Types and varieties of zucchini

Zucchini is a hypoallergenic, low-calorie vegetable that is rich in trace elements and vitamins. It is not surprising that zucchini has become a favorite crop for many summer residents and gardeners. Besides they are very simple and easy to care for: the plant does not require complex processing, strict adherence to bait and watering schemes – zucchini grows almost by itself. Having planted just a couple of bushes on his site, a good owner will provide the whole family with healthy vegetables, because zucchini is also very fruitful.

Types and varieties of zucchini

You can learn about what varieties of zucchini exist, how the varieties of this crop differ, from this article. And besides, get acquainted with the varieties of zucchini, with their photos and descriptions.

Classification of varieties

Like all vegetable crops, zucchini is divided into several subspecies according to the following criteria:

  • ripening terms (early, middle, late-ripening);
  • type of pollination (bee-pollinated or unpollinated);
  • planting method (in open or closed ground);
  • origin (hybrids or varieties);
  • purpose (for sale, canning, eating raw or in salads, for preparing caviar).

Types and varieties of zucchini

Each owner himself chooses the most suitable varieties of zucchini for him, while taking into account the characteristics of his site and plans for the future harvest.

Disembarkation methods

When choosing a variety of zucchini, first of all, you need to think about the method of planting seeds. In the northern regions, it is better to prefer late-ripening types of zucchini, they are planted in the ground when the air temperature stabilizes and there is no threat of frost.

Types and varieties of zucchini

If you want to treat yourself to early vegetables, you can plant zucchini in a greenhouse or greenhouse. For these purposes, early-ripening varieties of zucchini are chosen, which ripen quickly and give early harvests.

Zucchini is mainly planted with seeds – they germinate quickly and do not require special care. Fans of early ripe vegetables can plant zucchini in seedlings.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Important! Zucchini are fragile plants. If the seeds are planted for seedlings, it is better to choose disposable containers so as not to damage the seedlings during transplantation to a permanent place.


Types and varieties of zucchini

Variety of zucchini intended for cultivation in open ground. “Chaklun” is characterized by long fruiting and early ripening – the first fruits appear already on the 45th day after planting the seeds in the ground.

Bushes grow small, compact. The plant is resistant to some fungal infections.

Young zucchini should weigh up to 0,5 kg and have a smooth, light green skin. An increase in the size of the fruit and the appearance of ribs on its surface indicate the overripeness of the vegetable and its unsuitability for human consumption.

The pulp of the marrow of this variety is tender, dense, with a “signature” marrow flavor. Vegetables are suitable for salads and side dishes, as well as for casseroles and canning. The fruits have good keeping quality, which allows them to be transported over long distances and sold.

«Charisma F1»

Types and varieties of zucchini

The hybrid variety has a high yield – about a dozen ripe fruits can be removed from each bush, new ovaries appear over a long period of time.

Bushes grow powerful, with abundant foliage and strong shoots. The fruits themselves have a cylindrical shape and a light green skin. The pulp of zucchini is juicy, with a pleasant taste.

Variety “Carisma F1” is successfully used for cooking various dishes, as well as for canning and pickling.

Early ripening (45-47 days after planting seeds), unpretentious care, increased resistance to cold and frost made the hybrid one of the best-selling. Zucchini perfectly tolerate transportation and storage, do not deform and do not rot.


Types and varieties of zucchini

This variety belongs to the subspecies of zucchini – zucchini. Zucchini peel is dark in color and has a more delicate texture.

The first zucchini of this variety can be obtained already on the 55th day after planting the seeds. Fruits grow long, cylindrical. Their mass often reaches 700 grams, there are also kilogram zucchini “Skvorushka”.

Bushes grow massive and climbing, have many ovaries. The variety bears fruit for a long time, gives high yields.

Zucchini have delicious pulp, they make good caviar, salads, casseroles and other dishes. Like all zucchini, “Skvorushka” perfectly tolerates transportation and storage, retaining its presentation for a long time.


Types and varieties of zucchini

This hybrid belongs to the most resistant varieties of zucchini – it perfectly tolerates low temperatures, low light, and prolonged drought. With such unpretentious care, “Pharaoh” gives one of the highest yields.

The first zucchini of this variety can be removed from the bush as early as 55 days after sowing the seeds. The fruits grow long, massive – their weight often reaches one kilogram. The color of the peel of zucchini is dark green, close to black.

The plant bears fruit for a long time, which allows you to get plentiful harvests. The flesh of zucchini is sweet and fragrant, they are great for any kind of processing.


This variety is best grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse – zucchini loves heat and humidity. But in the southern regions, the Beloplodny zucchini can be planted in open ground.

The fruits ripen very early – already on the 36th day after sowing the seeds, young vegetables will begin to appear. Bushes grow compact, but have well-developed lateral lashes. The color of the fruit is white (as the name of the variety indicates), the shape is pear-shaped. The mass of one zucchini of this variety ranges from 900-1000 grams.

The plant is hardened from most diseases and infections characteristic of zucchini. Bushes tolerate high humidity and insect attacks well. The yield of the variety is high, which, together with good keeping quality, makes it possible to grow “Beloplodny” not only for personal needs, but also for sale.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Ripening rate

Varieties of zucchini are also divided according to the speed of ripening. When buying seeds, one should not neglect such a factor as the ripening period of vegetables.

Rannie zucchini begin to bear fruit already on the 37th day after planting in the ground. These fruits do not have good keeping quality or high palatability, but they provide consistently high yields, which is especially appreciated by those who sell fresh vegetables.

Medium-ripening varieties it is necessary to choose for those who appreciate the taste characteristics of zucchini – the fruits have a rich taste, are suitable for preparing a variety of dishes and canning.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Late ripe zucchini grown in the northern regions, where summer comes late and does not last long. Such fruits are best stored if you put the zucchini in the cellar, they can lie until spring.

Advice! In order to always have fresh vegetables on the site, you need to plant several types of zucchini at once: early, medium and late. This vegetable has a short growing season, the only way to ensure constant fruiting.

«Iskander F1»

Zucchini belongs to the very early, it can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses. To land on the site, you need to wait for the first warm weather, cold nights and slight frosts are not terrible for the plant.

For greenhouse cultivation, you can build a temporary greenhouse. For this, PVC pipes are used, they are bent and installed on the ground. These arcs are covered with agrofiber or a dense film. Under shelter, zucchini ripen earlier and bear fruit better.

The bushes of this variety are low and not sprawling, and the fruits themselves are small. Their length can reach only 17 cm, but it is better to pick zucchini, which are about 12 cm long. Young zucchini have a thin skin and tender pitted flesh.

The variety is excellent for growing for sale, vegetables lie for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

Types and varieties of zucchini

“Island F1”

An early ripe hybrid gives the first fruits already on the 45th day after sowing the seeds. Excellent for outdoor cultivation, as it is not afraid of frost and heavy rains. The vegetable is also well adapted to greenhouse conditions – it does not suffer from root rot and does not become infected with mold, the most common ailments of greenhouse crops.

Zucchini grow small, have a spindle shape and a pale green peel. If the crop is not harvested on time, the shape of the zucchini will become pear-shaped, and the skin will become rough and dense.

Like all hybrids, “Aral F1” gives good yields.

Types and varieties of zucchini

“Kavili F1”

Parthenocarpic hybrid refers to the early ripening, quickly matures and gives abundant harvests. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and outdoors, but requires increased attention. Zucchini variety “Kavili F1” needs regular watering and good feeding, this is the only way to get high yields.

Young fruits have a very tender pulp and thin skin, they are distinguished by an unusual taste and aroma. Harvested at the wrong time, the fruits are not inferior in all qualities to young zucchini – they retain both taste and tenderness. This allows you to harvest less often, makes it easier to care for vegetables.

The hybrid does not need insects for pollination, it is self-pollinating. The plant rarely gets sick and is resistant to pests.

Types and varieties of zucchini


One of the mid-season varieties is Kuand zucchini. It has an unusual appearance – a striped peel, painted in dark green and light green stripes.

The plant is very resistant – it tolerates drought, excess moisture, cold snap or lack of sun. This variety is not afraid of pests and diseases – it has immunity to them.

The taste qualities of this variety of zucchini are also on top – it is suitable for salads and caviar.

The only caveat is the rapid ripening of the fruit. If the zucchini is not harvested on time, their peel will become too hard, and the flesh will be hard and tasteless.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Unusual zucchini varieties

Zucchini do not always have an elongated shape and green color, there are more exotic varieties. Some of them have an interesting shape, others have fancy colors, others have non-standard sizes. These “exotics” are as edible as regular varieties, and sometimes surprise with an unusual taste and aroma.

Types and varieties of zucchini

“Spaghetti Raviolo”

Outwardly, this exotic variety is not very different from the usual zucchini – however, its shape is round, and the peel has a yellowish tint.

The bushes of this plant surprise with powerful growth and abundance of foliage, many ovaries appear on them. With good care, the fruits grow up to 900 grams. At a young age, these zucchini are practically no different from the usual varieties – they have the same pulp and aroma.

However, if you pick the fruit at the wrong time, it becomes rougher, has a dense, hard peel. If you cut it, you can see an unusual pulp, consisting of long fibers.

The boiled pulp of Spaghetti Raviolo zucchini is similar in appearance to spaghetti, only it is much healthier than regular pasta. The fruits are perfectly stored, which allows you to cook amazing dishes from them all year round.

Types and varieties of zucchini

«Lagenaria Kalebasa»

Another unusual variety is Lagenaria Calabaza zucchini. A very productive hybrid – from one powerful and sprawling bush you can collect up to 40 kg of fresh fruits. To get such a number of zucchini, the plant needs to be well looked after, watered and fertilized on time.

Young fruits have a delicate green tint, thin skin and a pear-like shape. To taste, they are no different from other zucchini, perfectly prepared, canned and marinated.

However, as soon as the zucchini “Lagenaria Calabaza” is a little overripe, they become unsuitable for eating. But they are used for the manufacture of decorative dishes and vases – an unusual shape and very hard walls contribute to the “longevity” and practicality of such vessels.

Types and varieties of zucchini

“Lagenaria vulgaris”

This is probably the most amazing variety of zucchini. The bushes grow very large, have long lashes that need to be tied to a trellis or support. The fruits have an elongated shape, their length can reach 170 cm, and weight – 12 kg! This allows you to get crazy yields.

You can only eat young zucchini of the Lagenaria ordinary variety, their maturity is checked with a fingernail – if the peel is easily pierced, you can still eat zucchini. Overripe fruits, as in the previous variety, are used in arts and crafts.

This variety has an unusual quality – zucchini can be cut directly from the garden, the cut is covered with a crust, and the vegetable can grow further. The pulp of the fruit is tasty, it is used for a variety of purposes.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Which varieties are best

There are no best varieties of zucchini, there are those most suitable for certain conditions. If you need to surprise guests, plant exotic zucchini with unusual fruits. When the result is important, productive hybrids are chosen. Parthenocarpic cultures that have been hardened from infectious diseases and rot are more suitable for a greenhouse.

Each variety of zucchini is good in its own way. The only thing that unites them is unpretentiousness and precocity.

BEST Varieties of Zucchini ☛ Comparison of 6 varieties of zucchini!

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