no effect on the activity of the organ. Ultrasound is the best tool for accurate diagnosis of such a formation. It is also very important to identify the features of the blood supply of the resulting cyst.

Newborns can suffer from several types of kidney cysts. Most often, formations are unilateral. However, if a cortical cyst is found on one of the kidneys, it can be assumed that the tumor most likely arose on the second. This disease is diagnosed not only by ultrasound, but also through duplex scanning. It is used to determine if the tumor is malignant.

The following types of renal cysts are diagnosed in newborns:

  • Simple view, cortical. In many ways, this disease proceeds in the same way as in adults.

  • Polycystic – it is laid during the tenth week of intrauterine development, if the renal tubules are blocked. Instead of healthy kidney tissue, a cyst forms. The consequences of the disease are completely impaired blood circulation, blockage of the ureter. There are frequent cases when a kidney lesion with polycystic disease is not detected by ultrasound. The prognosis is favorable only if the second kidney develops normally.

  • Nephroma multiforme is a malignant tumor that is more common in boys under the age of five.

Treatment of kidney cysts in newborns is usually medical. Therapy is carried out with a noticeable increase in benign cysts in size.

Cyst under the tongue in a newborn

A cyst under the tongue in a newborn appears due to the peculiarities of the development of the thyroid duct. Occurs quite often. The condition of the newborn and the nature of the clinical picture depend on the size of the tumor. If the formation is large, it will interfere with eating and proper breathing, and it will have to be removed. A sublingual cyst develops under the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. The frenulum of the tongue is on the side of it. Large size can lead to an attack of asphyxia when pressed. The cyst has a soft elastic consistency. The shell is translucent, the body seems slightly bluish.

As a rule, such formation resolves on its own in the first months after birth. Treatment is required only if self-healing has not occurred. Usually resort to drug therapy. Dissection is carried out only in children, starting from primary school age.

When a cyst appears under the tongue, you need to contact a dentist-surgeon, a specialist in the pediatric department. Depending on the complexity of the disease, conclusions are drawn about the urgency of the intervention.


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